Professor Kristian Gleditsch

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 872517
5.415, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Tuesday 10.00-12.00, or by apointment
I am the Regius Professor of Political Science in the Department of Government at the University of Essex, director of the Michael Nicholson Centre for Conflict and Cooperation, and a research associate at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO). My research interests include conflict and cooperation, democratization, and spatial dimensions of social and political processes. For further details, please see my personal webpage,
1995 -99 PhD in Political Science University of Colorado,
1995-96. MA in Political Science University of Colorado,
1991- 93 Cand.Mag. degree, (Majoring in Political Science with additional degrees in Social Anthropology, Spanish, and Statistics) University of Oslo,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
International Conflict and Cooperation
Intrastate Conflict, Protest, and Mobilization
Mathematical and Statistical Models
Current research
Please see my personal webpage
Conferences and presentations
Keynote, Households in Conflict Network
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Annual Meeting, Households in Conflict Network, Households in Conflict Network, Warwick, UK, 24/11/2022
Presidential Address, International Studies Association
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, International Studies Association Annual Meeting, International Studies Association, Nashville, USA, 24/3/2022
Keynote, International Studies Association West
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, International Studies Association West, International Studies Association West, Pasadena, California, 23/11/2021
Keynote International Studies Association Midwest
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, International Studies Association Midwest, Keynote International Studies Association Midwest, St Louis, United States, 19/11/2021
Keynote Mexican International Studies Association
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, AMEI Mexican International Studies Association, AMEI Mexican International Studies Association, Virtual, Mexico, 22/10/2021
Please see my personal webpage,
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/11/2024

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/3/2024

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/11/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/9/2023

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 3/8/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/2/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/10/2021

Degree type: Master of Arts
Awarded date: 7/10/2020

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/8/2020

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/7/2020

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/5/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/5/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/4/2019

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/11/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/7/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/4/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/3/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/11/2017

