
Prof Paul Whiteley

Emeritus Professor
Department of Government
Prof Paul Whiteley
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    Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Mondays 12:00 to 14:00



After studying economics as an undergraduate at the University of Sheffield Paul Whiteley obtained Masters and Doctoral degrees at the University of Essex. His first academic post was as lectureship in Politics and Statistics at Kingston Polytechnic in West London before moving to the University of Bristol as a lecturer in Politics where he stayed for ten years. He was appointed professor of Political Science at the University of Arizona in 1988 and subsequently became the Pamela Harriman Professor of Government and Public Policy at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. After returning to Britain in 1994 as a Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield he moved to the University of Essex in 2001. His research interests are in electoral behaviour, public opinion, political economy and political methodology. He is the author or co-author of some 27 books on these topics and more than a 100 academic articles. He was appointed a Fellow of the Academy of Social Science in 2009 and a Fellow of the British Academy in 2012. He is an active blogger and broadcaster commenting mainly on contemporary British politics.


  • BA(Econ) (Sheffield)

  • MA, PhD (Essex)


University of Essex

  • Professor, University of Essex (1/1/2001 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Public Opinion

Electoral Behaviour

Political Economy

Political Methodology

Current research

British political parties

electoral behaviour

political economy

the comparative analysis of citizenship

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Alejandro Pastrana Valls
Alejandro Pastrana Valls
Thesis title: The Mexican Citizen in Transition
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/4/2015
Andreas Erwin Murr
Andreas Erwin Murr
Thesis title: Citizen Forecasting in the 2010 British General Election
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/8/2013
Richard Edward Wade
Richard Edward Wade
Thesis title: Economic Thought and Policymaking in the British Conservative Party, 1964 - 1992
Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/2/2012


Journal articles (124)

Whiteley, P. and Gill, J., (2024). Introduction to the special issue of electoral Studies in memory of Harold D. Clarke. Electoral Studies. 90, 102822-102822

Whiteley, P., (2023). Has age replaced class in British Elections?A hierarchical age-period-cohort analysis. Electoral Studies. 86, 102695-102695

Whiteley, P., Larsen, E., Goodwin, M. and Clarke, H., (2021). Party Activism in the Populist Radical Right: The Case of the UK Independence Party. Party Politics. 27 (4), 644-655

Whiteley, P. and Kölln, A-K., (2019). How Do Different Sources of Partisanship Influence Government Accountability in Europe?. International Political Science Review. 40 (4), 502-517

Whiteley, P., Poletti, M., Webb, P. and Bale, T., (2019). Oh Jeremy Corbyn! Why did Labour Party Membership Soar after the 2015 General Election?. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 21 (1), 80-98

Quiroz Flores, A. and Whiteley, P., (2018). The 'Beeching Axe' and Electoral Support in Britain. European Review of Economic History. 22 (3), 361-379

Whiteley, P., (2017). Beyond Party Members: Changing Approaches to Partisan Mobilization. PARTY POLITICS. 23 (2), 172-173

Clarke, HD., Goodwin, M. and Whiteley, PF., (2017). Why Britain Voted for Brexit: An Individual-Level Analysis of the 2016 Referendum Vote. Parliamentary Affairs. 70 (3), 439-464

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2016). Forecasting the 2015 British general election: The Seats-Votes model. Electoral Studies. 41, 269-273

Whiteley, P., (2016). Why Did the Polls Get It Wrong in the 2015 General Election? Evaluating the Inquiry into Pre-Election Polls. The Political Quarterly. 87 (3), 437-442

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, M., (2016). Why Do Voters Lose Trust in Governments? Public Perceptions of Government Honesty and Trustworthiness in Britain 2000–2013. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 18 (1), 234-254

Whiteley, P., (2016). Globalization and Mass Politics: Retaining the Room to Maneuver. By Timothy Hellwig. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 232p. $85.00.. Perspectives on Politics. 14 (1), 198-200

