
Supporting your employees through retirement

  • Thu 31 Jan 19

    11:00 - 16:30

  • Colchester Campus

    Essex Business School, room 3.125

  • Event speaker

    Aideen Young, Dr Jonathan Rolison, Dr Veronica Lamarche

  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

  • Event organiser

    Psychology, Department of

  • Contact details

    Daniel Jolles
    01206 876372

A workshop dedicated to understanding the challenges businesses face when it comes to employee retirement planning, and identifying simple solutions for supporting  employees, will be held at the University of Essex on 31 January 2019.

Many businesses recognise that promoting diversity through the championing of older workers and retirement solutions are key to unlocking innovation and securing long term employee retention.  To deliver on this, many businesses are actively looking for ways to help their employees prepare for retirement, recognising that financial preperation alone is not enough to support good health and well-being during retirement. 

Most financial planning policies and recommendations ignore the psychosocial planning prior to retirement that is associated with higher employee engagement in the years leading up to retirement, and better outcomes post-retirement. 

What can businesses do to set employees up for a successful retirement and maximise engagement with their inter-generational workforce? The workshop will feature presetations from Psychology researchers Dr Jonathan Rolison and Dr Veronica Lamarche from the University of Essex as well as Aideen Young, Evidence Manager from the Centre for Ageing Better.

The aims of this workshop are to identify and discuss the key challenges businesses face in preparing employees for retirement. The workshop will provide the opportunity for in-depth discussions with researchers as well as provide clear, practical advice that businesses can implement and share to help promote healthier, more productive and satisfying transitions to retirement for their employees.

This half day event will be held at the University of Essex Business School on Thursday 31 January 2019.

For more information and to secure one of the 12 free places available on the workshop for your business, lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please email Daniel Jolles (dj17433@essex.ac.uk) or call 01206 876372 to book your place.