Prof Peter Patrick

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Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Spring term 2021: Tuesdays 11-12, Thursdays 2-3. Email me for a Zoom link (my hours will be held remotely).
Peter L. Patrick is Professor of Sociolinguistics and a Member of the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex, having previously taught at Georgetown University. He was born in New York City and grew up in Jamaica WI, acquiring Jamaican Creole as his second language. His research interests include language variation, language rights, Creole languages, doctor-patient communication, and forensic linguistics. He is the author of Urban Jamaican Creole: Variation in the Mesolect (1999, Benjamins), of Comparative Creole Syntax: Parallel Outlines of 18 Creole Grammars (2007, Battlebridge) with John A. Holm, and of Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO): Theory, practice and methods (2018, Springer), with Monika Schmid and Karin Zwaan. He is coeditor of a forthcoming volume on Language Rights with John Packer. An expert on Creole languages, he has assisted in the development of Jamaican Language adult education programmes in the UK, and testified in US and UK civil and criminal courts, employment and education tribunals. Since 2004 he has worked to challenge and develop the use of linguistics as a tool for determining origins in asylum applications. He has authored expert opinions in over 90 cases in UK asylum tribunals, consulting on cases before the Court of Appeals (England & Wales), the Court of Session (Scotland), and the UK Supreme Court. As a founding member of the Language & National Origin Group he co-authored the Guidelines for the Use of Language Analysis in Relation to Questions of National Origin in Refugee Cases (2004), cited in thousands of asylum cases worldwide. He co-founded the Language & Asylum Research Group with Diane Eades to stimulate research and promote best-practice in LADO, and has engaged with government agencies, commercial language firms, lawyers, doctors, geneticists, immigration judges, and human rights practitioners, in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, Ireland, the Netherlands, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Wales and the USA. An interest in the social nature of language, and a commitment to fair representation and human rights of speakers, runs through all his work. He has been an elected officer of the University and College Union (UCU) at Essex since 2008.
AB History (mcl), University of Georgia, 1982
PhD Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, 1992
University of Essex
Professor of Linguistics, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/10/1998 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Language Variation & Change
Language and Human Rights
Language Testing of Asylum Seekers
African (American) Diaspora Languages
Pidgin & Creole Linguistics, (esp on Caribbean English-related creoles)
Language/Dialect Maintenance, Shift & Death
Sound Change in Sociolinguistic Context
Current research
Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO) in the UK and EU
Variation in number-marking in Jamaican Creole noun phrases
Conferences and presentations
Raising standards in the linguistic analysis of asylum seekers. Seminar to School of English Language, Literature and Linguistics series. 8 March, Newcastle University. (2017)
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2017
Closing address to Language, Mobility and Belonging conference. 25 March, Somerville College, University of Oxford. (2017)
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2017
Language and the asylum process. Language diversity: Research implications for policy and provisions in Greater Manchester. Multilingual Manchester. 23 March 2016, University of Manchester, UK.(2016)
Manchester, United Kingdom, 23/3/2016
How well does language testing of asylum seekers work? Migrants and Language(s): Issues arising from the Current Crisis. 21 March 2016, Birkbeck, University of London. (2016)
London, United Kingdom, 2016
The impact of sociolinguistics on refugee status determination.Sociolinguistic Research: Application and Impact. 13 June, Birmingham UK.(2016)
Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2016
