Evaluation of Clinical Practice for First Contact Musculoskeletal Practitioners
Health Education England has stated that:
‘To create sustainability for multi-professional FCP roles, there is a need to build a clear national Primary Care training pathway for clinicians moving into FCP roles onto AP, which ultimately will provide a pipeline of professionals at the right level of practice, and will help to recruit and retain them in Primary Care.’
This module is designed to equip clinicians with evidence that verifies their clinical capability in the musculoskeletal FCP role and is aligned with the Stage 2 requirements of HEE’s Roadmap to FCP.
The assessment strategies have been driven by HEE’s Roadmap requirements. The process to complete the assessment will be supported by formal university resources and an academic tutor.
Students will need to access a clinical supervisor that meets HEE’s requirements.
Students will be allocated an academic mentor who will guide them as they learn and gather evidence of clinical capabilities that are supported by academic knowledge and understanding.
Learning outcomes
- Demonstrate an advanced level of clinical skills related to musculoskeletal patient assessment in the First Contact Practitioner role.
- Demonstrate advanced clinical reasoning and decision making in a musculoskeletal FCP role, including choice of appropriate investigations, treatment, care planning (including onward referral as appropriate).
- Demonstrate the practical application of an advanced understanding of the role and application of the wider determinants of health within a musculoskeletal first contact role.
- Demonstrate an advanced level of communication and person-centred care in a musculoskeletal FCP role.
- Demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal professional performance in the FCP role by responding to service user and colleague feedback and evaluating personal contribution to service design and implementation.
Learning and teaching methods
This module is delivered entirely by remotely via e-learning and clinical experience. Students are expected to dedicate the equivalent of one day a week in time to this module.
Group activities on a digital platform will be scheduled. These will be facilitated by the module lead and will explore clinical, professional and operational topics relevant to a musculoskeletal FCP.
Individual support sessions will be used to direct the development of a personalised plan of learning and strategies for evaluating clinical competency.
Independent learning
Students will negotiate time with their employer to allow them to complete the clinical supervision requirements.
Students will have an allocated module tutor to support them in preparing an individual learning plan and for the assessment requirements of this module.
Entry Requirements
- Applicants should have a relevant first degree OR a relevant professional experience or qualifications that demonstrates ability to study at Level 7.
- Applicants should have 3-5 years post graduate experience in the field of musculoskeletal health.
- Applicants should be experienced clinicians only who are already working clinically in their area of practice at level 7.
- Current Registration with the relevant UK or equivalent professional body.
Applicants will need to find a clinical supervisor. Verification of clinical capabilities can be completed by the clinical supervisor and the academic tutor at the university.
Module Outline
This Evaluation of Clinical Practice for MSK FCPs module provides a supported route to verification of primary care clinical capabilities. The module’s duration is 6 months but some students, with access to optimal support in their workplace may be able to complete the assessment requirements in less time.
Students will gain overall direction and educational support via their academic supervisor. Each individual student will plan their schedule of learning to meet the learning outcomes, this will be influenced by the personal development plan and clinical incidents, (caseload and critical incidents).
Students will be directed towards academic material and clinical scenarios that relate to the following domains that have been identified as contributing to the knowledge, skills and attributes required for a FCP practitioner:
- Personalised approaches
- Assessment, investigation and diagnosis
- Condition management, interventions and prevention
- Service and professional development
We understand that deciding where and what to study is a very important decision for you. We’ll make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the courses, services and facilities as described on our website. However, if we need to make material changes, for example due to significant disruption, or in response to COVID-19, we’ll let our applicants and students know as soon as possible.
Assessment strategy
This module will be assessed by completion of one element:
- Portfolio (100% weighting) - Content of the portfolio will be based on a students’ Personal Development Plan and should meet module outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The portfolio requirements will be provided in detail on Moodle with links to templates to be used.
Fees and funding
This module is currently funded by NHSEngland for eligible students.
- Fees for 2023-24 (.PDF).
- Fees for 2024-25 (.PDF).
If you have any questions about the module fees please email msk@essex.ac.uk.
What's next
To apply for an individual module please complete the module application form (.docx) and email to msk@essex.ac.uk for the attention of Sophie Young.