Why Essex?

Dobrý den, we are delighted that you're considering studying with us. At Essex, our students partner with academics, informing and actively participating in research. We equip our students with the skills to research, stimulate their curiosity to question conventional wisdom and nurture their desire to pursue new ideas; enduring life skills which prepare our students for personal and professional success. 
University of Essex je skvělá univerzita jak z hlediska studia, tak i žití. Essex jsem si vybral, protože patří mezi 5 nejlepších univerzit na světě ve výuce mezinárodních vztahů. Ale patří také mezi nejlepší univerzity ve Velké Británii i ve výzkumu a celkově je každým rokem hodnocena výše a výše v mezinárodních žebříčcích.Essex je jedna z nejvíce mezinárodních univerzit. Najdete si tu přátele jak z Evropy, Asie, Afriky tak i Ameriky. Například já bydlím v Bertrand Russell Tower, nejlevnější a nejrychlejší na seznámení s mnoha spolustudenty, a mám za spolubydlící například Singapuřanku, Bulharku, Welšanku, Turka, Mexičana s českým pasem nebo třeba slečnu z Kalifornie. Je zde mnoho způsobů, jak trávit čas. Můžete začít úplně nový sport, já jsem začal Fencing, nebo pokračovat s tím že veškeré vybavení k provozování sportu je zadarmo a neplatí se ani žádný poplatek až na pár výjimek jako je Horse riding, platí se za lekce, nebo Archery kde se platí trenér, takže v budoucnu můžete získat certifikát a učit lukostřelbu. Další způsob je stát se členem některého z Societies. Je tu celá paleta například Japonský, kde můžete dostat lekce japonštiny zdarma od rodilých Japonců. Nebo je tu mají Society katolíci, LGBT, Liberal Democrats, Drum & Bass, Historici, fanoušci filmu, přátelé Harryho Pottera nebo Yoga a meditace kdy máte zadarmo lekce jógy a meditace a mnoho a mnoho dalších klubů. A kdo má rád party tak na kampusu jsou tři kluby a každý den je nějaká akce. Pro ty kteří chtějí je tu i plno možností dobrovolnictví například v Zoo nebo práce s dětmi. V Essexu je plno možností, jak se dostat do zahraničí. Jedním z nich je Year Abroad kdy se můžeš dostat na rok jinam do světa nebo Placement Year kdy můžeš mít rok praxe také mimo Velkou Británii a další.

Entry requirements


Most of our Undergraduate Bachelor degree courses will consider 2.0 overall average from Maturitni Zkouska/Maturita. 

We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available if you do not meet these grades. Please visit our Pathways Department for details about our undergraduate degrees with a foundation year and the University of Essex International College for other undergraduate and postgraduate pathways.

Some courses have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team admit@essex.ac.uk.

Postgraduate Taught

Many of our Postgraduate Taught Masters will consider applicants with C/2/Good or above from Bachelor degree. Some courses and departments have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team at pgadmit@essex.ac.uk.

We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available through our partner Kaplan International Colleges if you do not meet these grades. Please visit University of Essex International College for further information.

Postgraduate Research 

For entry to Research degrees, please refer to the entry requirements for the degree that you are interested in. 

An undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK 2:2 (see the grade information above), and a master's degree with a good grade is required for most PhD programmes, in addition to a well-developed research proposal in a field in which we can offer supervision. Please have a read through our information for research degree applicants and check the course details for your chosen programme for further information about entry criteria.

Scholarships and funding

Our Undergraduate EU Scholarship scheme offers a £5,000 discount on international tuition fees for each year for study for EU students joining us in academic year 2024-25. In order to qualify for this scholarship, applicants must actively make Essex their firm choice by 15 September 2024. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility. 

Our Masters (PGT) EU Scholarship offers up to a £5,500 discount on international tuition fees for EU students joining us in academic year 2024-25. For details of the award amounts and full terms and conditions, please visit the link.

Our Postgraduate Research EU Scholarship scheme offers an £8,000 discount on international tuition fees for EU students joining us in academic year 2024-25. In order to qualify for this award, applicants must actively make Essex their firm choice by 12 July 2024 (for October start) or 11 October 2024 (for January 2025 start). Other terms and conditions apply.

We also offer generous Performance Sports scholarships and bursaries, with up to a 100% tuition fee discount and other exclusive benefits included for talented athletes playing at national, regional or international level.

Please visit our Scholarships pages for full terms and conditions and information about additional funding opportunities.

Meet us in Czechia

We do not have any visits to your country planned in the near future. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your country contact named below with any questions.

Hear from our Czech students

I chose to come to Essex because it was the closest option for me and the Economics department at Essex is one of the best rated in the UK. I am quite happy with the way courses are taught and overall quality of the education. I work hard during my studies and am employed by the University of Essex Students’ Union. The best memories so far are of my graduation ceremony and I also enjoy my employment at the SU. To any students from the Czech Republic who are thinking of studying at Essex, I would say go for it!
Jan Cermak MSc in International Economics
I grew up playing all sorts of sports so I couldn’t have imagined being at university without engaging in a sports club. I also thought it was a great way to meet new people and de-stress from studying. When you’re a foreign student like myself and you spend so much time with the team, they become like your second family. I know that my team mates will always have my back, same way I’ll always have theirs.
Anna Beranova LLB Law and Essex Blades ladies basketball team
Two women standing outside
Book a meeting with our team

Book a short virtual meeting with our student recruitment team to ask anything about applying to or studying at Essex.

Book your meeting
George Swain
Get in touch
George Swain Czechia country contact
Telephone: +44 (0) 1206 874828