Community, diversity and mobility: A critical perspective. Sociolinguistic Symposium 21. 17 June, Murcia, Spain.(2016)
Murcia, Spain, 2016
Taking an inch: Raising standards of practice in LADO. Plenary address to 6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP-6). 4 November, Copenhagen.(2016)
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016
Number marking in Jamaican. Seminar to Survey of English Usage series. 7 December, University College London.(2016)
Invited presentation, Seminar to Survey of English Usage series, London, United Kingdom, 2016
Language testing of asylum seekers: The role of expertise. Seminar to Danish forensic linguists. 16 December, Roskilde University.(2016)
Roskilde, Denmark, 2016
Impact case study on LADO - Language Analysis for Determination of Origin. 29 June 2015 (2015)
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Invited seminar to the University Council of General and Applied Linguistics,, Meeting of the University Council of General and Applied Linguistics, London, United Kingdom, 29/6/2015
Cart or horse? Sociolinguistics, impact and refugee status determination. iMEAN, 9 April 2015, Warwick. (2015)
iMEAN 2015, iMEAN, Coventry, United Kingdom, 9/4/2015
The transformation of experience in asylum narratives, with Carlie FitzGerald. International Colloquium on Multilingualism and Interpreting in Settings of Globalisation: Asylum and Migration. 19 Feb 2015, Ghent. (2015)
Ghent, Belgium, 2015
No Borders, No Nations - Refugees Welcome? A Civic Conversation. 3 October 2015, Linen Hall Library, Belfast. (2015)
Belfast, United Kingdom, 2015
Linguistic testing of asylum seekers. Multilingual Manchester lecture, 19 Feb 2014, University of Manchester. (2014)
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2014
Language testing of asylum seekers: The role of variation. Keynote address, Languaging Diversity, Naples. (2013)
Naples, Italy, 2013
Organizer, ESRC LADO Network Seminar #3: Issues of Expertise & Recognition of Professional Standards. University of Essex, June. (2012)
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2012
Language Analysis in the Determination of Origin: A Linguists Perspective. GRAMnet, Translation & Asylum Claims, University of Glasgow. (2012)
Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2012
Organizer, ESRC LADO Network Seminar #4: Best Practice in LADO: The Way Forward. University of Essex, November. (2012)
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2012
Organizer, ESRC LADO Network Seminar #1: Data Elicitation for LADO. University of Essex, June. (2011)
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2011
Linguistic Analysis for Determining the Origins of Asylum Seekers - PluS workshop, Vienna (2011)
Vienna, Austria, 2011
Key Problems in Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO) - Plenary address, International Association for Forensic Linguistics, Aston (2011)
Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2011
Effects of Lay Perspectives on Language in the Testing of Asylum Seekers - ALAPP, Cardiff (2011)
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2011
Organizer, ESRC LADO Network Seminar #2: The Role of Native Speakers in LADO. University of Essex, November. (2011)
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2011
LADO - A view from Linguistics - ESRC Genomics Network, London (2011)
London, United Kingdom, 2011
Linguistic Rights in the Asylum Context - CamLing VI 'Linguistics Matters!' workshop, Cambridge (2010)
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2010
LADO - Objective Evidence for Refugee Status Determination - CORI: Challenges and Commonalities in Providing Objective Evidence for RSD, London(2010)
London, United Kingdom, 2010
Applying the Speech Community: Language Analysis of Asylum Seekers - ASNEL/GNEL, Bayreuth(2010)
Bayreuth, Germany, 2010
Language Variation and LADO - European Science Foundation Workshop on Language & Origin, NIAS, Wassenaar(2010)
Wassenaar, Netherlands, 2010
with Katherine Bristowe: Linguistic Issues and Pitfalls in working with Asylum Seekers & Refugees - Medical Foundation for Care of Victims of Torture, Doctors' Study Day, London(2010)
London, United Kingdom, 2010
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/2/2021

