Street Food Huts

Experience a world of flavours at our Street Food Huts on Square Four. Serving fresh, seasonal, international food, you'll be spoilt for choice!

Opening hours

Summer School season -  1 to 31 July 2024 

Monday 8 to Friday 26 July 2024

  • Pizza Street Food Hut: 11.00am to 7.00pm, Monday to Friday
  • Kebab Street Food Hut: 11.00am to 3.00pm, Monday to Friday

Street Food Huts are closed at the weekend.

Important information during Summer School season

Customers visiting our outlets may experience longer wait times due to Summer Schools on campus. It is advised that you try to avoid peak service times where possible. Peak times to avoid are between:

  • Breakfast: 7.30am to 9.15am
  • Lunch: 12.15pm to 2.15pm
  • Dinner: 5.30pm to 8.00pm

Menus may vary due to demand, and to accommodate large numbers on campus. It is recommended that you check menus in outlets, including allergen information.

Essex Food appreciates your patience during this time.

Find this outlet

Our Street Food Huts are located on Square 4.

The Street Food Huts are operated by Essex Food Essex Food Essex Food and accepts Essex Food Rewards Essex Food Rewards Essex Food Rewards.