Technician Commitment

The Technician Survey

Complete the survey
A person viewing an invitation to complete The Technician Commitment Survey if they are a technician, or a member of technical staff in the professional services section or academic departments

The survey is closed now, thank you for taking part.

Why are we running the Technician Skills, Roles, and Responsibilities Survey at Essex

The survey is an important part of the University’s pledge to the Technician Commitment. We will use what you tell us to inform the University’s ongoing programme of work to support the development and career progression of technical colleagues. The outcomes of this survey will feed into an action plan to deliver change for the benefit of technical staff.

This survey will enable us to collect, document and understand the full skills profile of technical staff across the University. The survey also collects information on those skills that technicians would like to acquire. Having such information will be extremely useful when considering training and development, succession planning and when developing new opportunities for current staff members.

It is important to emphasise that the purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of our technical workforce, for us to be able to deliver positive change based on the key themes of the Technician Commitment. This includes raising the visibility of technicians and their contributions to the University, their skills, knowledge and qualifications, and enabling career progression and ensuring the future sustainability of those skills.

Bryn Morris speaking at an awards ceremony
“Our technicians play a pivotal role in the delivery of the University’s mission of excellence in education and research. This survey will enable us to make informed decisions about the development of our technical workforce as we develop our research environment and the breadth and diversity of our programmes of study. As technicians and technical staff, you are essential to the successful operation of the University. This technical skills survey will allow us to collect valuable information on the broad range of skills you employ in your role and your survey responses will feed directly into our next Technician Commitment action plan"
Bryn Morris Registrar and Secretary

Completing the survey

You should be sent a link to your email account to complete the NTDC technician survey. If you have not received it, please contact the Technician Commitment team by emailing

Thank you.


What is The National Technician Development Centre?

The National Technician Development Centre (NTDC), funded by HEFCE and the University of Sheffield, was launched in 2017. The Centre aims to enhance the excellence and efficiency of the technical workforce in Higher Education (HE) and address the growing skills gap which threatens our future success in high priority subject areas.

What is the NTDC Technician Survey?

The NTDC Technician Survey is a comprehensive workforce-planning research tool, designed to help HEIs capture relevant information needed to support workforce planning. It is designed to enable each HEI to capture intelligence to understand their technical workforce, and for the NTDC to understand the sector technical workforce on a wider scale. The survey captures information related to technician roles across an institution.

Colleagues at the University of Essex have worked closely with NTDC staff to develop this version of the survey.

The findings of this survey, and resulting feedback, will be used to inform future versions of the tool.

Every participant will also have the opportunity to download a copy of their responses to aid future development.

The Centre aims to help HEIs address the skills gap in a number of ways, including the use of the Technician Skills, Roles and Responsibilities Audit, which includes this survey.

Why are we running the NTDC Technician Survey at the University of Essex?

As technical staff, supporting highly specialised and diverse disciplines, we hold a vast array of technical skills. Whilst we have a good understanding of the skills that we currently use to deliver support to teaching and research at the University, it would take us some time to document and demonstrate such an extensive repertoire of capabilities. In addition, many of us have additional skills that we have acquired, sometimes from working elsewhere, or in working in different roles at the University. These skills may not currently be in use and therefore may not be apparent but are just as important when considering the extensive skills sets that we hold. This survey will enable us to collect, document and understand the full skills profile of the Technical Staff team. The survey also collects information on those skills that we as technicians would like to acquire. Having such information will be extremely useful when we are considering training and development, succession planning and when developing new opportunities for current staff members.

Who should complete the survey?

We are inviting all technical staff at the University to complete the survey, including staff in professional service sections and academic departments.

What will I be asked?

The survey will ask questions related to your role as a technician, your areas of responsibility, and the technical skills and techniques you commonly use in your job.

What will happen with my responses?

Your responses to the survey will be held confidentially and securely, aligned with data protection guidelines and 2018 Data Protection Act legislation, by the NTDC team. The data will be analysed to evaluate this version of the survey. All project reporting by the NTDC will be done using anonymised data. This will allow us to further understand the technical sector skills gaps at a national level.

Survey responses will be securely stored by the University of Essex for 12 months, in line with our Data Protection Policy. Access to individual responses will be restricted to the Technician Commitment Leads for analysis. Anonymised data will be shared with managers to be used for strategic planning and supporting the Technician Commitment aims.

The survey and all responses will be housed on Qualtrics, a well-respected online survey platform. To read about Qualtrics and their data storage policies please visit this link

Once your survey response has been completed you will be able to download a Personal Report - a copy of your responses which we recommend you keep to be used as part of your professional development.

A University-wide anonymous report will also be available to demonstrate the in-house skills that are available. This will inform discussions around identifying skills gaps, training and development opportunities, succession planning, and discussions when researchers are considering buying out technician time from academic departments for grant applications and contracts.

What are the benefits of taking part?

As stated above, you will have the chance to spend time recording your skills and reflecting on your role. You will then receive a copy of your responses which you may find useful for your own personal career development. The goal of this work is to have a positive impact on the career development and progression of all technical staff in higher education. Your feedback will help us ensure that this is achieved.

How long will it take?

The survey should take approximately 40-60 minutes of your time. Once you have started the survey you can return to it at any time using your original link. This will allow you to complete the survey in more than one sitting.

Will there be a progress bar?

Due to the structure of the survey, there will not be a progress bar demonstrating how far you are through the survey. A progress bar showing you the percentage of questions you have completed would be inaccurate due to the fact that, due to the selections you make during the survey, you will not go through every question.

Can the survey be accessed off-site?

Yes. The survey is accessed through Qualtrics, which is available online anywhere.

How long will the survey be open for?

Until 15th December 2023.

Has ethics approval been given for this project?

This survey constitutes a service evaluation for technical staff at the University of Essex. Any data used outside of Professional Services will be anonymised and Research Ethics Committee review, either at Function or University level is not required.

Please see ‘What will happen with my responses?’ above for an outline of what will happen with the data collected in this survey.

Further information

If you require any further information or wish to ask any questions regarding this study or the storage of the captured data please contact, either Monika Steinke, Gregor Grant or Jenna Hopkins members of our Technician Commitment team at Essex by emailing, or Jared Carnie, National Technician Development Centre Survey Officer (

For more information on the National Technician Development Centre, please visit