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/12/2020

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/9/2020

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/12/2019

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/8/2018

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/7/2018

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/6/2018

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 24/3/2017

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2016

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/5/2015

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 25/11/2014

Degree type: Master of Arts
Awarded date: 26/11/2013
Journal articles (15)
Patrick, PL., (2016). What is the role of expertise in Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO)? A rejoinder to Cambier-Langeveld. The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law. 23 (1), 133-139
Bristowe, K. and Patrick, PL., (2014). ‘Any questions?’—Clinicians’ usage of invitations to ask questions (IAQs) in outpatient plastic surgery consultations. Patient Education and Counseling. 97 (3), 347-351
Bristowe, K. and Patrick, PL., (2012). Do too many cooks spoil the broth? The effect of observers on doctor-patient interaction. Medical Education. 46 (8), 785-794
Straw, M. and Patrick, PL., (2007). Dialect acquisition of glottal variation in /t/: Barbadians in Ipswich. Language Sciences. 29 (2-3), 385-407
Fumagalli, MC. and Patrick, PL., (2006). Two Healing Narratives: Suffering, Reintegration, and the Struggle of Language. Small Axe. 10 (2), 61-79
Patrick, PL., (2004). Guidelines for the use of language analysis in relation to questions of national origin in refugee cases. International Journal of Speech Language and the Law. 11 (2), 261-266
Patrick, PL., (2003). Creole, community, identity. AAA - Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 28 (2), 249-277
Kouwenberg, S. and Patrick, PL., (2003). INTRODUCTION. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 25 (2), 175-184
Kouwenberg, S. and Patrick, PL., (2003). Introduction. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 25 (02), 175-184
PATRICK, PL. and FIGUEROA, E., (2002). KISS-TEETH. American Speech. 77 (4), 383-397
Patrick, PL., (1996). Variation and the Mesolect in Jamaican Creole. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, 196-220
Patrick, PL. and Payne-Jackson, A., (1996). Functions of Rasta Talk in a Jamaican Creole Healing Narrative: 'A Bigfoot Dem Gi Mi'. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 6 (1), 47-84
Patrick, PL., (1995). Recent Jamaican Words in Sociolinguistic Context. American Speech. 70 (3), 227-264
Patrick, PL., (1991). Creoles at the intersection of variable processes: -t,d deletion and past-marking in the Jamaican mesolect. Language Variation and Change. 3 (2), 171-189
Patrick, PL., (1991). Creoles at the Intersection of Variable Processes: -t, -d deletion and past-marking in the Jamaican mesolect. Language Variation and Change. 3 (2), 171-189
Books (3)
Patrick, PL., Schmid, MS. and Zwaan, K., (2019). Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin: Current Perspectives and New Directions. Springer. 3319790013. 9783319790015
Holm, J. and Patrick, PL., (2007). Comparative Creole Syntax: Parallel Outlines of 18 Creole Grammars. Battlebridge Publications. 978-1903292013
Patrick, PL., (1999). Urban Jamaican Creole. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 9789027248756
Book chapters (27)
Patrick, P., (2019). Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO) in Arabic-dominant settings. In: The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Sociolinguistics. Editors: Al-wer, E. and Horesh, U., . Routledge. 9781138853966
Patrick, PL., (2019). Linguistic Justice. In: The Routledge Companion to the Work of John R. Rickford. Routledge. 251- 258
Patrick, PL., (2017). Number marking in Jamaican Patwa. In: Creole Language Library. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 275- 304. 9789027252777
Patrick, P., (2017). Asylum and Language Analysis. In: Encyclopedia of Migration. Editors: Ueda, R., Bean, FD. and Brown, SK., . Springer. 45- 47. 9400727852. 9789400727854
Patrick, PL., (2016). The Impact of Sociolinguistics on Refugee Status Determination. In: Sociolinguistic Research: Application and Impact. Editors: Lawson, R., Sayers, D. and Rickford, JR., . Taylor & Francis. 9780415748506
Patrick, PL., (2014). Jamaican Creole. In: Languages and Dialects in the U.S.: Focus on Diversity and Linguistics. Editors: Di Paolo, M. and Spears, AK., . Routledge. 126- 136. 9780415728607
Patrick, PL., (2012). Jamaican Creole. In: The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English. Mouton de Gruyter. 222- 236. 9783110279887
