Professor Stuart Walker

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Prof. Stuart Walker obtained his degree in Physics from Manchester University in 1973 and subsequently was awarded an M.Sc. in Telecommunications Systems and a Ph.D. in Electronics in 1975 and 1981 respectively; both from the University of Essex. In 1982 he joined British Telecom Research Laboratories in their submarine optical transmission systems division. At BT he pioneered the concept of unrepeatered transmission systems and in 1987 was promoted to head the transatlantic link repeater group. In 1988, he became Senior Lecturer at Essex University where his research interests widened to also include access network technologies. He was promoted to Full Professor in 2004. Recent involvement with the EPSRC included the platform grants EP/E04610X/1: Future Photonic Networks and GR/S82695/01: Next Generation Photonic Networks. He has maintained extensive involvement in EU projects projects such as MUSE-1, MUSE-2, UROOF, OASE, STRONGEST, FIVER, and SODALES. He has also been active in the Networks of Excellence, e-Photon/One, e-Photon/One+ and BONE. He leads the Access Group at Essex University which conducts research on wireless and wireline media for the last mile. Member of the Future Networks Research Group Access Networks Lab web pages (See also:staff research interests by category)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
High-capacity optical network systems
semiconductor laser characteristics
broadband optical receiver design
optical transmission
local access architectures based on arrayed waveguide gratings
video compression
Current research
active remote nodes for access networks
Conferences and presentations
4. Femi-Jemilohun, Oladunni J and S.D.Walker Investigation of beam-forming effectiveness in 802.11ac indoor wireless links. Network Communications 2013. June 1st 2013 Istanbul.
Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
5.Femi-Jemilohun, Oladunni J and S.D.Walker: OPTIMIZATION OF BEAMFORMING TECHNOLOGY FOR COGNITIVE SPATIAL ACCESS IN MILLIMETRE WAVE Applications ICTRS 2013 July 2013 Netherlands 6. S.D.Walker et al. On-the-Field Demonstration of Quintuple-Play Service Provision in Long-Reach OFDM-based WDM-PON Access Networks ECOC2013, September 2013 London.
London, United Kingdom, 2013
1.Terence Quinlan, Nick Warren, Stuart Walker,A 1.5 GHz Bandwidth, Linear Polarisation Switchable, 5 GHz Crossed Rectangular Patch Antenna, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough, November 2012.
Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2012
2. Fariborz Mahmouli and S.D.Walker, Orbital Angular Momentum Generation in a 60- GHz Wireless Radio Channel, TELFOR 2012, Belgrade, November 2012 3. Anthony O. Adeyemi-Ejeye and Stuart D. Walker Ultra-High Definition Wireless Video Transmission using H.264 over 802.11n WLAN Challenges and Performance Evaluation. Zagreb CONTEL 2013 June 28-30,2013.
Belgrade, Serbia, 2012
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Analogue Circuit Design (CE263)
Analogue Circuit Design (CE268)
Networking Principles (CE703)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/6/2024

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/3/2024

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/11/2018

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/7/2018

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/2/2018

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/8/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2017