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2017

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/7/2015

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2015

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/12/2014

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/6/2014

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/4/2014

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/3/2014

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2013

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 15/4/2012
Journal articles (147)
Clauset, A., Young, M. and Gleditsch, KS., A Novel Explanation of the Power-Law Form of the Frequency of Severe Terrorist Events: Reply to Saperstein. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 16 (1)
Gleditsch, K., How can a strong environment foster better research? Reflections on the 60th anniversary of the University of Essex. European Political Science: EPS
Gleditsch, K., White, P. and Cunningham, D., Presenting the Governmental Incompatibilities Data Project (GIDP) 2.0. International Studies Quarterly. TBA (TBA), TBA-TBA
Gleditsch, K., Macias, M. and Rivera, M., (2023). A Double-Edge Sword? Mass Media and Nonviolent Dissent in Autocracies. Political Research Quarterly. 76 (1), 224-238
Gleditsch, K., Radean, M. and Olar, RG., (2023). Going, Going, Gone? Varieties of Dissent and Leader Exit. Journal of Peace Research. 60 (5), 729-744
Gleditsch, K. and Marianne, D., (2023). Clouds with Silver Linings: How Mobilization Shapes the Impact of Coups on Democratization. European Journal of International Relations. 29 (4), 1017-1040
Kern, FG., Gleditsch, KS. and Cordell, R., (2023). Judiciary institutions and violent crime in American Indian nations. Governance. 37 (1), 137-159
Gleditsch, K. and John, O., (2023). Michael D. Ward (1948-2021) and the road to space, networks and geography. Political Geography. 100, 102759-102759
Gleditsch, K., (2023). “This research has important policy implications …” •. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 29 (1), 1-17
Davies, G., De Alba-Ulloa, J., Ghosn, F., Gleditsch, K., Kneuer, M., Milner, H. and Solingen, E., (2023). Forum: Challenges to Scholarship and Policy During Crises. International Studies Review. 25 (2)
Belgioioso, M., Dworschak, C. and Gleditsch, KS., (2023). Local deprivation predicts right-wing hate crime in England. PLOS ONE. 18 (9), e0289423-e0289423
Gleditsch, KS., Rivera, M. and Zárate-Tenorio, B., (2022). Can Education Reduce Violent Crime? Evidence from Mexico before and after the Drug War Onset. Journal of Development Studies. 58 (2), 292-309
Gleditsch, K. and Gartzke, EA., (2022). Ties that Bias in International Conflict A Spatial Approach to Dyadic Dependence from Alliance Ties and Inbetweenness. International Studies Quarterly. 66 (1)
Schvitz, G., Girardin, L., Rüegger, S., Weidmann, NB., Cederman, L-E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2022). Mapping the International System, 1886-2019: The CShapes 2.0 Dataset. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 66 (1), 144-161
Gleditsch, K., (2022). One without the other? Prediction and policy in international studies. International Studies Quarterly. 66 (3)
Gleditsch, K., Belgioioso, M. and Costalli, S., (2021). Better the devil you know? How fringe terrorism can induce an advantage for moderate nonviolent campaigns. Terrorism and Political Violence. 33 (3), 596-615
Gleditsch, KS., (2021). Houston, We Have a Problem: Enhancing Academic Freedom and Transparency in Publishing Through Post-Publication Debate. Political Studies Review. 19 (3), 428-434
Dahl, M., Gates, S., Gleditsch, K. and Gonzalez, B., (2021). Accounting for Numbers: Group Characteristics and the Choice of Violent and Nonviolent Tactics. Economics of Peace and Security Journal. 16 (1), 5-25
Vogt, M., Gleditsch, KS. and Cederman, L-E., (2021). From Claims to Violence: Signaling, Outbidding, and Escalation in Ethnic Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 65 (7-8), 1278-1307
Davis, DR., Fontanel, J. and Gleditsch, KS., (2021). In Memoriam: Michael D. Ward (1948–2021). Defence and Peace Economics. 32 (7), 1-3
Abbs, L. and Gleditsch, KS., (2021). Ticked off, but Scared off? Riots and the Fate of Nonviolent Campaigns. Mobilization. 26 (1), 21-39
Cordell, R., Gleditsch, K., Kern, F. and Saavedra-Lux, L., (2020). Measuring Institutional Variation Across American Indian Constitutions Using Automated Content Analysis. Journal of Peace Research. 57 (6), 777-788
