Research Project

Analysis of Security Systems in Europe (ANVIL)

Principal Investigator
Professor Han Dorussen, Professor Emil Kirchner, Dr Evangelos Fanoulis and Dr Kaisa Hinkkainen

An in-depth look at Europe's civil security systems

Responding to crises and emergencies in the EU is crucial for the well-being of citizens. A study of civil security systems revealed their strengths and weaknesses, helping policymakers to improve crisis management.

The University of Essex was a partner in a twelve-member consortium investigating and comparing the civil security and civil protection systems of 22 European countries. The project was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) from March 2012 to February 2014.

The ANVIL project resulted in the publication of a white paper, a video, as well as work package reports and numerous country studies.

The University of Essex contribution:


The University of Essex was a partner in a twelve-member consortium investigating and comparing the civil security and civil protection systems of 22 European countries. The project was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) from March 2012 to February 2014.

We were responsible for one of the work packages (WP5), dedicated to providing policy stakeholders with an EU added-value contribution in civil security.

Our findings suggest a specific role for the European Union as a facilitator and promoter of trans-boundary cooperation. While standardisation of national structures and processes does not appear helpful or necessary, the EU could play a role in the development of a shared framework used to identify lessons learned and “best practices” in a bottom-up manner.

    Project publications:

    The video

    A video on the research of Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe.

    The white paper

    Visit our research repository to read the white paper on the Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe.

    The WP5 report

    Access the RIS to read the WP5 Report on EU Added-Value for Policy Stakeholders (2014), by Dr Evangelos Fanoulis, Professor Emil Kirchner, Professor Han Dorussen and Dr Kaisa Hinkkainen.

    The journal article

    A journal article Civil Security in the EU: National Persistence Versus EU Ambitions? in European Security, 24 (2), 2015. 287-303. By Professor Emil Kirchner, Dr Evangelos Fanoulis and Professor Han Dorussen.

    The book chapter

    Read the book chapter The EU as a Regulator of Civil Security across Europe by Dr Evangelos Fanoulis, Professor Han Dorussen and Professor Emil Kirchner in European Civil Security Governance: Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management published by Palgrave.

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    For further information, including PDF files of public reports and deliverables from the ANVIL project:
    Susan Sydenham University of Essex
    Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
    The ANVIL Coordinator Research Management
    Telephone: +47 95 90 75 62