Clarke, H., Whiteley, P., Borges, W., Sanders, D. and Stewart, M., (2016). Modelling the dynamics of support for a right-wing populist party: the case of UKIP. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 26 (2), 135-154

Whiteley, PF., Clarke, H., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2016). Hunting the Snark: A Reply to ?Re-Evaluating Valence Models of Political Choice?. Political Science Research and Methods. 4 (01), 221-240

Whiteley, PF., (2016). What explains electoral responses to the 'Great Recession in Europe?. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. 1 (1), 62-76

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2015). The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Austerity Policies in Britain. Parliamentary Affairs. 68 (1), 4-24

Birch, S., Clarke, HD. and Whiteley, P., (2015). Should 16-Year-Olds Be Allowed to Vote in Westminster Elections? Public Opinion and Electoral Franchise Reform. Parliamentary Affairs. 68 (2), 291-313

Clarke, H., Reifler, J., Scotto, TJ., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2015). Valence politics and voting in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Electoral Studies. 40, 462-470

Whiteley, P., (2014). Does regulation make political parties more popular? A multi-level analysis of party support in Europe. International Political Science Review. 35 (3), 376-399

Whiteley, P., (2014). Does Citizenship Education Work? Evidence from a Decade of Citizenship Education in Secondary Schools in England. Parliamentary Affairs. 67 (3), 513-535

Reifler, J., Clarke, HD., Scotto, TJ., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2014). Prudence, Principle and Minimal Heuristics: British Public Opinion toward the Use of Military Force in Afghanistan and Libya. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 16 (1), 28-55

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2013). Leader heuristics, political knowledge and voting in Britain's AV referendum. Electoral Studies. 32 (2), 224-235

Borges, W., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC., Sanders, D. and Whiteley, P., (2013). The emerging political economy of austerity in Britain. Electoral Studies. 32 (3), 396-403

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2012). Britain Says NO: Voting in the AV Ballot Referendum. Parliamentary Affairs. 65 (2), 301-322

Whiteley, P., (2012). Economic Performance and Higher Education: The Lessons for Britain. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 14 (4), 672-688

Whiteley, P., Sy, T. and Johnson, SK., (2012). Leaders' conceptions of followers: Implications for naturally occurring Pygmalion effects. The Leadership Quarterly. 23 (5), 822-834

Whiteley, PF., (2011). Is the party over? The decline of party activism and membership across the democratic world. Party Politics. 17 (1), 21-44

Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Downs, Stokes and the Dynamics of Electoral Choice. British Journal of Political Science. 41 (2), 287-314

Sanders, D., Clarke, H., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Response to David Hugh-Jones. Parliamentary Affairs. 64 (4), 767-768

Clarke, HD., Kornberg, A., Scotto, TJ., Reifler, J., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Yes we can! Valence politics and electoral choice in America, 2008. Electoral Studies. 30 (3), 450-461

Whiteley, P., Sanders, D., Stewart, M. and Clarke, H., (2011). Aggregate level forecasting of the 2010 general election in Britain: The Seats-Votes model. Electoral Studies. 30 (2), 278-283

Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Simulating the Effects of the Alternative Vote in the 2010 UK General Election. Parliamentary Affairs. 64 (1), 5-23

Clarke, H., Sanders, D., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, P., (2011). Valence Politics and Electoral Choice in Britain, 2010. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 21 (2), 237-253

Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2011). Downs, Stokes and the Dynamics of Electoral Choice. British Journal of Political Science. 41 (02), 287-314

Scotto, TJ., Clarke, HD., Kornberg, A., Reifler, J., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2010). The dynamic political economy of support for Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election campaign. Electoral Studies. 29 (4), 545-556

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2010). Government Performance and Life Satisfaction in Contemporary Britain. The Journal of Politics. 72 (3), 733-746