Haven, TL., Errington, TM., Gleditsch, KS., van Grootel, L., Jacobs, AM., Kern, FG., Piñeiro, R., Rosenblatt, F. and Mokkink, LB., (2020). Preregistering Qualitative Research: A Delphi Study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 19, 160940692097641-160940692097641
Bartusevicius, H. and Gleditsch, KS., (2019). A Two-Stage Approach to Civil Conflict: Contested Incompatibilities and Armed Violence. International Organization. 73 (1), 225-248
Gleditsch, K., (2019). An ever more violent world?. Political Studies Review. 17 (2), 99-114
Gleditsch, K., Tago, A. and Tanaka, S., (2019). Spurred by Threats or Afraid of War? A Survey Experiment on Costs of Conflict in Support for Military Action. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 25 (2)
Bohmelt, T., Bove, V. and Gleditsch, K., (2019). Blame the victims? Refugees, state capacity, and non-state actor violence. Journal of Peace Research. 56 (1), 73-87
Belgioioso, M., Gleditsch, K. and Vidovic, D., (2018). A Tale of Two Governments? Government Responses and Perceived Influence in the 2014 Protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Global Security Studies. 3 (3), 285-301
Cederman, L-E., Gleditsch, KS. and Wucherpfennig, J., (2018). The Diffusion of Inclusion: An Open Polity Model of Ethnic Power Sharing. Comparative Political Studies. 51 (10), 1279-1313
Cardenas, E., Gleditsch, KS. and Guevara, LC., (2018). Network Structure of Insurgent Groups and the Success of DDR Processes in Colombia. Small Wars and Insurgencies. 29 (4), 754-775
Guo, W., Gleditsch, K. and Wilson, A., (2018). Retool AI to forecast and limit wars. Nature. 562 (7727), 331-333
Tanaka, S., Tago, A. and Gleditsch, KS., (2017). Seeing the Lexus for the Olive Trees? Public Opinion, Economic Interdependence, and Interstate Conflict. International Interactions. 43 (3), 375-396
Cederman, LE., Gleditsch, KS. and Wucherpfennig, J., (2017). Predicting the decline of ethnic civil war: Was gurr right and for the right reasons?. Journal of Peace Research. 54 (2), 262-274
Chiba, D. and Gleditsch, KS., (2017). The shape of things to come? Expanding the inequality and grievance model for civil war forecasts with event data. Journal of Peace Research. 54 (2), 275-297
Cunningham, DE., Gleditsch, K., González, B., Vidović, D. and White, PB., (2017). Words and Deeds: From Incompatibilities to Outcomes in Anti-Government Disputes. Journal of Peace Research. 54 (1), 468-483
Gleditsch, K., (2017). Ornithology and varieties of conflict: A personal retrospective on conflict forecasting. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 23 (4)
Gleditsch, KS., (2017). Classical Book Review: Reflections on Kenneth Boulding’s Three Faces of Power, in retrospect, and with the benefit of hindsight. Journal of Resistance Studies. 3 (2), 156-163
Gleditsch, KS. and Rivera, M., (2017). The Diffusion of Nonviolent Campaigns. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 61 (5), 1120-1145
Gleditsch, KS., Beardsley, K. and Polo, SMT., (2017). Issues in Data Collection: International Conflict
Polo, SMT. and Gleditsch, KS., (2016). Twisting arms and sending messages: Terrorist tactics in civil war. Journal of Peace Research. 53 (6), 815-829
Gleditsch, KS. and Polo, SMT., (2016). Ethnic inclusion, democracy, and terrorism. Public Choice. 169 (3-4), 207-229
Bove, V., Gleditsch, KS. and Sekeris, PG., (2016). “Oil above Water”. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 60 (7), 1251-1277
Miranda, LCM., Perondi, LF. and Gleditsch, KS., (2016). The evolution of civil war severity, 1816-2005. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 22 (3), 247-276
Gates, S., Skrede Gleditsch, K. and Shortland, A., (2016). Winner of the 2016 Lewis Fry Richardson Award, Paul Collier: Clarity and Compassion in the Study of Civil War. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 22 (4), 339-346
Gleditsch, K., Hug, S., Schubiger, LI. and Wucherpfennig, J., (2016). International Conventions and Non-State Actors: Selection, Signaling and Reputation Effects. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 62 (2), 346-380
Buhaug, H., Cederman, L. and Gleditsch, K., (2016). Ulikhet, eksklusjon og borgerkrig [Inequality, Exclusion, and Civil War]. Politica - Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab. 48 (1), 12-29
