
THINK Launch Debate : "Death on Demand"

  • Wed 16 Oct 19

    14:00 - 15:30

  • Colchester Campus

    Ivor Crewe lecture Hall A (Colchester) GB2.42 (Southend)

  • Event speaker

    Mark Jarman-Howe ; Chief Executive of St Helena and Tom Davies : Dignity in Dying

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars

  • Event organiser

    Corporate events

  • Contact details

    Tessa Thomas

Our first THINK debate of the new academic year will focus on the legal, medical and ethical issues around the movement to legalise assisted dying in the UK.

A recent poll showed that 82% of Britons were in favour of a changing the law so that terminally ill adults can have the option of assisted dying.  

Yet opponents of ‘physician-assisted suicide’ stress the risks to vulnerable members of society, such as the elderly and people living with severe disabilities. 

Is it possible to create safeguards in the law to protect vulnerable people from ending their lives?

Canada legalised assisted dying but a recent court ruling rejected some of the precautions built into the law, declaring them to be in conflict with fundamental human rights.

What lessons should we learn from Canada and other countries that have legalised assisted dying? 

Is the UK sliding down a slippery slope towards Death on Demand?


Speaker 1: Tom Davies 
Tom Davies works for Dignity in Dying, a non-profit organisation that lobbies for the legalisation of Assisted Dying in the UK. Tom led Parliamentary and public affairs campaigns for the recent Falconer and Marris Bills in Westminster, as well as legislation and debates in other UK jurisdictions. 

Speaker 2: Mark Jarman-Howe
Mark Jarman-Howe is Chief Executive of St Helena, a North Essex charity that helps people face incurable illness and bereavement. He is a trustee of Compassion in Dying, a national charity focused on choice, autonomy and advance decision making, and a non-executive director of the assisted dying campaign group Dignity in Dying.

The Chair: Professor Wayne Martin
The event will be chaired by University of Essex philosophy professor Wayne Martin, who is the Director of the Essex Autonomy Project.  

Facebook : http://bit.ly/2VbMxYd 
Twitter : @THINKUoE


This debate will be video linked to Southend GB2.42.

 Part of the THINK Series