Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Psychology training

Aspire Mentoring Scheme

DCP ASPIRE Mentorship programme


Aspire is a mentoring scheme created by the University of Essex Clinical Psychology Doctoral programme. The scheme is funded by NHS as part of their racial equity initiative. It aims to provide mentoring for ethnic minority aspiring psychologists who are interested in applying to a clinical psychology doctoral programme in the UK.

We have been meeting every 3 months since January 2021.

Download our flyer

Aspiring mentees please sign up via Qualtrics

If you have any questions or urgent queries, please contact: Denise Green (Lead Administrator for the Aspire Mentoring Scheme and Targeted Outreach Project) dagreen@essex.ac.uk

About the scheme

Mentees and mentors are expected to meet for personal and professional development. As part of the scheme, mentees will have access to a peer support platform via Mighty Networks and opportunities to access upcoming free clinical and research skills-based workshops.

Benefits of mentoring

Mentoring can help to widen support networks by connecting mentees with qualified and trainee clinical psychologists who can draw on professional and personal experience. A mentor can fulfil many roles and adapt their support based on mentees' changing needs and goals. They can help to support mentees aspirations and build on their strengths and skills.

Role of a mentor

The purpose of mentorship is to provide advice and encouragement to support mentees at the current stage of their professional journey. Topics can range from:

  • Doctoral/job applications
  • Information about pathways into clinical psychology
  • Interview advice - Leadership and current NHS issues
  • Reflecting on personal experiences related to identity
  • Theory to practice links
  • Alternative career paths
  • Personal development


Mentees will be allocated to a qualified clinical psychologist and if possible one trainee.

Sessions will occur virtually on Zoom/MS teams/Google Hangout. We kindly ask that mentees are actively involved in the scheme and any opportunities provided. Outside of the formal mentoring sessions, we encourage mentees to use the peer support platform to ask their peers questions, share resources, arrange peer support meet-ups or use the space to practice interview scenarios or entry tests etc.

When working together

  • Remember that your mentor is giving up time to help you – please try to ensure that the relationship runs as smoothly as possible.
  • Be prepared to also take a role in keeping the relationship moving – for example, meeting frequency and agenda-setting.
  • Ensure that you are all clear on how the relationship will work. For example, how long will you work together? How often will you meet?
  • Try to plan your meetings in advance (diaries fill up fast).
  • Be aware that your mentor may not be comfortable, willing or able to offer all of the help that you would like. Try to make your motives clear to your mentor so that they understand why you are making a particular request.
  • Keep notes of when meetings took place, what was discussed in meetings and any points of action. These notes could be fairly factual or could form the basis of a reflective log or diary.
  • Try to take any feedback offered by your mentor as constructively as possible – be prepared to reflect on what your mentor says and how you can make real use of their comments.
  • Share successes and positive experiences as well as problems with your mentor so that they are aware of your successes too.
  • If you are unsure of anything discussed or have a question do not be afraid to ask.

IPA Mentoring Scheme

Please review the Independent Personal Adviser (.docx) Scheme guidance before making an application.

If you have any questions or urgent queries, please contact: Denise Green (Lead Administrator for the Aspire Mentoring Scheme and Targeted Outreach Project) dagreen@essex.ac.uk

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

Working Group: Anti-racism & Decolonising the Curriculum - DClin Psychology Course

Scope of Group:

To review current anti-racist, anti-discriminatory practice for all aspects of the course and placements and identify gaps and areas for ongoing development to develop scope for working group to forward anti-racist, decolonising process. The HEE Equity of Access and Inclusion Action plan was used as focus for the meeting. Currently the DClinPsych course is developing an Equality, Diversity and inclusion (EDI) following successful bid to HEE. This working group can help to promote and track this programme. The trainee presence of the group will help to ensure a “feedback loop” so that initiatives are reviewed, and ongoing issues can be named.

Shelves in a library, filled with books.
Blog: An inclusive and decolonised Health and Social Care curriculum

In this blog post Akudo Amadiegwu and Professor Winifred Eboh discuss how decolonising the curriculum for healthcare and social care can improve health and wellbeing for patients and service users in marginalised communities.

Read the blog
A photo across a lake, with buildings in the background and their reflection in the water of the lake.
Get in touch
Denise Green Lead Administrator for the Aspire Mentoring Scheme and Targeted Outreach Project