Journal articles:
European Energy Security Cooperation: between Amity and Enmity by Emil J. Kirchner and Can Berk, Journal of Common Market Studies, 48:4 (September 2010).
Research question/aim:
How growing concerns over energy security have affected the formation, maintenance and changes within the European Regional Security Complex as well as neighbouring Regional Security Complexes, based on the perspective provided by the Regional Security Complex Theory.
Although member states continue to act nationally, factors such as the liberalisation of energy markets, the importance given to a common energy policy, efforts to introduce a super grid of power supplies across the EU, and the spin-off from environmental policy will promote the establishment of a common energy policy within the EU.
Sharing the Burden of Collective Security in the European Union. A Research Note by Han Dorussen, Emil J. Kirchner and James Sperling, International Organization, 63:4 (Fall 2009), pp. 789-810.
Research question/aim:
Do smaller EU member states free-ride in the provision of collective security policies?
Smaller EU member states are not free-riding in the provision of collective security policies, contrary to one of the central hypotheses in the public-choice literature, and demonstrate that in fact EU member states equitably share the costs attending the various dimensions of security governance.
The Challenge of European Security Governance by Emil J. Kirchner, Journal of Common Market Studies, 44: 5, (December 2006) pp. 945-966
Research question/aim:
To explore whether or not the EU is an effective security actor using a security governance framework.
Security governance is seen as a helpful framework for studying the interactions between a diverse number of actors and for conceptualising EU security policy-making in a meaningful way.
Security Threats and Institutional Response: The European Context, by Emil J. Kirchner, Asia-Europe Journal, 3:2 (2005), pp. 179-197.
Research question/aim:
To explore the perceptions of security threats and institutional response in the European context, and to evaluate how the main security institutions (NATO, EU and OSCE) respond to different types of security threats.
To be announced.
EU Security Governance by Emil J. Kirchner and James Sperling, Manchester University Press, 2007.
Research questions:
Has the EU’s growing role as a security actor been driven by a fundamental change in the security agenda?
The post-Westphalian character of the European states has impelled the Europeans to surrender sovereign prerogatives to the EU in order to meet the challenges of a broadened security agenda. However, this post-Westphalianism coexists with persistent Westphalian identities, which have prevented the optimal transfer of sovereignties to the EU. Europe’s societies and citizens have not made the transition to a post-national identity that would complement post-Westphalianism,
Book chapters:
Emil J. Kirchner, ‘EU Security Governance in a Wider Europe’ (2008) in P. Foradori, P. Rosa and R. Scartezzini, eds., Managing a Multilevel Foreign Policy: The EU in International Affairs, Lexington Books, pp. 23-42.
Emil J. Kirchner and Maximilian B. Rasch, ‘EU Threat Perceptions and Governance’, in V.Bello and B. Gebrewold, eds, A Global Security Triangle: European, African and Asian Interactions, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2010, pp.36-55.
Emil J. Kirchner, ‘The EU’s Role in Regional and Global Security Governance’, in C. Schuck, A. Vasilache and K. Westphal, eds, Nachdenken über Europa. Probleme und Perspektiven eines Ordnungsmodells, Baden Baden: Nomos-Verlag, 2009, pp. 277-292.
Emil J. Kirchner, ‘Regional and Global Security Governance’, in Marcos Aurelio Guedes de Oliveira, ed., Seguranca e Governance nas Americas, Nucleo de Estudos Americanos, 2009, pp. 19-40.
Conference papers and talks:
Emil J. Kirchner, 'EU Security Contributions in Multilateral Settings', ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, 10-12 September 2009.
Emil J. Kirchner, EU-China Relations', UACES Roundtable, Angers, France, 4 September 2009.
Emil J. Kirchner, ‘European Energy Security Cooperation: between Amity and Enmity, International Summer School, Trento, Italy, 31 August 2009.
Emil J. Kirchner, 'National Security Cultures', Cambridge University, 3 November 2010.
Emil J. Kirchner, 'National Security Cultures', workshop at the London School of Economics, 22 June 2010.
Emil J. Kirchner, 'National Security Cultures', workshop at the European Institute for Security Studies, Paris, 14 April 2010.
Emil J. Kirchner, 'Research on Regional and Global Governance, GARNET Roundtable, Brussels, 5 March 2010.
Emil J. Kirchner and Can Berk, ‘European Energy Security Cooperation: between Amity and Enmity, International Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, 17 February 2010.
Emil J. Kirchner, 'Research on Regional and Global Governance, GARNET Roundtable, Rome, 11 November 2009.
Emil J. Kirchner, ‘European Security Governance’, International Studies Association Convention, New York, 15 February 2009.
Emil J. Kirchner, ‘EU and NATO – two different cultures?, Conference on European security culture, European Institute for Security Studies, Vilnius, Lithuania, 29 May 2008.
Emil J. Kirchner, ‘Evidence from Study on Global Security Governance’, Fudan University, Shanghai, 27 September 2007.
Emil J. Kirchner, 'The Challenge of European Security Governance, International Studies Association Convention, Chicago, 28 February 2007.