White, PB., Vidovic, D., González, B., Gleditsch, KS. and Cunningham, DE., (2015). Nonviolence as a Weapon of the Resourceful: From Claims to Tactics in Mobilization*. Mobilization: An International Quarterly. 20 (4), 471-491
Asal, V., Cousins, K. and Gleditsch, KS., (2015). Making ends meet. Journal of Peace Research. 52 (1), 134-138
Beardsley, K. and Gleditsch, KS., (2015). Peacekeeping as Conflict Containment. International Studies Review. 17 (1), 67-89
Beardsley, K., Gleditsch, KS. and Lo, N., (2015). Roving Bandits? The Geographical Evolution of African Armed Conflicts. International Studies Quarterly. 59 (3), 503-516
Gleditsch, K. and Pickering, S., (2014). Wars are becoming less frequent: a response to Harrison and Wolf. Economic History Review. 67 (1), 214-230
Gleditsch, KS., Metternich, NW. and Ruggeri, A., (2014). Data and progress in peace and conflict research. Journal of Peace Research. 51 (2), 301-314
Buhaug, H., Cederman, L-E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2014). Square Pegs in Round Holes: Inequalities, Grievances, and Civil War. International Studies Quarterly. 58 (2), 418-431
Clayton, G. and Gleditsch, KS., (2014). Will we see helping hands? Predicting civil war mediation and likely success. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 31 (3), 265-284
Celestino, MR. and Gleditsch, KS., (2013). Fresh carnations or all thorn, no rose? Nonviolent campaigns and transitions in autocracies. Journal of Peace Research. 50 (3), 385-400
Gleditsch, KS., (2013). Poor Numbers: How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What To Do About It. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 50 (4), 535-536
Gleditsch, KS. and Ward, MD., (2013). Forecasting is difficult, especially about the future. Journal of Peace Research. 50 (1), 17-31
Cederman, L-E., Gleditsch, KS. and Hug, S., (2013). Elections and Ethnic Civil War. Comparative Political Studies. 46 (3), 387-417
Cunningham, DE., Gleditsch, KS. and Salehyan, I., (2013). Non-state actors in civil wars: A new dataset. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 30 (5), 516-531
Cederman, L-E., Gleditsch, KS., Salehyan, I. and Wucherpfennig, J., (2013). Transborder Ethnic Kin and Civil War. International Organization. 67 (2), 389-410
Gleditsch, KS., (2013). The Measure of Civilization: How Social Development Decides the Fate of Nations. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 50 (5), 650-650
Cederman, L., Gleditsch, K., Salehyan, I. and Wucherpfennig, J., (2013). Transborder Ethnic Kin and Civil War. International Organization. 67 (02), 389-410
Hendrix, CS. and Gleditsch, KS., (2012). Civil war: is it all about disease and xenophobia? A comment on Letendre, Fincher & Thornhill. Biological Reviews. 87 (1), 163-167
Clauset, A. and Gleditsch, KS., (2012). The Developmental Dynamics of Terrorist Organizations. PLoS ONE. 7 (11), e48633-e48633
Gleditsch, KS., (2012). Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 49 (6), 878-878
Deiwiks, C., Cederman, L-E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2012). Inequality and conflict in federations. Journal of Peace Research. 49 (2), 289-304
Wucherpfennig, J., Metternich, NW., Cederman, L-E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2012). Ethnicity, the State, and the Duration of Civil War. World Politics. 64 (1), 79-115
Holme, P., Clauset, A. and Gleditsch, K., (2012). The Developmental Dynamics of Terrorist Organizations. PloS One. 7 (11), creators-Gleditsch=3AKristian=3A=3A
Wucherpfennig, J., Metternich, NW., Cederman, L. and Gleditsch, K., (2012). Ethnicity, the State, and the Duration of Civil War. World Politics. 64 (01), 79-115
Buhaug, H., Gleditsch, K., Holtermann, H., Ostby, G. and Tollefsen, AF., (2011). It's the Local Economy, Stupid! Geographic Wealth Dispersion and Conflict Outbreak Location. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 55 (5), 814-840
Gleditsch, KS., (2011). Handbook of Quantitative Criminology. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 48 (4), 563-563
Gleditsch, KS., (2011). Sex, Drugs, and Body Counts: The Politics of Numbers in Global Crime and Conflict. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 48 (6), 817-818
CEDERMAN, L-E., WEIDMANN, NB. and GLEDITSCH, KS., (2011). Horizontal Inequalities and Ethnonationalist Civil War: A Global Comparison. American Political Science Review. 105 (3), 478-495
