Department of Economics

Applied Economics Research Seminar Series

Three people sitting at a desk all working on computers.

Meet leading scholars from the field of applied economics

The Applied Economics Research Seminar Series showcases the latest thinking in applied economics.

Our Applied Economics Seminar Series aims to address some important questions in empirical economics. These talks will be delivered by scholars who bring together a wide array of expertise on issues affecting social and private behaviour. In particular, this series focuses on aspects such as supply and demand of labour services, distribution of income, human capital, labour mobility, productivity and technology, applied and policy issues in development, family, health, demographics, cities and regions.

This seminar series will normally be held on campus on Thursday afternoons at 2pm, from October through to April, but please check individual seminar events for finalised times and dates. This is an open seminar series and all levels of study and members of the public are welcome. In order to reserve your place, please contact our seminar organisers.

Upcoming seminars

Upcoming seminars will be added below when available.  

Date Seminar title and Speaker



Previous Seminars in the Applied Economics Research Series

Summer 2023

Seminar title and Speaker

 Measuring Science: Performance Metrics and the Allocation of Talent by Fabian Waldinger

Autumn 2022  

Seminar title and Speaker
School Capital Expenditure Rules, Student Outcomes, and Real Estate Capitalization by David Schönholzer
Lowering Barriers to Remote Education: Experimental Impacts on Parental Responses and Learning by Laia Navarro-Sola
How Do Parents Choose Schools? Evidence from Choices and a Survey of Choosers by Damon Clark
Intergenerational Altruism and Transfers of Time and Money: A Lifecycle Perspective by Eric French
Schooling and Political Activism in the Early Civil Rights Era by Bhashkar Mazumder
Designing Cash Transfers in the Presence of Children’s Human Capital Formation by Joseph Mullins
House Price Cycles, Wealth Inequality and Portfolio Reshuffling by Clara Martinez Toledano
The Demand Side of Africa's Demographic Transition: Desired Fertility, Wealth, and Jobs by Céline Zipfel
Prospering through Prospera: A Dynamic Model of CCT Impacts on Educational Attainment and Achievement in Mexico by Weilong Zhang
Fabian Lange

Summer 2022

Autumn 2021

  • The Effect of Education on the Relationship between Genetics, Early-Life Disadvantages, and Later-Life SES  by Silvia H Barcellos 

  • How Americans Respond to Idiosyncratic and Exogenous Changes in Household Wealth and Unearned Income by Michael Graber

  • Politicians' Neighborhoods: Where do they live and does it matter? by Johanna Rickne

  • Sexual Harassment and Gender Inequality between Workplaces by Olle Folke

  • Transforming Institutions: Labor Reallocation and Wage Growth in a Reunified Germany by Sebastian Findeisen

Spring 2021

Autumn 2020

  • With a Little Help: A Behavioural Intervention to Enhance Equity in Universal Childcare Take-Up by Henning Hermes on Thursday 8 October at 1pm (BST)
  • The Making of Social Democracy. The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Norway's 1936 School Reform by Kjell Salavanes on Thursday 22nd October at 1pm (BST)
  • The Expected (Signalling) Value of Higher Education by Pia Pinger on Thursday 19th November at 1pm (GMT) 
  •  Maternal Mortality Risk And Spousal Differences In The Demand For Children by Alessandra Voena on Thursday 10th December at 4pm (GMT)
  •  Reconceptualizing Intergenerational Mobility Measures by Steven Durlauf on Thursday 17th December at 4pm (GMT)


A lady handling money
Contact the seminar organisers
Dr Francesca Salvati Department of Economics
University of Essex
Dr Catherine Van Der List Department of Economics
University of Essex