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 16/11/2016

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/7/2015

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/3/2015

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/3/2015

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 22/9/2014

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/8/2014
Publications (3)
Parker, MC., Jeynes, C. and Walker, SD., (2025). A Metric for the Entropic Purpose of a System
Parker, MC., Jeynes, C. and Walker, SD., (2024). A Hyperbolic Sum Rule for Probability: Solving Recursive (“Chicken & Egg”) Problems
Parker, MC., Jeynes, C. and Walker, SD., (2024). A Metric for the Entropic Purpose of a System
Journal articles (123)
Parker, MC., Jeynes, C. and Walker, SD., (2025). A Metric for the Entropic Purpose of a System. Entropy. 27 (2), 131-131
Ngobigha, F., Koczian, G. and Walker, SD., (2024). Towards Mobile Data Centres: Provision of End-to-End 10 and 40 Gbit/s Ethernet Train Backbones on International Rolling Stock. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (2), 1890-1898
Ngobigha, F., Evans, M., Cummines, I., Koczian, G. and Walker, SD., (2024). Stochastic Power Supply Technologies for Energy-Efficient, Networked, and Sound-Reinforcement Systems. IEEE Access. 12, 119937-119945
Townend, D., Walker, SD., Tukmanov, A. and Sutton, A., (2024). Cell Site Densification Using mmWave and sub-THz Line-of-Sight Wireless Fronthaul: A Deployment Feasibility Study. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 72 (12), 9451-9461
Townend, D., Husbands, R., Walker, SD. and Sutton, A., (2023). Challenges and Opportunities in Wireless Fronthaul. IEEE Access. 11, 106607-106619
Townend, D., Walker, SD., Sharples, A. and Sutton, A., (2022). A Unified Line-of-Sight Probability Model for Commercial 5G Mobile Network Deployments. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 70 (2), 1291-1297
Kaka, AO., Toycan, M., Walker, SD. and Kavaz, D., (2020). Dual band, miniaturized, implantable antenna design with on-body antennas for wireless health monitoring. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal. 35 (4), 443-452
Niknia, E., Toycan, M. and Walker, SD., (2018). Energy efficient operation for a reconfigurable and self-interleaved optical access network. Computers and Electrical Engineering. 66, 189-199
Habib, U., Aighobahi, AE., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD. and Gomes, NJ., (2018). Analog Radio-over-Fiber Supported Increased RAU Spacing for 60GHz Distributed MIMO employing Spatial Diversity and Multiplexing. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 36 (19), 4354-4360
Kaka, AO., Toycan, M. and Walker, SD., (2018). Circularly polarized implantable antenna characterization for retinal prosthesis systems. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. 26 (3), 1180-1189
Neokosmidis, I., Rokkas, T., Parker, MC., Koczian, G., Walker, SD., Siddiqui, MS. and Escalona, E., (2017). Assessment of socio-techno-economic factors affecting the market adoption and evolution of 5G networks: Evidence from the 5G-PPP CHARISMA project. Telematics and Informatics. 34 (5), 572-589
Adeyemi-Ejeye, A., Alreshoodi, M. and Walker, SD., (2017). Implementation of 4kUHD HEVC-content transmission. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 76 (17), 18099-18118
Siddiqui, MS., Legarrea, A., Escalona, E., Parker, MC., Koczian, G., Walker, SD., Lyberopoulos, G., Theodoropoulou, E., Filis, K., Foglar, A., Ulbricht, M., Liu, Y., Point, JC., Trouva, E., Rokkas, T., Neokosmidis, I., Kritharidis, D., Katsaros, K., Spirou, S., Habel, K., Jungnickel, V., Canales, C. and Lorenzo, M., (2016). Hierarchical, virtualised and distributed intelligence 5G architecture for low-latency and secure applications. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 27 (9), 1233-1241
Boucouvalas, AC., Wilner, A., Zervas, M., Walker, S. and Schachterr, L., (2016). Introduction to the Issue on Optical Waveguide Technology and Applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 22 (2), 5-7
Bade, MG., Toycan, M. and Walker, SD., (2015). Cost and energy efficient operation of converged, reconfigurable optical wireless networks. Optical Switching and Networking. 18 (P1), 71-80
Kaka, AO., Toycan, M. and Walker, SD., (2015). Miniaturized stacked implant antenna design at ISM band with biocompatible characteristics. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 34 (4), 1270-1285
M. Alreshoodi, A. O. Adeyemi-Ejeye, J. Woods and S. D. Walker, (2015). Fuzzy logic inference system-based hybrid quality prediction model for wireless 4kUHD H.265-coded video streaming. IET Networks. 4 (6), 296-303
