
LinkedIn Explained

Perfect for students who are just starting out on LinkedIn.

  • Wed 17 Jan - Mon 18 Mar 24


  • Online

    On campus and Online

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  • Event organiser

    Student Development Department

  • Contact details

Heard of LinkedIn and want to see what all the fuss is about? Join us to take a tour of LinkedIn and find out more about this powerful job search and networking tool.

We will explain and walk through the main features such as:

  • Setting up a profile
  • Career research
  • Job Searching
  • Alumni tool
  • Privacy settings

This session is for students who have little or no knowledge of LinkedIn.

If you are already a LinkedIn pro but want to know how to get more out of the platform, you can book a one-to-one appointment here.

See you there!

Book now via CareerHub

If attending an online session, please make sure you have Zoom set up (using your Essex email address) before this webinar begins. 

The Careers Services team are here to help you make the most of your Essex experience and help you reach your full potential. We offer support with CVs, applications, interview skills and careers tailored advice. All of our workshops can be booked via CareerHub.

Find out more about our services and how we can help.