University Strategy 2019-28

1.4 Supporting and celebrating the contributions of all staff to our shared mission

1.4.1 At Essex, we value the contribution that every member of staff makes to our University mission. We recognise the importance of meaningful relationships and partnerships across the University in realising our shared endeavour, and the role of staff voices in helping to shape our living and learning communities.

1.4.2 As a learning organisation, we value and support the ongoing development of professional knowledge, expertise and skills. We are committed to a culture of collaboration, agility and team-work, sharing good practices, promoting learning and skills across departments and sections and working across disciplines and functions to produce outstanding outcomes.

1.4.3 We will work in partnership across the University’s communities to nurture the environments that support transformational education and research, enabling and recognising the contributions of all staff to our shared mission. We will promote our commitment to education and research through the value we place on learning within and across teams, and on evidence and data-led decision making, in academic departments and professional services. We never stop learning and this commitment shapes our relationships with each other and with our partners.