Whiteley, P., Stewart, M., Sanders, D. and Clarke, H., (2010). Do Institutions Really Influence Political Participation?. International Journal of Market Research. 52 (1), 21-42

Whiteley, P., Clarke, H., Sanders, D. and Stewart, M., (2010). Polling and forecasting the general election of 2010. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH. 52 (5), 687-691

Whiteley, P., (2010). Can Labour Win?. Political Insight. 1 (1), 5-7

Sy, T., Shore, LM., Strauss, J., Shore, TH., Tram, S., Whiteley, P. and Ikeda-Muromachi, K., (2010). Leadership perceptions as a function of race–occupation fit: The case of Asian Americans.. Journal of Applied Psychology. 95 (5), 902-919

Whiteley, P., (2009). Where Have All the Members Gone? The Dynamics of Party Membership in Britain. Parliamentary Affairs. 62 (2), 242-257

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2009). The American voter's British cousin. Electoral Studies. 28 (4), 632-641


Whiteley, P., (2008). Evaluating rival forecasting models of the 2005 general election in Britain – An encompassing experiment. Electoral Studies. 27 (4), 581-588

Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2008). The Endogeneity of Preferences in Spatial Models: Evidence from the 2005 British Election Study. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 18 (4), 413-431

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2008). Internet Surveys and National Election Studies: A Symposium. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 18 (4), 327-330

Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2007). Does Mode Matter For Modeling Political Choice? Evidence From the 2005 British Election Study. Political Analysis. 15 (3), 257-285

Bellucci, P. and Whiteley, P., (2006). Modeling Electoral Choice in Europe in the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction. Electoral Studies. 25 (3), 419-423

Whiteley, PF., (2005). Forecasting Seats from Votes in British General Elections. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 7 (2), 165-173

Whiteley, P., (2005). Studies in Public Opinion: Attitudes, Nonattitudes, Measurement Error, and Change. Perspectives on Politics. 3 (03)

Whiteley, P., (2005). The Issue Agenda and Voting in 2005. Parliamentary Affairs. 58 (4), 802-817

Whiteley, P., (2004). Reinventing Political Activism. Government and Opposition. 39 (4), 632-635

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (2004). British Party Members. Party Politics. 10 (4), 355-366

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (2004). British party members - An overview. PARTY POLITICS. 10 (4), 355-366

Sanders, D., Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC., Whiteley, PF. and Twyman, J., (2004). The 2001 British Election Study Internet Poll. Journal of Political Marketing. 3 (4), 29-55

D. Clarke, H., Sanders, D., C. Stewart, M. and F. Whiteley, P., (2003). Britain (Not) at the Polls, 2001. Political Science and Politics. 36 (01), 59-64

Whiteley, P. and Seyd, P., (2003). Party Election Campaigning in Britain. Party Politics. 9 (5), 637-652

Pattie, C., Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (2003). Citizenship and Civic Engagement: Attitudes and Behaviour in Britain. Political Studies. 51 (3), 443-468

Pattie, C., (2003). Civic Attitudes and Engagement in Modern Britain. Parliamentary Affairs. 56 (4), 616-633

Whiteley, P. and Seyd, P., (2003). How to win a landslide by really trying: the effects of local campaigning on voting in the 1997 British general election. Electoral Studies. 22 (2), 301-324

Sanders, D., (2003). The Dynamics of Protest in Britain, 2000-2002. Parliamentary Affairs. 56 (4), 687-699

Whiteley, P., (2003). The State of Participation in Britain. Parliamentary Affairs. 56 (4), 610-615

Whiteley, P. and Seyd, P., (2002). High-Intensity Participation

Seyd, P., Whiteley, P. and Pattie, C., (2001). Citizenship in Britain: Attitudes and Behaviour. The Political Quarterly. 72 (s1), 141-148

Whiteley, P., Clarke, H., Sanders, D. and Stewart, M., (2001). the 2001 general election in britain. European Political Science. 1 (1), 34-41

