Professor Audrey Guinchard

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5S.7.26, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Thursday: 12pm- 2pm
Professor Audrey Guinchard has joined Essex in October 2000 as a Lecturer. Her current research is at the intersection of data protection, cybercrime, cybersecurity, and human rights, exploring how digital technologies challenge traditional legal concepts and regulatory frameworks, for the better as well as for (unfortunately) the worse. She has been actively involved in the project of Reforming the Computer Misuse Act 1990 as promoted and coordinated by the Criminal Law Reform Network (CRLNN). The project was launched on 22 January 2020 at Westminster, with MP Alex Chalk. See the report at Audrey has also published on more classic issues of criminal law. Her latest publication, on French criminal law's approach to the lack of capacity due to mental health disorders, was described as a' fantastic chapter' by Prof Lea Johnston who commanded the edited collection of chapters on the Insanity Defence: International and Comparative Perspectives (OUP, 2022) by Profs Ronnie Mackay & Warren Brookbanks. The double degree she created in 2002, the LLB English and French Laws, has won the UK Academic Award 2018 by the Franco-British Lawyers Society (FBLS) for the best double degree in the UK.
PhD / Doctorat en droit Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, (2001)
LLM in Private and Criminal Law / D.E.A. Jean Moulin University Lyon 3,
Maitrise en droit (Transfer of credits obtained at Boston University) Jean Moulin University Lyon 3,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Criminal Law
Data protection
French Law/Comparative Law
Cybercrime and cybersecurity
Main focus on substantive criminal law and the impact cybersecurity practices may have on the commission of cybercrime. Other angles can include: neurodivergence; and environmental impact of cybersecurity requirements.
Conferences and presentations
Beyond privacy: revisiting Campbell in light of contextual integrity,
Invited presentation, Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) 2024 Bristol, Subhajit, Bristol, United Kingdom, 3/9/2024
Navigating grey areas: a proposal for a contextual framework to interpret authorisation in cybercrime law
Invited presentation, BILETA 2024, 17/4/2024
Are cybersecurity requirements a driver of environmental damage?
Invited presentation, BILETA 2024, 17/4/2024
L’obtention des sources d’information à l’ère du numérique : l’extradition d’Assange signe-t-elle la fin du journalisme d’investigation ?
Invited presentation, Carte Blanche, Lyon, France, 15/1/2024
Digital contact-tracing apps during Covid-19: an opportunity to confront long-standing fault lines in our digital ecosystem?
Invited presentation, The Digital State: Technology and Government in Pandemic Times, London, United Kingdom, 14/5/2021
Better cybersecurity, better democracy? The public interest case for amending national and international legal instruments criminalising cybercrime.
BILETA, United Kingdom, 16/4/2021
Reforming cybercrime legislations to support vulnerability research. The UK experience and beyond.
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Code Blue 2020, Code Blue, Tokyo, Japan, 29/10/2020
Information leaks in light of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and Article 10 ECHR: proposal for a public interest defence for journalists and whistleblowers to protect established newsgathering practices.
