Community Action Clinic

Get involved

People in a crowd looking sad

Whether you are a student looking to make a difference in your local community or a community group looking for support to affect real change, our Community Action Clinic can help provide you with the tools to make the next step.

We partner with local organisations, community organisers and community leaders, working on campaigns together with the Citizens Essex Alliance and other local organisations. Our goal is to listen to the community to identify issues that we can campaign on to make change, and hold those in power to account for making that change though Citizens UK community organising methodology. 

Get involved as a student

We want to make real societal change by giving students a unique opportunity to undertake in-depth community organising training and put that training into action by getting involved in real-life community organising campaigns.

Student can engage with the clinic in several different ways:

Work with us as an organisation

We work with both community-based or third-sector organisations to help provide you with the support on different projects and campaigns.Typically organisations write a research brief that our students.can then fulfill. If you are interested in collaborating with us please do get in touch.

In the past we have worked with organisations such as, Colchester foodbank, Community 360, Eastlight community homes and Citizens Essex

Get in touch with us
Contact our Clinic Director if you wish to work with us