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2014). A Unified Carnot Thermodynamic and Shannon Channel Capacity Information-Theoretic Energy Efficiency Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 62 (10), 3552-3559
Femi-Jemilohun, OJ., Quinlan, T., Barc, S. and Walker, SD., (2014). An Experimental Investigation Into GbE Wireless Data Communication at 24 GHz in Non-Line-of-Sight and Multipath Rich Environments. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 13, 1219-1222
Quinlan, T. and Walker, SD., (2014). A Polarization Switched, Narrowband, RF Probe System Using a VCSEL Optical Feed. IEEE Sensors Journal. 14 (12), 4348-4353
Musa, IK., Walker, SD., Owen, AM. and Harrison, AP., (2014). Self-service infrastructure container for data intensive application. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications. 3 (1), 5-5
Adeyemi-Ejeye, AO. and Walker, S., (2014). 4kUHD H264 Wireless Live Video Streaming Using CUDA. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2014, 1-12
Quinlan, T. and Walker, S., (2014). A Coaxial, 60-GHz, 15.3-dBi Slot Antenna Array. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 13, 818-821
Llorente, R., Morant, M., Pellicer, E., Herman, M., Nagy, Z., Alves, T., Cartaxo, A., Herrera, J., Correcher, J., Quinlan, T., Walker, S., Rodrigues, C., Cluzeaud, P., Schmidt, A., Piesiewicz, R. and Sambaraju, R., (2014). On-the-field performance of quintuple-play long-reach OFDM-based WDM-PON optical access networks. Optics Express. 22 (6), 6203-6203
Alshahrani, AM. and Walker, S., (2014). Implement A Novel Symmetric Block Cipher Algorithm. International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security. 4 (4), 1-11
Femi-Jemilohun, OJ. and Walker, S., (2014). Performance Evaluation of 24GHz Spectrum Indoor Wireless Radio Links. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 4 (11)
Musa, IK., Walker, S., Owen, AM. and Harrison, AP., (2014). Self-service infrastructure container for data intensive application. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications. 3 (1), creators-Walker=3AStuart=3A=3A
Mahmouli, FE. and Walker, SD., (2013). 4-Gbps Uncompressed Video Transmission over a 60-GHz Orbital Angular Momentum Wireless Channel. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2 (2), 223-226
Kaka, AO., Toycan, M., Bashiry, V. and Walker, SD., (2012). Modified Hilbert fractal geometry, multi‐service, miniaturized patch antenna for UWB wireless communication. COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering. 31 (6), 1835-1849
Hugues-Salas, E., Giddings, RP., Jin, XQ., Hong, Y., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Tang, JM., (2012). REAM intensity modulator-enabled 10Gb/s colorless upstream transmission of real-time optical OFDM signals in a single-fiber-based bidirectional PON architecture. Optics Express. 20 (19), 21089-21089
Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Morant, M., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2012). VCSEL-based, CWDM - PON systems using reflective technology for bi-directional multi-play service provision. Optics Express. 20 (15), 16726-16726
Hugues-Salas, E., Giddings, RP., Jin, XQ., Hong, Y., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Tang, JM., (2012). REAM intensity modulator-enabled 10Gb/s colorless upstream transmission of real-time optical OFDM signals in a single-fiber-based bidirectional PON architecture. Optics Express. 20 (19), creators-Walker=3AStuart=3A=3A
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2011). Roadmapping ICT: An Absolute Energy Efficiency Metric. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 3 (8), A49-A49
Wallace, D., Eltiti, S., Ridgewell, A., Garner, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Walker, S., Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Maung, S. and others, (2011). Cognitive and physiological responses in humans exposed to a TETRA base station signal in relation to perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Bioelectromagnetics. 33 (1), 23-39
Jin, XQ., Wei, JL., Giddings, RP., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Tang, JM., (2011). Experimental Demonstrations and Extensive Comparisons of End-to-End Real-Time Optical OFDM Transceivers With Adaptive Bit and/or Power Loading. IEEE Photonics Journal. 3 (3), 500-511
Morant, M., Llorente, R., Hauden, J., Quinlan, T., Mottet, A. and Walker, S., (2011). Dual-drive LiNbO_3 interferometric Mach-Zehnder architecture with extended linear regime for high peak-to-average OFDM-based communication systems. Optics Express. 19 (26), B452-B452