Invited presentation, SLS 2019 - Media Law section, UCLAN, Preston, United Kingdom, 5/9/2019
International Comparison and Defences to the Computer Misuse Act 1990
Invited presentation, Symposium - Criminal Law Reform Now Network (CRLNN), Birmingham, United Kingdom, 7/5/2019
Is downloading a VPN an offence? The case for reforming the Computer Misuse Act in the post-Snowden era
TRILCON WINCHESTER, Winchester, United Kingdom, 25/4/2018
July 03, 2017: The criminalisation of dual-use hacking tools. Proposals for their recognition whilst combating their use for illegal purposes. 2nd annual conference on Cybercrime, University of Central Lancaster (UCLAN, UK)
2nd annual conference on Cybercrime, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2017
June 27, 2016: Questioning the development of computer misuse offences in UK criminal law Conference on Rethinking Cybercrime, University of Central Lancaster (UCLAN -UK)
Conference on Rethinking Cybercrime, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2016
April 27, 2016: Strengthening trust in EU data protection law: the use of contextual integrity for a more informed and transparent legal analysis, at Winchester, 3rd Conference on Trust, Information and Law (UK)
Winchester, United Kingdom, 2016
April 30, 2015: Workshop organised onTrading Big Data Challenges. A presentation of the project funded by EPSRC and ensuing discussions the workshop was referenced by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) Opinion 8/2016 on Enforcement of Human Rights in data protection; footnote 28
July 10, 2014For privacy as a public good at the core of the Libre? Impact of the recent proposals for a new European Data Protection framework, in French at Les Rencontres Mondiales du Libre (Montpellier, 2014)/ 15th Libre Software Meetings - Open Source Software International Forum. The presentation was recorded and available on
Montpellier, France, 2014
April 29, 2014Assessing Criminal Law Response to the Misuse of Information Conference on Trust, Risk, Information and the Law University of Winchester
Winchester, United Kingdom, 2014
September 6, 2013Mapping cybercrime: the power of money Cyberlaw Section SLS 2013 conference (University of Edinburgh)
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2013
September 10, 2012Commentator for the SLS Cyberlaw section - SLS 2012 (University of Bristol)
Bristol, United Kingdom, 2012
September 5, 2011Data from Internet, Data on Internet: issues of law and politics - SLS 2011 conference (Cambridge)
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2011
September 5 & 6, 2011Commentator for two sessions of the Cyberlaw section - SLS 2011 conference (Cambridge)
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2011
September 15, 2010Human Rights In Cyberspace Keynote presentation for the SLS Cyberlaw section, upon request from the sections director, Faye Wang SLS 2010 conference (Southampton)
Southampton, United Kingdom, 2010
September 15 & 16, 2010Commentator for two sessions of the Cyberlaw section - SLS 2010 conference (Southampton)
Southampton, United Kingdom, 2010
September 11, 2010Convenor of the stream (own proposal) on The WWW: great expectations or great disappointments? Critical Legal Studies Conference 2010 (Utrecht University) on «Great Expectations - Multiple modernities and Law»
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2010
September 10, 2010The criminal law of modernity: revisiting expectations in light of todays challenges», - Critical Legal Studies Conference 2010 (Utrecht University) on «Great Expectations - Multiple modernities and Law», as part of the stream 2 on Disciplinarity and Methodology
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2010
January 18, 2010Legal Education's Response to Globalization: the Case of Criminal Law CRASSH (Cambridge) as part of the Visiting Fellowship
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2010
October 10, 2009« Quel avenir pour le droit français ? Réflexions sur le développement de doubles diplômes », Conference on Teaching and Research of French Law in the UK and Ireland, Lenseignement et la Recherche en Droit français au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande, Etat des lieux et Perspectives, Quelles politiques déchange entre les Facultés de droit?, - Maison française dOxford - Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2009
September 12, 2009The Powers of Property: a Comparative Approach to the Name in England and France - Critical Legal Studies Conference 2009 (University of Leicester) on Genealogies: Excavating Legal Modernity - Stream Critical Property Theory: The Powers of Property.
