The Enactus Essex society wanted to share this message of support with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement:

“May we continue to give compassion and seek understanding, despite our differences, for the rest of our lives. May we continue to stand by each other, as equals, as one, when the energy for equality dies.” – Vex King.

We aren’t going to sit here and deny that racism doesn’t exist, it’s undoubtedly everywhere. What we resist shall persist, hence we must not remain silent. What is happening right now is not normal and is unacceptable.

It’s necessary to not overlook the fact that having a darker skin tone can often make life more challenging. Some people or should we say the unfair truth, that is people of colour, have to consciously think about how to approach each day, unlike other people of privilege. If you haven’t experienced anything such, then imagine going out everyday with the fear that someone might be triggered with your presence just because of the way you look, and you’ve got to think about your safety. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee and George Floyd, to name a few are many of the innocent lives lost. To the Black people, we want you to know that we stand with you, we stand for justice and love.

It’s up to all of us, it’s in our hands to be the change we want to see. We must believe and also stand for equality. The first step is self-awareness. Did we all forget how to love? It’s our nature by default and if one has learned to hate, one can be taught to love too. Take a moment to reflect and throw away the ideologies that creates a division amongst us. Let us learn to love again, once more.

Now is certainly the best time. Not being racist and not causing any harm isn’t enough. We’ve already seen the consequences of that. We must acknowledge humans, all humans. We must reinforce the belief that Black lives matter. We must hear people of colour and amplify their voices. If you choose to stay silent and neutral, sorry to say but you’re causing more harm to those who have been exploited and victimized.

#BlackLivesMatter – please note, no one claims that only they matter. As much as all lives matter, Black lives are in danger. It is important that we understand and find a solution to the injustice our black brothers and sisters are dealing with. This issue must be handled by spreading awareness and acting from the place of love in order to make progress. Please do not be silenced, thinking how others will react. After all, to bring about change we must act. Act for the ambition to unify the world. Their pain is our pain, we are all one part of the human race.

Here at Enactus Essex, we aim to use our voice to support what’s right, powered by our founding belief in creating a better world using an entrepreneurial mindset, teamwork and business as a driving force. Through all this, we stand with you. We truly support #BlackLivesMatter. As a matter of fact, our multicultural team focuses on inclusivity. We have people from, as well as international projects based in Black communities. We are action oriented, attuned to the needs of others, and strive to be driving change that benefits all communities worldwide.

Together let us ensure a world where #WeAllWin.