
Wouter Zwysen

Visiting Fellow
Department of Sociology and Criminology
 Wouter Zwysen

Research and professional activities

Research interests

My interests include: social mobility and the transmission of economic disadvantage over generations; ethnic disadvantage; and labour market integration of migrants.


Publications (1)

Zwysen, W., Remote work as a new dimension of polarisation: Individual and contextual determinants of the relationship between working from home and job quality

Journal articles (15)

Zwysen, W. and Piasna, A., (2024). Pushed online: What characteristics of regional offline labour markets influence the expansion of Internet and platform work?. New Technology, Work and Employment. 39 (1), 63-88

Zwysen, W. and Drahokoupil, J., (2024). Collective bargaining and power: Wage premium of collective agreements in Europe 2002–2018. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 62 (2), 335-357

Zwysen, W., (2024). Working apart: Domestic outsourcing in Europe. European Journal of Industrial Relations

Zwysen, W., (2023). Global and institutional drivers of wage inequality between and within firms. Socio-Economic Review. 21 (4), 2043-2068

Zwysen, W., Di Stasio, V. and Heath, A., (2021). Ethnic penalties and hiring discrimination: Comparing results from observational studies with field experiments in the UK.. Sociology. 55 (2), 263-282

Zwysen, W. and Demireva, N., (2020). Ethnic and migrant penalties in job quality in the UK: the role of residential concentration and occupational clustering. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 46 (1), 200-221

Menon, S., Salvatori, A. and Zwysen, W., (2020). The Effect of Computer Use on Work Discretion and Work Intensity: Evidence from Europe. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 58 (4), 1004-1038

Zwysen, WGR., (2019). Different patterns of labour market integration by migration motivation in Europe: the role of host country human capital. International Migration Review. 53 (1), 59-89

Brynin, M., Longhi, S. and Zwysen, W., (2019). The diversification of inequality. British Journal of Sociology. 70 (1), 70-89

Brynin, M., Karim, M. and Zwysen, W., (2019). The value of self-employment to ethnic minorities. Work, Employment and Society. 33 (5), 846-864

Zwysen, W. and Longhi, S., (2018). Employment and earning differences in the early career of ethnic minority British graduates: the importance of university career, parental background and area characteristics. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 44 (1), 154-172

Demireva, N. and Zwysen, W., (2018). An Examination of Ethnic Hierarchies and Returns to Human Capital in the UK. Social Inclusion. 6 (3), 6-33

Zwysen, W., Lo Iacono, S., Birkelund, G., Fellini, I., Radl, J., Nielsen, E., Ramos, M., Reino, M., Khouda, Y., Demireva, N. and Guetto, R., (2018). The Race for Highly-Skilled Workers. Social Inclusion. 6 (3)

Zwysen, W., (2016). Crowding Out of Disadvantaged Young Adults in Germany: Background Matters Depending on Local Labour Market. European Sociological Review. 32 (5), 662-674

Zwysen, W., (2015). The effects of father's worklessness on young adults in the UK. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies. 4 (1), person-wzwyse

Reports and Papers (4)

Demireva, NV. and Zwysen, W., The individual and contextual barriers that migrant and second generation minority men face on their path to successful labour market incorporation in Europe

Demireva, N. and Zwysen, W., (2020). Who benefits from host country skills? Evidence of heterogeneous labour market returns to host country skills by migrant motivation

Zwysen, WGR., Menon, S. and Salvatori, A., (2018). The Effect of Computer Use on Job Quality: Evidence from Europe

Zwysen, W. and Longhi, S., (2016). Labour market disadvantage of ethnic minority British graduates: university choice, parental background or neighbourhood?



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