Gleditsch, KS., Wucherpfennig, J., Hug, S. and Reigstad, KG., (2011). Polygyny or Misogyny? Reexamining the “First Law of Intergroup Conflict”. The Journal of Politics. 73 (1), 265-270
Salehyan, I., Gleditsch, KS. and Cunningham, DE., (2011). Explaining External Support for Insurgent Groups. International Organization. 65 (4), 709-744
Gleditsch, KS., (2011). Amexica: War along the Borderline. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 48 (3), 418-418
Bove, V. and Gleditsch, KS., (2011). 2010 Lewis Fry Richardson Lifetime Achievement Award: Ron P. Smith and the Economics of War and Peace. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 17 (1)
Gleditsch, K., Salehyan, I. and Cunningham, DE., (2011). Explaining External Support for Insurgent Groups. International Organization. 65 (4), 709-744
Gleditsch, K., Cederman, L. and Weidmann, NB., (2011). Horizontal Inequalities and Ethno-nationalist Civil War: A Global Comparison. American Political Science Review. 105 (3), 478-495
Gleditsch, K., Wucherpfennig, J., Hug, S. and Reigstad, KG., (2011). Polygyny or Misogyny? Reexamining the ?First Law of Intergroup Conflict?. Journal of Politics. 73 (01), 265-270
Skrede Gleditsch, K. and Ruggeri, A., (2010). Political opportunity structures, democracy, and civil war. Journal of Peace Research. 47 (3), 299-310
Skrede Gleditsch, K., (2010). On Ignoring Missing Data and the Robustness of Trade and Conflict Results. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 27 (2), 153-157
Gleditsch, KS., (2010). For Kin or Country: Xenophobia, Nationalism, and War.. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 47 (6), 814-814
Weidmann, NB. and Gleditsch, KS., (2010). Mapping and Measuring Country Shapes The cshapes Package. R JOURNAL. 2 (1), 18-24
Clauset, A., Heger, L., Young, M. and Gleditsch, KS., (2010). The strategic calculus of terrorism: Substitution and competition in the Israel—Palestine conflict. Cooperation and Conflict. 45 (1), 6-33
Weidmann, NB., Kuse, D. and Gleditsch, KS., (2010). The Geography of the International System: The CShapes Dataset. International Interactions. 36 (1), 86-106
Gleditsch, KS., (2010). The Global Commonwealth of Citizens: Toward Cosmopolitan Democracy. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 47 (2), 251-251
Gleditsch, KS., (2010). Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M; Henry E Brady & David Collier (2008) The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 880 pp. ISBN 9780199286546. Journal of Peace Research. 47 (4), 512-512
Gleditsch, KS., (2010). Turchin, Peter & Sergey A Nefedov (2009) Secular Cycles. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 349 pp. ISBN 9780691136967. Journal of Peace Research. 47 (4), 516-516
Gleditsch, KS., (2010). Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How they Shape Our Lives. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 47 (3), 347-348
Nordås, R., Cunningham, KG., Gates, S. and Gleditsch, KS., (2010). Grounds for Separation: Comparing Recruitment to Separatist Rebel Groups. SSRN Electronic Journal
Gleditsch, KS. and Gartzke, E., (2010). Small and Constrained vs. Large and Insular? The Role of Country Size and the Liberal Peace
Weidmann, NB. and Gleditsch, KS., (2010). Mapping and Measuring Country Shapes. The R Journal. 2 (1), 18-18
Sandholt Jensen, P. and Skrede Gleditsch, K., (2009). RAIN, GROWTH, AND CIVIL WAR: THE IMPORTANCE OF LOCATION. Defence and Peace Economics. 20 (5), 359-372
Gleditsch, KS., (2009). States, Nations, and the Great Powers: The Source of Regional War and Peace. By Benjamin Miller. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 526p. $110.00 cloth, $42.00 paper.. Perspectives on Politics. 7 (1), 227-228
Goemans, HE., Gleditsch, KS. and Chiozza, G., (2009). Introducing Archigos: A Dataset of Political Leaders. Journal of Peace Research. 46 (2), 269-283
Cederman, L-E., Girardin, L. and Gleditsch, KS., (2009). Ethnonationalist Triads: Assessing the Influence of Kin Groups on Civil Wars. World Politics. 61 (3), 403-437
Cederman, L-E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2009). Introduction to Special Issue on “Disaggregating Civil War”. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 53 (4), 487-495
Gleditsch, KS., (2009). Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 46 (5), 721-721
Skrede Gleditsch, K., (2009). Collins, Randal, 2008. Violence: A Micro-Sociological Theory. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. xi + 584 pp. ISBN 9780691133133. Journal of Peace Research. 46 (1), 147-148