Quinlan, T., Morant, M., Dudley, S., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2011). 480Mbit/s UWB bi-directional radio over fiber CWDM PON using ultra-low cost and power VCSELs. Optics Express. 19 (26), B197-B197
Morant, M., Llorente, R., Hauden, J., Quinlan, T., Mottet, A. and Walker, S., (2011). Dual-drive LiNbO_3 interferometric Mach-Zehnder architecture with extended linear regime for high peak-to-average OFDM-based communication systems. Optics Express. 19 (26), B452-B458
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2010). A Dynamic Model of Information and Entropy. Entropy. 12 (1), 80-88
Parker, MC., Walker, SD., Llorente, R., Morant, M., Beltrán, M., Möllers, I., Jäger, D., Vázquez, C., Montero, D., Librán, I., Mikroulis, S., Karabetsos, S. and Bogris, A., (2010). Radio-over-fibre technologies arising from the Building the future Optical Network in Europe (BONE) project. IET Optoelectronics. 4 (6), 247-259
Anas, SBA., Quinlan, TJ. and Walker, SD., (2010). Service differentiated drop code unit for metro ring optical networks. IET Optoelectronics. 4 (1), 46-50
Wallace, D., Eltiti, S., Ridgewell, A., Garner, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Walker, S., Quinlan, T., Dudley, SEM., Maung, S. and others, (2010). Do TETRA (Airwave) base station signals have a short-term impact on health and well-being? A randomized double-blind provocation study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 118 (6), 735-735
Thakur, MP., Quinlan, TJ., Bock, C., Walker, SD., Toycan, M., Dudley, SEM., Smith, DW., Borghesani, A., Moodie, D., Ran, M. and Ben-Ezra, Y., (2009). 480-Mbps, Bi-Directional, Ultra-Wideband Radio-Over-Fiber Transmission Using a 1308/1564-nm Reflective Electro-Absorption Transducer and Commercially Available VCSELs. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 27 (3), 266-272
Ahmad Anas, SB., Abdullah, MK., Mokhtar, M., Aljunid, SA. and Walker, SD., (2009). Optical domain service differentiation using spectral-amplitude-coding. Optical Fiber Technology. 15 (1), 26-32
Thakur, MP., Quinlan, T., Bock, C., Walker, S., Toycan, M., Dudley, S., Smith, DW., Borghesani, A., Moodie, D., Ran, M. and Ben-Ezra, Y., (2009). 480-Mbps, Bi-Directional, Ultra-Wideband Radio-Over-Fiber Transmission Using a 1308/1564-nm Reflective Electro-Absorption Transducer and Commercially Available VCSELs. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 27 (3), 266-272
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2008). Differential temperature Carnot heat analysis shows that computing machines are thermodynamically irreversible. Optics Communications. 281 (13), 3440-3446
Dudley, SEM., Quinlan, TJ. and Walker, SD., (2008). Ultrabroadband Wireless–Optical Transmission Links Using Axial Slot Leaky Feeders and Optical Fiber for Underground Transport Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 57 (6), 3471-3476
Razavi, R., Hugues-Salas, E., Quinlan, T. and Walker, SD., (2008). Fuzzy logic packet scheduling approach for QoS provision of delay-constrained traffic in synchronous optical packet switched networks. Journal of Optical Networking. 7 (2), 119-119
Ahmad-Anas, SB., Abdullah, MK., Mokhtar, M. and Walker, SD., (2008). Multiple access interference elimination with enhanced chromatic dispersion tolerance in SAC OCDMA. IEICE Electronics Express. 5 (16), 617-623
Toycan, M., Tsalamanis, I., Thakur, M., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2007). Graeco-Latin-routed, self-wrapping, FSR-interleaved, AWG-based access network. Journal of Optical Networking. 6 (6), 654-654
Hugues-Salas, E., Razavi, R., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2007). Fast edge-detection burst-mode 2.5Gbit/s receiver for gigabit passive optical networks. Journal of Optical Networking. 6 (5), 482-482
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2007). Is computation reversible?. Optics Communications. 271 (1), 274-277
Dudley, SEM., Quinlan, T., Henning, ID., Walker, SD., Davey, RP., Boyd, I., Wallace, AD. and Payne, DB., (2005). Ultra-low power, band plan agnostic, hybrid optical/copper system for last mile access over twisted pair. Electronics Letters. 41 (15), 879-880
Tsalamanis, I., Rochat, E., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2005). Polarization dependent loss and temperature fluctuations effect on degree of orthogonality in polarization multiplexed arrayed waveguide grating based distribution networks. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 41 (7), 945-950