Whiteley, P., (2001). Turnout. Parliamentary Affairs. 54 (4), 775-788

Sanders, D., (2001). The Economy and Voting. Parliamentary Affairs. 54 (4), 789-802

Whiteley, PF., (2000). Economic Growth and Social Capital. Political Studies. 48 (3), 443-466

Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (1998). New Models for New Labour: The Political Economy of Labour Party Support, January 1992–April 1997. American Political Science Review. 92 (3), 559-575

Whiteley, P. and Seyd, P., (1998). Labour's grassroots campaign in 1997. British Elections & Parties Review. 8 (1), 191-207

WHITELEY, PF. and SEYD, P., (1998). The Dynamics of Party Activism in Britain: A Spiral of Demobilization?. British Journal of Political Science. 28 (1), 113-137

CLARKE, HD., STEWART, MC. and WHITELEY, P., (1997). Tory Trends: Party Identification and the Dynamics of Conservative Support Since 1992. British Journal of Political Science. 27 (2), 299-331

WHITELEY, P., (1997). The Conservative Campaign. Parliamentary Affairs. 50 (4), 542-554

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, PF., (1996). L'évolution récente des adhérents du Parti conservateur et du Parti travailliste en Grande-Bretagne. Revue française de science politique. 46 (6), 914-935

Whiteley, PF., (1995). Rational Choice and Political Participation. Evaluating the Debate. Political Research Quarterly. 48 (1), 211-211

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, PF., (1995). Labour and conservative party members:cHange over time. Parliamentary Affairs. 48 (3), 456-472

Whiteley, PF., Seyd, P., Richardson, J. and Bissell, P., (1994). Thatcherism and the Conservative Party. Political Studies. 42 (2), 185-203

Whiteley, PF. and Seyd, P., (1994). Local Party Campaigning and Electoral Mobilization in Britain. The Journal of Politics. 56 (1), 242-252

Whiteley, PF., Seyd, P., Richardson, J. and Bissell, P., (1994). Explaining Party Activism: The Case of the British Conservative Party. British Journal of Political Science. 24 (1), 79-94

Pattie, C., Whiteley, P., Johnston, R. and Seyd, P., (1994). Measuring Local Campaign Effects: Labour Party Constituency Campaigning at the 1987 General Election. Political Studies. 42 (3), 469-479

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (1994). The influence of local campaigning on the conservative vote in the 1992 general election. British Elections and Parties Yearbook. 4 (1), 92-109

WHITELEY, P. and SEYD, P., (1992). Labour's Vote and Local Activism: The Impact of Local Constituency Campaigns.. Parliamentary Affairs. 45 (4), 582-595

Whiteley, P., Stewart, MC. and Clarke, HD., (1992). Performance and promise: Studying the dynamics of party support in British elections. British Elections and Parties Yearbook. 2 (1), 127-137

ELLIOTT, E. and WHITELEY, P., (1990). Political Influences on Monetary Policy 1914–84. Governance. 3 (4), 367-393

Clarke, HD., Mishler, W. and Whiteley, P., (1990). Recapturing the Falklands: Models of Conservative Popularity, 1979–83. British Journal of Political Science. 20 (1), 63-81

CLARKE, H. and WHITELEY, P., (1990). Perceptions of macroeconomic performance, government support and Conservative Party strategy in Britain 1983–1987. European Journal of Political Research. 18 (1), 97-120

Clarke, H. and Whiteley, P., (1990). PRESIDENTIAL APPROVAL, PARTISANSHIP AND THE ECONOMY: EVIDENCE FROM THE 1984 CONTINUOUS MONITORING SURVEY IN THE US. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 2 (3), 203-226

Nixon, J., (1989). Paul F. Whiteley and Stephen J. Winyard, Pressure for the Poor. The Poverty Lobby and Policy Making, Methuen, London, 1987. 174 pp. £25.00.. Journal of Social Policy. 18 (3), 454-456