Gleditsch, KS., (2009). The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs, Justice, and Lives. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 46 (5), 728-729
Salehyan, I., Cunningham, DE. and Gleditsch, KS., (2009). The Enemy of My Enemy Deserves My Support: Transnational Support for Insurgent Groups
Gleditsch, K., Cederman, L. and Girardin, L., (2009). Ethno-nationalist Triads: Assessing the Influence of Kin Groups on Civil Wars. World Politics. 61 (3), 403-37
Gleditsch, KS., Salehyan, I. and Schultz, K., (2008). Fighting at Home, Fighting Abroad. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 52 (4), 479-506
Buhaug, H. and Gleditsch, KS., (2008). Contagion or Confusion? Why Conflicts Cluster in Space. International Studies Quarterly. 52 (2), 215-233
Gleditsch, KS., (2007). Transnational Dimensions of Civil War. Journal of Peace Research. 44 (3), 293-309
Clauset, A., Young, M. and Gleditsch, KS., (2007). On the Frequency of Severe Terrorist Events. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 51 (1), 58-87
Gleditsch, KS., (2007). Popovic, Srdja; Andrej Milivojevic & Slobodan Djinovic, 2006. Nonviolent Struggle, 50 Crucial Points: A Strategic Approach to Everyday Tactics. Belgrade: Centre for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies (http://www. Journal of Peace Research. 44 (4), 530-530
Gleditsch, KS., (2006). Book Notes. Journal of Peace Research. 43 (2), 237-238
Gleditsch, KS., (2006). Book Note: Electing To Fight: Why Emerging Democracies Go to War. Journal of Peace Research. 43 (4), 498-498
Gleditsch, KS. and Ward, MD., (2006). Diffusion and the International Context of Democratization. International Organization. 60 (04), 911-933
Salehyan, I. and Gleditsch, KS., (2006). Refugees and the Spread of Civil War. International Organization. 60 (02), 335-366
Gartzke, E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2006). Identity and Conflict: Ties that Bind and Differences that Divide. European Journal of International Relations. 12 (1), 53-87
Gleditsch, KS., (2006). Expert Political Judgement: How Good Is It? How Can We Know?. Journal of Peace Research. 43 (6), 759-759
Gleditsch, KS., (2006). Graphic Discovery: A Trout in the Milk and Other Visual Adventures. Journal of Peace Research. 43 (6), 760-761
GLEDITSCH, KS., (2006). Exploring the Origins of Transitions in the Fourth Wave. International Studies Review. 8 (2), 288-290
Gleditsch, K. and Ward, M., (2006). Diffusion and the International Context of Democratization. International Organization. 60 (4), 911-933
Gleditsch, K. and Salehyan, I., (2006). Refugees and the Spread of Civil War. International Organization. 60 (2), 335-366
Gleditsch, KS., (2005). Small worlds: The dynamics of networks between order and randomness.. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 42 (1), 120-120
Gleditsch, KS., (2005). Regions and powers: The structure of international security. POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY. 120 (1), 141-142
Gleditsch, KS., (2005). Six degrees: The science of a connected age.. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 42 (1), 120-120
Gleditsch, KS., (2005). Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security. Political Science Quarterly. 120 (1), 141-142
Gartzke, E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2004). Why Democracies May Actually Be Less Reliable Allies. American Journal of Political Science. 48 (4), 775-795
(2004). Erratum. International Interactions. 30 (4), 397-397
Cederman, L-E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2004). Conquest and Regime Change: An Evolutionary Model of the Spread of Democracy and Peace. International Studies Quarterly. 48 (3), 603-629
Gartzke, E. and Gleditsch, KS., (2004). Why Democracies May Actually Be Less Reliable Allies. American Journal of Political Science. 48 (4), 775-775
Gleditsch, KS., (2003). Book Notes. Journal of Peace Research. 40 (3), 352-352
Ikenberry, GJ. and Gleditsch, KS., (2003). All International Politics Is Local: The Diffusion of Conflict, Integration, and Democratization. Foreign Affairs. 82 (1), 158-158
Gleditsch, KS., (2002). Expanded Trade and Gdp Data. Journal Of Conflict Resolution. 46 (5), 712-724
Ward, MD. and Gleditsch, KS., (2002). Location, Location, Location: An MCMC Approach to Modeling the Spatial Context of War and Peace. Political Analysis. 10 (3), 244-260
