
Green Impact Launch

  • Mon 2 Sep 19


  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

  • Event organiser

    Estates and Campus Services

  • Contact details

    Daisy Malt

Green Impact is an environmental accreditation programme run with support from the NUS. It brings staff and students in a department together in a team and provides them with a tangible framework to make their department more sustainable. The programme runs each academic year.

If your department already has a Green Impact team

  1. Visit Essex Green Impact. Fill in your details.
  2. In the Team field, select your department.
  3. After signing up, get in touch with other members of your team and start helping them complete Green Impact. 

If your department doesn't yet have a Green Impact team

  1. Visit Essex Green Impact.
  2. Fill in your details, including the New Team section.
  3. Arrange a meeting with Daisy Malt (Sustainability Engagement Coordinator) daisy.malt@essex.ac.uk or Ellie Turner (Sustainability Engagement Assistant) et19589@essex.ac.uk. The team can help grow your team and explain how Green Impact can work in your department.