Whiteley, P. and Tullock, G., (1988). Autocracy.. The Economic Journal. 98 (391), 527-527

Whiteley, PF., (1988). The Causal Relationships between Issues, Candidate Evaluations, Party Identification, and Vote Choice--the View From "Rolling Thunder". The Journal of Politics. 50 (4), 961-984

Whiteley, P. and Winyard, S., (1988). The poverty lobby in British politics. Parliamentary Affairs. 41 (2), 195-208

Whiteley, P., (1988). Party incumbency and economic growth in the United States: 1929 to 1984. Political Behavior. 10 (4), 293-315

Willetts, D., (1987). Paul F. Whiteley and Stephen J. Wingard, Pressure For The Poor: The Poverty Lobby and Policy Making. London: Methuen, 1987, pp. 174. Journal of Public Policy. 7 (4), 452-454

Borooah, V. and Whiteley, P., (1987). Political Control of the Macroeconomy: The Political Economy of Public Policy Making.. The Economic Journal. 97 (387), 763-763

WHITELEY, PF., (1986). Macroeconomic performance and government popularity in Britain: the short run dynamics. European Journal of Political Research. 14 (1-2), 45-61

Pridham, G. and Whiteley, P., (1986). Anatomy of the SDP: Is the Party Structurally Top‐Heavy?. Government and Opposition. 21 (2), 205-217

Whiteley, P., (1986). Predicting the Labour Vote in 1983: Social Backgrounds versus Subjective Evaluations. Political Studies. 34 (1), 82-98

Whiteley, P., (1984). Perceptions of economic performance and voting behavior in the 1983 general election in Britain. Political Behavior. 6 (4), 395-410

Whiteley, P. and Winyard, S., (1984). The Origins of the ‘New Poverty Lobby’. Political Studies. 32 (1), 32-54

Whiteley, P., (1984). Inflation, unemployment and government popularity—Dynamic models for the United States, Britain and West Germany. Electoral Studies. 3 (1), 3-24

Whiteley, P., (1984). Can the Alliance Replace Labour as the Main Party of Opposition?. Politics. 4 (1), 3-7

WHITELEY, PF., (1983). The Political Economy of Economic Growth. European Journal of Political Research. 11 (2), 197-213

Whiteley, P. and Winyard, S., (1983). Influencing Social Policy: The Effectiveness of the Poverty Lobby in Britain. Journal of Social Policy. 12 (1), 1-26


Whiteley, P., (1982). Reply to McLean. Political Studies. 30 (2), 277-277

Whiteley, P., (1981). Public Opinion and the Demand for Social Welfare in Britain. Journal of Social Policy. 10 (4), 453-475

WHITELEY, P., (1981). WHO ARE THE LABOUR ACTIVISTS ?. The Political Quarterly. 52 (2), 160-170


Gordon, I. and Whiteley, P., (1981). Swings and Roundabouts: An Ecological Analysis of the European and General Election Results in Great Britain. Political Studies. 29 (4), 586-603

Whiteley, P., (1980). A Comment on ‘The Incidence of Coloured Populations and Support for the National Front’. British Journal of Political Science. 10 (2), 267-268

Whiteley, P., (1980). A Reply to Webb. British Journal of Political Science. 10 (2), 271-272

Whiteley, P., (1980). Time series analysis. Quality and Quantity. 14 (1), 225-247

Gordon, I. and Whiteley, P., (1980). Comment: Johnston on Campaign Expenditure and the Efficacy of Advertising. Political Studies. 28 (2), 293-294



Whiteley, P., (1979). Electoral Forecasting from Poll Data: The British Case. British Journal of Political Science. 9 (2), 219-236

Whiteley, P., (1979). The National Front Vote in the 1977 GLC Elections: An Aggregate Data Analysis. British Journal of Political Science. 9 (3), 370-380