Patrick, PL., (2012). Language Analysis For Determination Of Origin: Objective Evidence For Refugee Status Determination. In: The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law. Oxford University Press. 534- 546. 0199572127
Patrick, PL., (2012). Language Analysis for Determination of Origin. In: The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law. Editors: Tiersma, P. and Solan, L., . Oxford University Press. 9780199572120
Patrick, PL., (2010). Language Variation and LADO (Language Analysis for Determination of Origin). In: Language and Origin. The Role of Language in European Asylum Procedures: A Linguistic and Legal Survey. Editors: Zwaan, K., Verrips, M. and Muysken, P., . Wolf Legal Publishers. 73- 87. 9789058505866
Patrick, PL., (2008). British Creole: Phonology. In: Varieties of English, 1: The British Isles. Mouton de Gruyter. 253- 268. 9783110196351
Patrick, PL., (2008). Jamaican Creole: Morphology and Syntax. In: Varieties of English, 2: The Americas and the Caribbean. Mouton de Gruyter. 609- 644. 9783110196368
Patrick, PL., (2008). Pidgins, Creoles, and Variation. In: The Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Studies. Wiley. 461- 487. 9780631229025
Patrick, PL., (2008). Pidgins, Creoles and linguistic variation. In: The Handbook of Pidgins and Creoles. Editors: Singler, JV. and Kouwenberg, S., . Wiley-Blackwell. 461- 487
Holm, J. and Patrick, PL., (2007). Jamaican Patwa (Creole English). In: Comparative Creole Syntax: Parallel Outlines of 18 Creole Grammars. Editors: Holm, J. and Patrick, PL., . Battlebridge Publications. 127- 152. 978-1903292013
Patrick, PL., (2006). English, African-American Vernacular. In: Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Elsevier. 159- 163. 9780080448541
Patrick, PL., (2006). African American Vernacular. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition. Editors: Brown, K., . Elsevier. 159- 164. 978-0-08-044854-1
Patrick, PL., (2006). Jamaica: Language Situation. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition. Editors: Brown, K., . Elsevier. 88- 90. 978-0-08-044854-1
Patrick, PL., (2004). The Speech Community. In: The Handbook of Language Variation and Change. Blackwell Publishing. 573- 597. 9781405116923
Patrick, PL., (2004). British Creole: phonology. In: A Handbook of Varieties of English. Phonology. Editors: Kortmann, B. and Schneider, EW., . De Gruyter. 231- 243. 9783110197181
Patrick, PL., (2004). Jamaican Creole: morphology and syntax. In: A Handbook of Varieties of English. Morphology and Syntax. Editors: Kortmann, B. and Schneider, EW., . De Gruyter. 407- 438. 9783110197181
Holm, J. and Patrick, PL., (2000). The creole verb: a comparative study of stativity and tense reference. In: Language Change and Language Contact in Pidgins and Creoles. Editors: McWhorter, J., . John Benjamins Publishing. 133- 161. 9789027252432
Holm, J. and Patrick, PL., (1999). Copula Patterns in Atlantic and non-Atlantic creoles. In: Creole Genesis, Discourse and Attitudes: Studies celebrating Charlene Sato. Editors: Rickford, JR. and Romaine, S., . John Benjamins Publishing. 97- 119. 9789027299499
Holm, J. and Patrick, PL., (1999). A comparison of serial verb constructions in Cape Verdean and other creoles. In: Lenguas Criollas de Base Lexical EspaZ ola y Portuguesa. Editors: Zimmermann, K., . Vervuert. 297- 319. 9788488906847
Patrick, PL., (1997). Style and register in Jamaican Patwa. In: Varieties of English Around the World. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 41- 41. 9789027248763
Patrick, PL., (1996). The urbanization of creole phonology. In: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 329- 329. 9789027236302
Patrick, PL. and McElhinny, B., (1993). Speakin' and Spokin' in Jamaica: Conflict and Consensus in Sociolinguistics. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society February 12-15, 1993: General Session and Parasession on Semantic Typology and Semantic Universals. Berkeley Ling. Soc.. 280- 290
Reports and Papers (5)
Patrick, PL., (2007). Number Variation in Jamaican Patwa
Figueroa, E. and Patrick, PL., (2001). The meaning of kiss-teeth
Patrick, PL., (2001). The speech community
Patrick, PL. and Buell, SW., (2000). Competing creole transcripts on trial
Patrick, PL., (1999). Language, Faith and Healing in Jamaican Folk Culture
Thesis dissertation (1)
Patrick, PL., Linguistic Variation in Urban Jamaican Creole: A Sociolinguistic Study of Kingston, Jamaica
Grants and funding
Language Analysis of Asylum Applicants: Foundations, Guidelines and Best Practice
Economic & Social Research Council
Academic support hours:
Spring term 2021: Tuesdays 11-12, Thursdays 2-3. Email me for a Zoom link (my hours will be held remotely).