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2009
September 11, 2009Convenor of the session Genealogies 2 on Foucault and madness - Critical Legal Studies Conference 2009 (University of Leicester) on Genealogies: Excavating Legal Modernity
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2009
September 11-13, 2009Approved proposal, submitted with a colleague, for a stream Virtual worlds, virtual law? at Critical Legal Studies Conference 2009 (University of Leicester) on Genealogies: Excavating Legal Modernity. The stream did not run for lack of adequate submissions
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2009
September 10, 2009Criminal law and virtual worlds: fantasy, simulacrum or reality? Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) Conference 2009 (Keele University)
Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom, 2009
September 9, 2009Commentator of the Session 1 Cyberlaw Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) Conference 2009 (Keele University)
Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom, 2009
April 22, 2009From harmony to disharmony? Criminal laws response to evolving technologies BILETA 2009: To Infinity and Beyond: Law and Technology in Harmony? University of Wincester
Winchester, United Kingdom, 2009
April 7, 2009From extension to reinvention? Boundaries of legal education in light of a double degree experience Association of Law Teachers (ALT) 44th Conference, 2009 (Amsterdam), Legal education: Extending the Boundaries
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2009
January 23, 2009Teaching French law in England: from cultural clashes to inventive integration? - the experience of the double degree at Essex LILAC 2009: Concepts of culture in legal education
United Kingdom, 2009
September 16, 2008Revisiting the insanity defence in light of the French criminal law experience: a call for reform? SLS conference (London) Comparative law cluster
London, United Kingdom, 2008
September 7, 2008The insanity defence in criminal law: strategies of choice or of constraint?, Critical Legal Conference (Glasgow) on Critical Legal Strategies il/legal practices cluster
Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2008
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Essex Law Key Skills (LW100)
Contract Law (LW101)
Public Law (LW103)
Criminal Law (LW104)
Comparative Law (LW205)
French Administrative Law (LW206)
Legal Research Skills (LW254)
Final Year Research Project (LW304)
Legal Research (LW360)
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Law (LW340)
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Law (LW655)
Data Protection Law in the Digital Age (LW656)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/7/2022

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/6/2017
Journal articles (28)
Guinchard, A. and Basu, S., Reasonable expectations of privacy, contextual integrity and the law of confidence in healthcare. Medical Law Review
Jemberie, MA. and Guinchard, A., (2024). Assessing Ethiopia's Readiness to Combat Computer-focused Crimes: A Legislative Analysis. Bahir Dar University Journal of Law. 14 (2), 278-335
Guinchard, A., (2021). Our digital footprint under Covid-19: should we fear the UK digital contact tracing app?. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology. 35 (1), 84-97
Guinchard, A., (2021). The Criminalisation of Tools Under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. The Need to Rethink Cybercrime Offences to Effectively Protect Legitimate Activities and Deter Cybercriminals, 41-61
Basu, S. and Guinchard, A., (2020). Restoring Trust into the NHS: promoting data protection as an 'architecture of custody' for the sharing of data in direct care. International Journal of Law and Information Technology. 28 (3), 243-272
Guinchard, A., (2018). Taking proportionality seriously. The use of contextual integrity for a more informed and transparent analysis in EU data protection law.. European Law Journal. 24 (6), 434-457
Guinchard, A., (2018). The Computer Misuse Act 1990 to support vulnerability research? Proposal for a defence for hacking as a strategy in the fight against cybercrime.. Journal of Information Rights, Policy and Practice. 2 (2), None-None
Guinchard, A., (2014). Corporations confronted to cybercrime. Approaches of European and International Laws. (L’Entreprise Face À La Cybercriminalité. Approches De Droits International Et Européen)
Guinchard, A., (2011). Between Hype and Understatement: Reassessing Cyber Risks as a Security Strategy. Journal of Strategic Security. 4 (2), 75-96
Guinchard, A., (2011). Le traitement des erreurs judiciaires en droit p�nal anglais [Miscarriages of Justice in English Law]. Actualit� Juridique - P�nal. 2011 (7-8), 348-351
Guinchard, A., (2010). Crime in virtual worlds: The limits of criminal law. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology. 24 (2), 175-182
Guinchard, A., (2010). Human Rights in Cyberspace
Guichard, A., (2009). Hate crime in cyberspace: the challenges of substantive criminal law. Information & Communications Technology Law. 18 (2), 201-234
Guinchard, A., (2009). Teaching French Law in England: From Cultural Clashes to Inventive Integration? - The Experience of the Double Degree at Essex
Guinchard, A., (2009). From Extension to Reinvention? Boundaries of Legal Education in Light of a Double Degree Experience
Guinchard, A., (2008). The Insanity Defence in Criminal Law: Strategies of Choice or of Constraint?
Guinchard, A., (2008). Revisiting the Insanity Defence in Light of the French Criminal Law Experience: A Call for Reform?