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2005). Binary multi-zoned microstructured fiber: a comparative dispersion analysis of radially chirped Bragg fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 23 (11), 3551-3557
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2005). Comparison of zoned microstructure fiber geometries for low-dispersion waveguiding. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 23 (2), 558-566
Lepley, JJ., Thakur, MP., Tsalamanis, I., Bock, C., Arellano, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2005). VDSL transmission over a fiber extended-access network. Journal of Optical Networking. 4 (8), 517-517
Dudley, SEM., Guzman, JM., Quinlan, T. and Walker, SD., (2005). Direct off-air detection, transmission, and tunable bandpass filtering using self-pulsating lasers and substrate antennae. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 23 (2), 809-817
Bock, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2005). Hybrid WDM/TDM PON using the AWG FSR and featuring centralized light generation and dynamic bandwidth allocation. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 23 (12), 3981-3988
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2004). Information transfer and Landauer’s principle. Optics Communications. 229 (1-6), 23-27
Rochat, E., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2004). Polarisation and wavelength division multiplexing at 1.55 ?m for bandwidth enhancement of multimode fibre based access networks. Optics Express. 12 (10), 2280-2280
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2004). Zoned microstructure fiber for low-dispersion waveguiding and coupling to photonic crystals. Optics Letters. 29 (10), 1054-1054
Tsalamanis, I., Rochat, E., Walker, SD., Parker, MC. and Holburn, DM., (2004). Experimental demonstration of cascaded AWG access network featuring bi-directional transmission and polarization multiplexing. Optics Express. 12 (5), 764-764
Dudley, S., Guzman, J., Quinlan, T., Walker, S., Airey, R., Hill, G. and Parker, M., (2003). Tuneable optoelectronic bandpass filtering using a simple self-pulsating two-section laser. Optics Express. 11 (2), 151-151
Rochat, E., Walker, S. and Parker, M., (2003). C-band polarisation orthogonality preservation in 5Gb/s, 50µm multimode fibre links up to 3km. Optics Express. 11 (6), 507-507
Tyler, EJ., Kourtessis, P., Webster, M., Rochart, E., Quinlan, T., Dudley, SEM., Walker, SD., Penty, RV. and White, IH., (2003). Toward terabit-per-second capacities over multimode fiber links using SCM/WDM techniques. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 21 (12), 3237-3243
Krizhanovskii, DN., Butté, R., Connolly, LG., Tartakovskii, AI., Lidzey, DG., Skolnick, MS. and Walker, S., (2003). Photoluminescence emission and Raman scattering polarization in birefringent organic microcavities in the strong coupling regime. Journal of Applied Physics. 93 (9), 5003-5007
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2002). Correction to "A unified fourier transform theory for photonic crystal and FBG filters in the strong coupling regime". IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 14 (12), 1749-1749
Kourtessis, P., Quinlan, T., Rochat, E., Walker, SD., Webster, M., White, IH., Penty, RV. and Parker, MC., (2002). 0.6 Tbit/s/km multimode fibre feasibility experiment using 40 channel DWDM over quadrature-subcarrier transmission. Electronics Letters. 38 (15), 813-815
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2002). Arrayed waveguide gratings, fiber Bragg gratings, and photonic crystals: an isomorphic Fourier transform light propagation analysis. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 8 (6), 1158-1167
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2002). A unified Fourier transform theory for photonic crystal and FBG filters in the strong coupling regime. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 14 (9), 1321-1323
Shamim Siddiqui, A., Edirisinghe, SG., Lepley, JJ., Ellison, JG. and Walker, SD., (2002). Dispersion-tolerant transmission using a duobinary polarization-shift keying transmission scheme. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 14 (2), 158-160
Lidzey, DG., Fox, AM., Rahn, MD., Skolnick, MS., Agranovich, VM. and Walker, S., (2002). Experimental study of light emission from strongly coupled organic semiconductor microcavities following nonresonant laser excitation. Physical Review B. 65 (19), 1953121-19531210
Hobson, PA., Barnes, WL., Lidzey, DG., Gehring, GA., Whittaker, DM., Skolnick, MS. and Walker, S., (2002). Strong exciton–photon coupling in a low-Q all-metal mirror microcavity. Applied Physics Letters. 81 (19), 3519-3521