Heagerty, P., Ward, MD. and Gleditsch, KS., (2002). Windows of Opportunity: Window Subseries Empirical Variance Estimators in International Relations. Political Analysis. 10 (3), 304-317
Gleditsch, K. and Ward, MD., (2002). Location, Location, Location: An MCMC Approach to Modeling the Spatial Context of War and Peace. Political Analysis. 10 (3), 244-260
Gleditsch, K., Ward, MD. and Heagerty, P., (2002). Windows of Opportunity: Window Subseries Empirical Variance Estimators in International Relations. Political Analysis. 10 (3), 712-724
Gleditsch, K., (2002). All International Politics Is Local
Gleditsch, KS., (2000). From voting to violence: democratization and nationalist conflict.. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. 76 (4), 850-851
Enterline, AJ. and Gleditsch, KS., (2000). Threats, opportunity, and force: Repression and diversion of domestic pressure, 1948–1982. International Interactions. 26 (1), 21-53
Gleditsch, KS. and Ward, MD., (2000). War and Peace in Space and Time: The Role of Democratization. International Studies Quarterly. 44 (1), 1-29
Gleditsch, KS. and Ward, MD., (1999). A revised list of independent states since the congress of Vienna. International Interactions. 25 (4), 393-413
Gleditsch, K. and Ward, MD., (1999). A revised list of independent states since the congress of Vienna. International Interactions. 24 (4), 393-413
Santmire, TE., Kraus, S., Santmire, TE., Wilkenfeld, J., Holley, KM. and Gleditsch, KS., (1998). The Impact of Cognitive Diversity on Crisis Negotiations. Political Psychology. 19 (4), 721-748
O'Loughlin, J., Ward, MD., Lofdahl, CL., Cohen, JS., Brown, DS., Reilly, D., Gleditsch, KS. and Shin, M., (1998). The Diffusion of Democracy, 1946–1994. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 88 (4), 545-574
Gleditsch, KS. and Ward, MD., (1997). Double Take. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 41 (3), 361-383
Gleditsch, KS., (1995). Book Notes. Journal of Peace Research. 32 (4), 498-498
Gleditsch, KS., (1995). Book Notes. Journal of Peace Research. 32 (4), 502-502
Books (2)
Cederman, L-E., Gleditsch, KS. and Buhaug, H., (2013). Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War. Cambridge University Press. 9781107603042
Gleditsch, K. and Ward, MD., (2008). Spatial Regression Models. Sage Publications Inc.. 9781412954150
Book chapters (18)
Clauset, A. and Gleditsch, KS., (2018). Trends in Conflict. In: The Oxford Handbook of International Security. Editors: Gheciu, A. and Wohlforth, WC., . Oxford University Press. 226- 245. 9780198777854
Gleditsch, K., (2017). Civil War from a Transnational Perspective. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Editors: Thompson, WR., . Oxford University Press
O'Loughlin, J., Ward, MD., Lofdahl, CL., Cohen, JS., Brown, DS., Reilly, D., Gleditsch, KS. and Shin, M., (2017). The diffusion of democracy, 1946-1994. In: Politics: Critical Essays in Human Geography. 173- 202
Gleditsch, KS., Cunningham, DE. and Salehyan, I., (2016). Trends in Civil War Data: Geography, Organizations, and Events. In: What Do We Know about Civil Wars?. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 247- 260. 1442242248. 9781442242241
Gleditsch, KS. and Håvard, H., (2014). Regime Type and Political Transition in Civil War. In: Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars. Editors: Newman, E. and De Rouen, Jr, K., . Routledge. 145- 156. 0415622581. 9780415622585
Gleditsch, KS., (2013). Transnational Dimensions of Civil War. In: Political Violence Volume One: Concepts and Theories of Political Violence. Editors: Chenoweth, E., . SAGE Publications Limited. 1446274071. 9781446274071
Gleditsch, KS. and Cederman, L-E., (2013). Horizontal Inequalities and Ethno-nationalist Civil War. In: Political Violence Volume Two: Causes of Political Violence. Editors: Chenoweth, E., . SAGE Publications Limited. 1446274071. 9781446274071
Gleditsch, KS. and Weidmann, NB., (2012). Richardson in the Information Age: Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Data in International Studies. In: ANNUAL REVIEW OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, VOL 15. Annual Reviews. 461- 481
Metternich, NW., Gleditsch, KS., Dorussen, H. and Ruggeri, A., (2012). International dimensions of internal conflict. In: Elgar Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States. Edward Elgar Publishing. 214- 222. 9781848448421
