University is promoted as a place of freedom, open-mindedness, and self-discovery; however, every single year, we constantly hear reports of racial harassment/discrimination against black students by their peers, or members of staff. Whilst these topics are important and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure we discuss and bring about change, it’s also extremely valuable and vital to go beyond such topics. Black history goes beyond slavery! It is important that we, as a student community, gain a broader understanding and appreciate this so that we can be proud and spotlight Black Excellence.

That is what Black History Month does. It enables everyone, regardless of race/ethnicity to shine a light on our shared British history and tell the whole story truthfully; to decolonise and reclaim history. This month-long celebration recognises the events, the activism and the achievements of Black people who have impacted, shaped, and continue to influence our society. 

As a Black woman who comes from such a rich Black history, I value and respect our amazing heritage from the oppression, and struggles, our ancestors overcame to the current struggles we are yet to overcome. Understanding and knowing our past and how we got here makes future paths clear for all races, not just the Black race. Black history, in my view, shouldn’t be restricted to one month, it should be celebrated and recognised all year round as it is not just a month to be ticked off a calendar dominated by a white-washed version of history. It should be given the representation it deserves and allowed to flow through our curriculum and daily life.

The time for talking and making promises is over

Whilst the tragic murder of George Floyd and COVID-19 brought about a wave of solidarity in the moment, it is important for us to ensure that the changes and actions that took place after the mass public outrage continue and progress, until racism within Higher Education is dissolved. This is a time to honour the commitment to learning and standing united against racism. It’s a time to reclaim history and re-imagine how our shared history will be told in the future.

As an SU are committed to working with the University to help improve the racial equality, progression and representation of Black and Ethnic students and staff, through the implementation of the Race Equality Charter.

I believe what happens within an institution reflects what is going on outside its borders. So, although we cannot instantly change the systemic racism of the outside world, we can control what happens on our campus and lobby for change.

As a Student’s Union, we have:

  1. Held ourselves accountable and learnt from our past failures;
  2. Set-up committees and created a Black Student Community Officer role who represents the needs of their community;
  3. Created hate reporting centres to give our students a safe and confidential space to report their experiences.

However, this is still not enough! 

As members of the University, we are the ones to set the tone for the next generation, so it's time for us to collectively hold the responsibility to educate, challenge and change the culture around racial inequality – it is not good enough to say ‘I’m not racist’. We must do more by actively challenging others and fighting back against racism and microaggressions within our friendship groups, lecture halls, and places of work.

We’re working hard with you and for you, but we need people to listen and understand the impact this has on each other, our campus, our culture and our communities. We want everyone to recognise the power they hold as students and staff to make a difference and make Essex a safe place for ALL our students. 

At Essex, we like to say we are rebels; stereotype-breakers, world-shakers and opinion -makers, so be involved with the change, refuse to be conform institutional racism and make your voice heard!