
Dr Daniele Saracino

Lecturer (DAAD)
Department of Government
Dr Daniele Saracino
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 876307

  • Location

    5.005, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Thursdays, 13.00 - 15.00



Before I joined the Department of Government as DAAD lecturer, I was a postdoctoral researcher and research associate at the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn (Germany). In my dissertation, I developed a concept of solidarity and addressed the question of solidarity in the asylum system of the European Union, including a closer look on the so-called refugee crisis. After receiving my doctorate in 2019, I took a one-and-half-year sabbatical. I have led research projects on migration governance in Southern Africa as well as on the migratory movements from Africa to Europe during the Arab Spring. My research and teaching focuses on the European Union’s political system and functioning, its asylum and border control policies, and the salient questions of solidarity and the rule of law. Germany’s political system and the country’s role in the EU are also within my area of expertise. I am co-editor of the Forced Migration Studies Blog ( and chair of the working group 'Europe' of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies.


  • Dr. phil. University of Bonn,


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Essex (1/9/2021 - present)

Other academic

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Political Science and Sociology, University of Bonn (1/4/2021 - 31/8/2021)

  • Research Associate, Institute for Political Science and Sociology, University of Bonn (1/10/2013 - 30/9/2019)

Research and professional activities

Conferences and presentations

The European Union’s response to the refugee movements from Ukraine: the end of the solidarity crisis?

Invited presentation, EUSA Biannual Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 6/5/2023

18th Biannual EUSA Conference Understanding solidarity in the European Union and its asylum policy: an analytical framework

Invited presentation, EUSA Biannual Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 4/5/2023

The European Union’s response to the refugee movements from Ukraine: the end of the solidarity crisis?

DeZIM Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, 6/10/2022

The European Union’s response to the refugee movements from Ukraine: the end of the solidarity crisis?

4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, Chemnitz, Germany, 29/9/2022

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Political Behaviour (GV202)

  • The European Union: Institutions and Policies (GV271)

  • German Politics I (GV383)

  • German Politics II (GV386)

  • Career Portfolio (GV711)


Journal articles (4)

Saracino, D., (2024). The European Union’s Response to the Refugee Movements from Ukraine: The End of the Solidarity Crisis?. Central and Eastern European Migration Review

Saracino, D., (2024). Understanding solidarity in the European Union: an analytical framework. Theory and Society: renewal and critique in social theory

Saracino, D., (2018). Solidaritätsbrüche in der europäischen Asylpolitik. Zeitschrift für Politik. 65 (3), 283-302

Saracino, D., (2014). Dimensionen europäischer Solidarität: Die Antwort der EU auf die Migrationsbewegungen über das Mittelmeer während des »Arabischen Frühlings«. Zeitschrift für Politik. 61 (1), 22-41

Books (3)

Saracino, D., (2019). Solidarität in der Asylpolitik der Europäischen Union. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 3658279974. 9783658279967

Hilz, W. and Saracino, D., (2017). Nordic Perspectives on the European Asylum System The cases of Sweden and Finland. 3828839983. 9783828839984

(2017). Nordic Perspectives on the European Asylum System. Tectum – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 9783828867383

Book chapters (1)

Saracino, D., (2017). 4 Why Solidarity is Crucial to the Asylum Policy of the European Union. In: Nordic Perspectives on the European Asylum System. Tectum – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 39- 62

Media (1)

Saracino, D., Without solidarity, the EU would not make sense. Audio

Other (4)

Saracino, D., (2024).The Reform of Common European Asylum System

Saracino, D., (2023).Überraschung!? Einwurf zur Kritik am EU-Ratsbeschluss zur Asylrechtsreform,Forced Migration Studies Blog

Saracino, D., Kohlenberger, J. and Laube, L., (2023).Das Gegenteil eines Durchbruchs: Analyse und Kritik der wichtigsten Aspekte des Ratsbeschlusses zur Asylrechtsreform,Austrian Institute for International Affairs

Saracino, D., (2023).EU solidarity – the UK is out in the cold now,East Anglia Bylines

+44 (0) 1206 876307


5.005, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Thursdays, 13.00 - 15.00