Gordon, I. and Whiteley, P., (1979). Social Class and Political Attitudes: The Case of Labour Councillors. Political Studies. 27 (1), 99-113

Whiteley, P., (1978). The Structure of Democratic Socialist Ideology in Britain. Political Studies. 26 (2), 209-231

Gordon, I. and Whiteley, P., (1977). The Political Ideology of Labour Councillors. Policy & Politics. 5 (4), 1-25

Whiteley, P., (1976). Bayesian Statistics and Political Recruitment: A Comment. British Journal of Political Science. 6 (1), 124-125


Books (31)

Schofield, NJ., Satchell, SE., Chatterji, M. and Whiteley, PF., Advanced Statistical Methods in Economics. Holt, Rinehart and Winston

whiteley, P., Economic Policy: International Library of Comparative Public Policy, Volumes I and II. Edward Elgar

Whiteley, PF., Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Goodwin, M. and Stewart, MC., (2023). Brexit Britain. Cambridge University Press. 9781108496445

Clarke, HD., Elliott, EW., Mishler, W., Stewart, MC., Whiteley, PF. and Zuk, G., (2019). Controversies in Political Economy. Routledge

Richelson, JT., Abegaz, B., Dillon, P. and Feldman, DH., (2019). The Challenge of European Integration. Routledge

Abegaz, B., Dillon, P., Feldman, DH. and Whiteley, PF., (2019). Preface

Whiteley, PF., (2018). Pressure for the Poor. Routledge

Whiteley, P., (2018). The Labour Party in Crisis. Routledge

Clarke, HD., Goodwin, M. and Whiteley, PF., (2017). Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union. Cambridge University Press. 9781316584408

Clarke, HD., Kellner, P., Stewart, MC., Twyman, J. and Whiteley, P., (2016). Austerity and Political Choice in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 1137524936. 9781349707003

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2013). Affluence, Austerity and Electoral Change in Britain. Cambridge University Press. 9781107024243

Whiteley, P., (2011). Political Participation in Britain The Decline and Revival of Civic Culture. Palgrave Macmillan. 0230358497. 9780230358492

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2009). Performance Politics and the British Voter. Cambridge University Press. 9780521874441

(2008). Social Capital and European Democracy. Routledge

Whiteley, P., Seyd, P. and Billinghurst, A., (2006). Third Force Politics. Oxford University PressOxford. 0199242828. 9780199242825

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2004). Political Choice in Britain. Oxford University PressOxford. 019924488X. 9780199266548

Pattie, C., Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (2004). Citizenship in Britain. Cambridge University Press. 052153464X. 9780521534642

Whiteley, P. and Seyd, P., (2002). High-intensity Participation The Dynamics of Party Activism in Britain. University of Michigan Press. 0472106201. 9780472106202

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (2002). New Labour’s Grassroots The Transformation of the Labour Party Membership. Springer. 0230599214. 9780230599215

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (2002). New Labour’s Grassroots. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 9781349417568

Seyd, P., Whiteley, P. and Parry, J., (1996). Labour and Conservative Party Members 1990-92 Social Characteristics, Political Attitudes, and Activities. Dartmouth Publishing Company

Whiteley, P., Seyd, P. and Richardson, J., (1994). True Blues : The Politics of Conservative Party Membership The Politics of Conservative Party Membership. Oxford University Press, USA. 0191544418. 9780191544415

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (1992). Labour's Grass Roots The Politics of Party Membership. Oxford University Press. 0198273584. 9780198273585

Miller, WL., (1990). How Voters Change The 1987 British Election Campaign in Perspective. Oxford University Press

Whiteley, P. and Winyard, S., (1987). Pressure for the Poor The Poverty Lobby and Policy Making. Taylor & Francis. 0416363709. 9780416363708

Keman, H., Paloheimo, H., Whiteley, P. and Research, ECFP., (1987). Coping with the economic crisis alternative responses to economic recession in advanced industrial societies. Sage Publications Ltd

