
Res Life - Tackling Exam Anxiety 8-14 March

Take your pick out of a range of virtual events and activities hosted by Residence Life. All students welcome to be part of our online community.

  • Mon 8 - Sun 14 Mar 21


  • Online


  • Event type

    Networking or social

  • Event organiser

    Residence Life

  • Contact details

Each week we'll be posting a selection of online programmes hosted by our fantastic Residents' Assistant (RA) team. Take part in any events or activities which you're interested in. This is a great opportunity to make new friends, stay connected, and be part of our online community.

 Worried about upcoming exams?

Share your worries with other students in our Residence Life RA online activities over this month. RAs are current students at the University who can be a helpful listening ear and help us connect as students on the things we have in common.

For many of us, exam worry is a very common thing. Over this week, we have a selection of RA programmes that will cover a range of content. Come learn about things such as stress management, getting organised and managing your time, as well as unwind over some online games! We'll be covering lots of tools and techniques, and good pre-exam practices such as getting a good night's sleep, eating well, and keeping hydrated. Let's share our study and revision strategies,to feel best prepared for the upcoming exam season. We hope you'll be able to join at least one! 

Event Name Date  Time Zoom Meeting ID
Exam Prep & De-stress Monday 8 March 6-7pm  

341 247 5432


How Not to Fail Exams Wednesday 10 March 5-7pm 965 0533 3194
Be Kind to Your Mind Wednesday 10 March 7-8pm 964 4261 8829
Small Talk Session - Preparing for Exams Saturday 13 March 4-5pm 9503 325 1718
Coping with Stress Saturday 13 March 6.30-7.30pm 958 277 4092

Dealing with Exams: Become a Taskmaster

Saturday 13 March 7-8pm 923 9246 2590
Getting Things Done - Time Management Strategies Sunday 14 March 7-8pm 972 6480 1110

Further help available to you:



Remember, all Residence Life programmes are open to both on and off campus students from any location – no booking needed, just log on to Zoom and join the event at the start time. Find out more about using Zoom. If you have any suggestions for upcoming programmes, please email us