
Exam Preparation

How to prepare for, and perform in, your exams

  • Tue 8 May 18

    15:00 - 16:00

  • Southend Campus


  • Event speaker

    Angela Whitby

  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support
    TDC Academic Skills Workshops

  • Contact details

Exams are stressful - but they don't need to be.

In this workshop we will look at common problems in both preparing for and performing in exams, and make sure that you have strategies in place to deal with them.  Whether you need help with revising, working out what to focus on, managing your time, analysing questions or dealing with stress, this is the session for you.

To book your place, please email tdcse@essex.ac.uk



Exam Preparation

Talent Development Centre

The Talent Development Centre is here to help you succeed in your studies and achieve your potential.  We offer support and resources to help improve your writing, maths, research, study skills and English language, no matter what your discipline or level of study.

Come to TF2.19 to find out more about our services, and how we can help.