Guinchard, A., (2008). Is the Name Property? Sketches of an Answer between England and France. Journal of Civil Law Studies. 1
Moréteau, O., Trahan, JR., Guinchard, A., Vanderlinden, J., Brunet, L., Desmoulin, S., parise, A., Franciosi, LM., Guarneri, A., Reiter, EH. and Pascal, RA., (2008). LSU Law Center Journal of Civil Law Studies, Vol. 1, 2008 (Complete). LSU Law Center Journal of Civil Law Studies. 1
Guinchard, A., (2008). Is the Name Property? Comparing the English and the French Evolution. LSU Law Center Journal of Civil Law Studies. 1
Guinchard, A., (2007). The double degree experience between England and France: A contribution to an integrated European legal education. European Journal of Legal Education. 4 (1), 3-18
Guinchard, A., (2007). Criminal Law in the 21st Century: The Demise of Territoriality?
Guinchard, A., (2007). Legal Certainty and Predictability at Common Law (Securite Juridique En Common Law)
Guinchard, A., (2007). Human Rights in Financial Services: the Boundaries between Discipline and Crime. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. 15 (2), 173-203
Guinchard, A., (2006). Revising the Distinction between Persons and Things. Is the Name Property?
Guinchard, A., (2006). Legal Certainty and Predictability at Common Law (La Securite Juridique en Common Law)
Guinchard, A., (2005). FIXING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CONCEPT OF CRIME: THE CHALLENGE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 54 (3), 719-734
Guinchard, A., (2004). Corporate Governance & Regulation: A Hidden Criminal Agenda for the FSA and its French Counterpart, the AMF?
Books (1)
Palmer, E., Cornford, T., Marique, Y. and Guinchard, A., (2016). Access to Justice: Beyond the Policies and Politics of Austerity. Hart Publishing. 9781849467346
Book chapters (8)
Guinchard, A., (2024). Towards a supportive legal environment for global cybersecurity: the case for a public interest defence in international legal instruments on cybercrime.. In: Global Cybersecurity and International Law. Editors: Segura Serrano, A., . Routledge. 192- 213. 9781032382319
Guinchard, A., (2022). Insanity in French Law: are prisons the 'new asylums'?. In: The Insanity Defence - International and Comparative Perspectives. Editors: Mackay, R. and Brookbanks, W., . OUP. 223- 246. 0198854943. 9780198854944
Guinchard, A., (2020). Our Digital Footprint under Covid-19: Should We Fear the UK Digital Contact Tracing App?. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 269- 276. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Abrusci, E., Coco, A., de Souza Dias, T., Guinchard, A. and Rau, S., (2020). Big Data and Technology: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 267- 268. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Guinchard, A., (2019). Better cybersecurity, better democracy? The public interest case for amending the Convention on cybercrime n.185 and the Directive 2013/40/EU on attacks against information systems.. In: The Governance of Criminal Justice in the European Union: Transnationalism, localism, and public participation in an evolving constitutional order.. Editors: Pereira, R., Engel, A. and Miettinen, S., . Edward Elgar Publishing
Guinchard, A. and Wesley, S., (2016). The French Approach to Access to Justice. In: Access to Justice: Beyond the Policies and Politics of Austerity. Editors: Palmer, E., Cornford, T., Marique, Y. and Guinchard, A., . Hart Publishing. 259- 287. 9781849467346
Guinchard, A., (2010). Mati�re p�nale et cumul des sanctions : vers un meilleur respect du principe non bis in idem ? [The concept of criminal charge and the practice of cumulating sanctions : towards better compliance with the principle of non bis in idem ?]. In: Justices et droit du proc�s : Du l�galisme proc�dural � l'humanisme processuel, Malanges en l'honneur de Serge Guinchard. Editors: Coulon, J., . Dalloz-Sirey. 978-2247085255
Guinchard, A., (2008). La s�curit� juridique en Common Law [Legal certainty and predictability at Common Law]. In: S�curit� juridique et droit �conomique. Editors: Boy, L., Siriainen, F. and Racine, J., . De Boeck/Larcier. 85- 133. 9782804428549
Scholarly Editions (1)
Guinchard, A., (2025). A Research Agenda for Big Data and the Law
Grants and funding
Addressing Hallucinations in Generative AI for customer service applications
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Mondaq KTP 2
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Digital Personhood: Digital Prosumer- Establishing a "Futures Market" for Digital Personhood Data
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
Academic support hours:
Thursday: 12pm- 2pm