Whiteley, P., (1986). Politcal Control of the Macroeconomy. Sage

Marsden, R. and Whiteley, P., (1985). The Labour Party in Crisis. JSTOR. 0416338704. 9780416338706

McKay, DH., Schofield, N. and Whiteley, P., (1983). Data analysis and the social sciences

Whiteley, PF., (1980). Models of political economy. London ; Beverly Hills : Sage Publications

Book chapters (32)

Whiteley, P., (2023). Rational choice theory. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. 507- 509

Pattie, C., Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (2022). The Dynamics of Citizenship: The Effects of the General Election on Citizenship. In: British Elections & Parties Review. Routledge. 113- 146

Sanders, D., Clarke, H., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, P., (2022). Public Attitudes towards Political Protest in Britain, 2000–02. In: British Elections & Parties Review. Routledge. 147- 167

Whiteley, P. and Clarke, HD., (2020). Forecasting the Economic Consequences of Brexit. In: Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics. Springer International Publishing. 153- 170. 9783030441166

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD. and Stewart, MC., (2020). Populism Plus: Voting for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US Presidential Election. In: Authoritarian Populism and Liberal Democracy. Springer International Publishing. 87- 105. 9783030179960

Whiteley, PF., (2019). Comments: Has European integration stalled?. In: The Challenge of European Integration: Internal and External Problems of Trade and Money. 301- 308

Abegaz, B., Dillon, P., Feldman, DH. and Whiteley, PF., (2019). Introduction: The Challenge of European Integration. In: The Challenge of European Integration. Routledge. 3- 20

Whiteley, P., Goodwin, M. and Clarke, HD., (2018). The Rise and Fall of UKIP 2010-17. In: None past the post Britain at the polls, 2017. Editors: Allen, N. and Bartle, J., . Manchester University Press. 978-1-5261-3006-8

Whiteley, PF., (2015). Social Capital. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition). Editors: Wright, JD., . Elsevier. 174- 180. 978-0-08-097087-5

Sanders, D., Clarke, H., Stewart, M. and Whiteley, PF., (2014). Output-oriented Legitimacy: Individual- and System-level Influences on Democracy Satisfaction. In: Elections and Democracy: Representation and Accountability. Editors: Thomassen, J., . Oxford University Press. 153- 180. 9780198716334

Whiteley, PF., (2014). Not Total Recall: Why People Lie about Voting. In: Sex, Lies & the Ballot Box 50 things you need to know about British elections. Editors: Cowley, P. and Ford, R., . Biteback. 9781849547550

Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2014). New Labour's New Partisans: The dynamics of party identification in Britain since 1992. In: British Elections and Parties Review. 87- 104

Clarke, HD., Borges, W., Stewart, MC., Sanders, D. and Whiteley, PF., (2013). The Politics of Austerity: Modeling British Attitudes Towards Public Spending Cuts. In: Advances in Political Economy. Editors: Schofield, N., Caballero, G. and Kselman, D., . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 265- 287. 978-3-642-35238-6

Kavanagh, D., (2013). The Politics of the Labour Party Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 55. In: The Politics of the Labour Party. Routledge. 111- 134

Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2013). Political change and party choice: Voting in the 1997 General Election. In: British Elections and Parties Review: The General Election of 1997. 9- 34

Whiteley, P., (2013). Party Membership in Great Britain. In: Parteien ohne Mitglieder?. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. 197- 205

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2012). Downs, stokes and modified rational choice: Modelling Turnout in 2001. In: British Elections & Parties Review. 28- 47

Whiteley, PF., (2009). Participation and Social Capital. In: The Oxford Handbook of British Politics. Editors: Flinders, M., Gamble, A., Hay, C. and Kenny, M., . Oxford University Press. 773- 797. 0199230951. 9780199230952