Gleditsch, K., (2011). Data, Spatial. In: International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Editors: Badie, B., Berg-Schlosser, D. and Morlino, L., . Sage Publications Inc.. 9781412959636
Gleditsch, K., (2011). Civil War. In: International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Editors: Badie, B., Berg-Schlosser, D. and Morlino, L., . Sage Publications Inc.. 9781412959636
Gleditsch, K. and Beardsley, KC., (2010). Core Problems in International Data Collection. In: The International Studies Encyclopedia. Editors: Denemark, RA., . Wiley Blackwell. 4705- 4725. 9781405152389
Albin, C., (2009). Peace vs. Justice — and Beyond. In: The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution. SAGE Publications Ltd. 580- 594. 9781412921923
Gleditsch, KS., (2009). The Spread of Civil War. In: The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution. SAGE Publications Ltd. 595- 612
Skrede Gleditsch, K. and Ward, MD., (2008). Diffusion and the spread of democratic institutions. In: The Global Diffusion of Markets and Democracy. Cambridge University Press. 261- 302. 9780521878890
Gleditsch, K., (2008). Civil War, Yugoslavian. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: Volume 2: Cohabitation-Ethics in Experimentation. Editors: Darity, WA., Bonilla-Silva, E., Costanzo, P., Mason, PL., McClain, PD., Scott, D. and Singleton, T., . Macmillan Reference USA/Thomson Gale. 168- 169. 9780028659657
Gleditsch, K. and Salehyan, I., (2007). Civil wars and interstate disputes. In: Resources, Governance and Civil Conflict. Editors: �berg, M. and Str�m, K., . Routledge. 58- 76. 978-0415416719
Gleditsch, K. and Ward, MD., (2004). Globalization's Impact on Poverty, Inequality, Conflict and Democracy. In: Globalization and Its Outcomes. Editors: O'Loughlin, J., Staeheli, L. and Greenberg, E., . The Guilford Press. 159- 181. 159385045X
Conferences (9)
Gleditsch, KS., Cunningham, DE. and Salehyan, I., Trends in Civil War Data: Geography, Organizations, and Events
Gleditsch, KS., Cunningham, DE. and Salehyan, I., Non-state actors in civil war
Cunningham, DE., Skrede Gleditsch, K. and Salehyan, I., (2009). It Takes Two
(2007). Resources, Governance and Civil Conflict
BECK, N., GLEDITSCH, KS. and BEARDSLEY, K., (2006). Space Is More than Geography: Using Spatial Econometrics in the Study of Political Economy
Gleditsch, K., (2004). A Revised List of Wars Between and Within Independent States, 1816-2002
Gleditsch, KS. and Beardsley, K., (2004). Nosy Neighbors
Gleditsch, KS. and Ward, MD., (2001). Measuring Space: A Minimum-Distance Database and Applications to International Studies
Ward, MD. and Gleditsch, KS., (1998). Democratizing for Peace
Dataset (1)
Metternich, NW., Gleditsch, KS. and Dworschak, C., Forecasting in International Relations
Other (1)
Gleditsch, KS., (2013).Public Policy in an Uncertain World: Analysis and Decisions.. JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 50(6)
Grants and funding
Business and Local Government Data Research Centre Legacy Status Proposal
Economic and Social Research Council
Multilingualism, Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities of Practiced Linguistic Diversity
Economic and Social Research Council
The Crime-Reducing Effect of Education: Disaggregating Education and Impact on Violent Crime
Research Council of Norway
Inequality and Governance in Unstable Democracies: The Mediating Role of Trust
Economic and Social Research Council
Business and Local Government Data Research Centre (BLG DRC)
Economic and Social Research Council
Newton Fund: Fostering a partnership between Essex and Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Higher Education Funding Council (Hefce)
Explaining the Other Half: The Fall of Violent Crime in Mexico in the 1990s-2000s
The British Academy
Political, Economic, Social, and Legal Aspects of Hosting Migrants and Refugees
British Council
Newton International Fellowship - Political Change through Contentious Action
The Royal Society
Conflict, Strategies and Violence: An Actor-based Approach to Violent and Non-Violent Interactions
ERC (European Research Council)
Conflict & Cooperation: UK and Japan
Economic & Social Research Council
Conflict & Cooperation: UK and Japan
Economic & Social Research Council
Disaggregating Civil War
International Peace Research Institute Oslo
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