Choosing optional modules

When you decide which optional modules to choose, you can only select modules from the lists specified in eNROL. You must enrol for the correct number of modules in accordance with your programme structure and you must attend all associated tuition. There are also a few other things you need to remember:

Module enrolment or course registration?

The process of enrolling onto modules is not the same process as registering for your course. You will need to complete the registration process in addition to choosing your modules. For information on how to do this, please visit our registration pages for new and returning students.

Enrolling on a module twice

You're not allowed to enrol for a module which you have already taken in a previous stage. Credits cannot be awarded twice for the same module. You can only take the same module again if you have been required by an exam board to repeat a stage on a full or part-time basis due to academic failure.

Level 6 modules in second year

If you are thinking about selecting a level 6 module(s) as an option in your second year (for example ZY333-6-FY), you should discuss your option choices with a member of staff in your department. Level 6 modules are normally taken in the final year of a three-year degree, or the third year of a four-year degree, and it is important you understand the intellectual demand and level of work expected, and the implications involved in taking a level 6 module in your second year. Find out more about levels of study and the University’s Rules of Assessment.

Module approval process

Most modules are approved as soon as you submit your selections via the online system. There are a few modules that need department approval and your confirmation email will indicate modules awaiting approval. Departments will review your choices and send you automated emails to confirm the enrolment has been approved, or advising why it cannot be approved. Some departments review the choices daily, others less frequently, according to the needs of the department. This process may take several weeks depending on the reason for manual approval by the department.

Timetable clashes

Enrolment on optional modules are subject to timetable constraints. Please note that:

  • if you wish to enrol on a module that clashes with a core/compulsory or another option module(s), you must choose an alternative module
  • if you enrol for two optional modules with a timetable clash between lectures, you'll need to change one of the conflicting modules
  • where a clash occurs in a class/lab session and there is no opportunity to move to another class/lab session, you must choose another option immediately

Where the clash only occurs in one week you should contact the academic department that is teaching the module, as you may be permitted to enrol on the module and catch up on the teaching from the clashing week. 

It's not possible to claim extenuating circumstances if you miss sessions because you haven't taken steps to change options quickly.

Attending modules prior to enrolment

You're not allowed to attend modules that you're not officially enrolled on after the deadline for choosing modules.

Changing course

If you are considering changing your course of study, you should choose optional modules in such a way that you have the widest possible choice of courses open to you at the end of the first year.

If you wish to change course you must submit your application to change as far in advance of this date as possible, particularly if the change involves enrolling for different modules. Late requests to change course or enrol for modules will need special approval from the Dean after consultation with the relevant department.

It may not be possible to grant late requests if you have missed too much tuition and/or have missed assessment on the new modules. If you are a first year student who wishes to change course and repeat the first year again you must submit your application to change by the deadline for intermitting. If you don't submit your application by this date you'll be expected to sit your examinations in the summer. For more advice please contact your department or a member of staff in the Student Progress Team.

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