Periods of extended absence from teaching

Absences exceeding ten days

If you're absent for more than ten days, you will need to provide medical evidence (in the case of illness) or a detailed statement with any supporting evidence.

You should contact your Personal Tutor, departmental staff or your Student Services Hub for advice and support, particularly if you're likely to be absent for several weeks.

University work-based placements

If you are on a University organised work-based placement for over ten days and your timetable shows that you should be in a teaching event you must submit a notification of absence for the whole time you are on placement.


If you have missed, or are going to miss, a significant amount of teaching, you should discuss the option of formally taking a break from your studies (intermitting) with your Personal Tutor, other member of departmental staff or your Student Services Hub.

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For help and guidance relating to engagement, LEAP, attendance and progress