Whiteley, PF., (2009). Party Membership and Activism in Comparative Perspective. In: Activating the Citizen Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada. Editors: Pammett, J. and DeBardeleden, J., . Palgrave-Macmillan. 131- 151. 9780230575943

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2008). Travel tips for students of electoral choice: The dynamics of partisanship in Britain and elsewhere. In: Political Parties and Partisanship: Social identity and individual attitudes. Editors: Bartle, J. and Bellucci, P., . Routledge. 88- 106. 9780415460965

Whiteley, PF., (2008). What makes a Good Citizen? Citizenship Across the Democratic World. In: British Social Attitudes: the 24th Report. Editors: Park, A., Curtice, J., Thomson, K., Phillips, M., Johnson, MC. and Clery, E., . Sage. 173- 202. 9781412947749

(2006). Democratic Politics and Party Competition. In: Democratic Politics and Party Competition: Essays in Honour of Ian Budge. Editors: Bara, J. and Weale, A., . Routledge. 222- 244

Whiteley, P., Seyd, P. and Billinghurst, A., (2006). 2 Who Are the Members?. In: Third Force Politics. Oxford University PressOxford. 21- 47. 0199242828

Lawson, K. and Poguntke, T., (2004). How Political Parties Respond. In: How Political Parties Respond: Interest Aggregation Revisited. Routledge. 41- 60

Clarke, HD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, P., (2004). Theories and Models of Party Support. In: Political Choice in Britain. Oxford University PressOxford. 17- 38. 019924488X

Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2003). Emotions, expectations and the dynamics of party support in Britain. In: Economic Voting. Editors: Dorussen, H. and Taylor, M., . Routledge. 235- 260. 978-0415254335

(2003). Poverty and Exclusion in North and South. In: Poverty and Social Exclusion in North and South: Essays on Social Policy and Global Poverty Reduction. Editors: Dowler, E. and Mosley, P., . Routledge. 123- 148

Clarke, HD., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2003). Emotions, expectations and the dynamics of party support in Britain. In: Economic Voting. 235- 260

Whiteley, PF. and Seyd, P., (2003). Political capital formation among British party members. In: Private groups and public life: Social participation, voluntary associations and political involvement in representative democracies. 127- 145

Clarke, HD., Norpoth, H. and Whiteley, PF., (1998). It's About Time: Modelling Political and Social Dynamics. In: Research Strategies in the Social Sciences: A Guide to New Approaches. Editors: Scarbrough, E. and Tanenbaum, E., . Oxford University Press. 127- 154. 978-0-19-829238-8

Seyd, P. and Whiteley, P., (1996). Conservative Grassroots: An Overview. In: Contemporary British Conservatism. Macmillan Education UK. 63- 85. 9780333629499

Whiteley, P., (1990). Economic Policy. In: Developments in British Politics 3. Macmillan Education UK. 175- 196. 9780333513682

Conferences (1)

Whiteley, P., Clarke, HD. and Stewart, M., (2017). The Rhetoric and Reality of Austerity: Electoral Politics in Britain 2010 to 2015

Reports and Papers (1)

Scotto, T., Reifler, J., Clarke, HD., Lopez, JAD., Sanders, D., Stewart, MC. and Whiteley, PF., (2011). Attitudes towards British Involvement in Afghanistan

Dataset (2)

Stewart, MC., Clarke, HD. and Whiteley, P., (1998).Political Economy and the Dynamics of Party Support in Contemporary Britain

Stewart, MC., Clarke, HD. and Whiteley, P., (1998).Political Economy and the Dynamics of Party Support in Contemporary Britain

Other (1)

Whiteley, PF., Clarke, HD., Sanders, D. and Stewart, MC., (2014).The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Austerity Policies in Britain

Grants and funding


A proposal for studying the 2017 General Election in Britain

The British Academy


Public Opinion and the Syrian Crisis in Three Democracies

Economic & Social Research Council


Citizens in Transition

Economic & Social Research Council


British Election Study 2009

Economic & Social Research Council



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