Parker, MC., Mears, RJ. and Walker, SD., (2001). A Fourier transform theory for photon localization and evanescence in photonic bandgap structures. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. 3 (6), S171-S183
Parker, MC., Walker, SD. and Mears, RJ., (2001). An isomorphic Fourier transform analysis of AWGs and FBGs. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 13 (9), 972-974
Virgili, T., Lidzey, DG., Bradley, DDC. and Walker, S., (2001). Cavity mode polarisation splitting in organic semiconductor microcavities. Synthetic Metals. 116 (1-3), 497-500
Virgili, T., Lidzey, DG., Grell, M., Walker, S., Asimakis, A. and Bradley, DDC., (2001). Completely polarized photoluminescence emission from a microcavity containing an aligned conjugated polymer. Chemical Physics Letters. 341 (3-4), 219-224
Emam-Ismail, M., Lidzey, DG., Skolnick, MS., Bradley, DD., Walker, S., Agranovich, VM. and Tartakovskii, AI., (2001). Raman scattering in strongly coupled organic semiconductor microcavities. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 63 (12), 1213021-1213024
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2000). Correction to "A Fourier-Fresnel integral-based transfer function model for a near-parabolic phase profile arrayed-waveguide grating". IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 12 (12), 1713-1713
Parker, MC., Walker, SD., Yiptong, A. and Mears, RJ., (2000). Applications of active arrayed-waveguide gratings in dynamic WDM networking and routing. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 18 (12), 1749-1756
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2000). Corrections to "Design of arrayed-waveguide gratings using hybrid Fourier-Fresnel transform techniques". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 6 (5), 817-817
Lepley, JJ., Ellison, JG., Edirisinghe, SG., Siddiqui, AS. and Walker, SD., (2000). Excess penalty impairments of polarisation shiftkeying transmission format in presence of polarisation mode dispersion. Electronics Letters. 36 (8), 736-737
Fletcher, RB., Lidzey, DG., Bradley, DDC., Walker, S., Inbasekaran, M. and Woo, EP., (2000). High brightness conjugated polymer LEDs. Synthetic Metals. 111-112, 151-153
Armitage, A., Lidzey, DG., Bradley, DDC., Virgili, T., Skolnick, MS. and Walker, S., (2000). Modelling of asymmetric excitons in organic microcavities. Synthetic Metals. 111-112, 377-379
Fletcher, RB., Lidzey, DG., Bradley, DDC., Bernius, M. and Walker, S., (2000). Spectral properties of resonant-cavity, polyfluorene light-emitting diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 77 (9), 1262-1264
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1999). Design of arrayed-waveguide gratings using hybrid Fourier-Fresnel transform techniques. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 5 (5), 1379-1384
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1999). A Fourier-Fresnel integral-based transfer function model for a near-parabolic phase profile arrayed-waveguide grating. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 11 (8), 1018-1020
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1999). Dynamic dispersion compensation using a Fourier-Fresnel phase apertured active arrayed-waveguide grating. LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, 41-42
Sumner, TJ., Quenby, JJ., Bewick, A., Smith, NJT., Jones, WG., Ali, T., Ahmed, B., Davidge, D., Davies, GJ., Howard, A., Joshi, MK., Smith, PF., Homer, GJ., Arnison, GTJ., Lewin, JD., Alner, GJ., Spooner, NJ., Thompson, L., Sellin, P., Walker, S., Roberts, J., Peak, C. and Barton, JC., (1999). Current limits on the cold dark matter interaction cross section obtained by the UK collaboration. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 70 (1-3), 74-78
Lidzey, DG., Virgili, T., Bradley, DDC., Skolnick, MS., Walker, S. and Whittaker, DM., (1999). Observation of strong exciton–photon coupling in semiconductor microcavities containing organic dyes and J-aggregates. Optical Materials. 12 (2-3), 243-247
Lidzey, DG., Bradley, DDC., Virgili, T., Armitage, A., Skolnick, MS. and Walker, S., (1999). Room Temperature Polariton Emission from Strongly Coupled Organic Semiconductor Microcavities. Physical Review Letters. 82 (16), 3316-3319
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Wavelength-tolerant optical access architectures featuring N-dimensional addressing and cascaded arrayed waveguide gratings. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 16 (12), 2296-2302
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Optimised wavelength-set multi-stage broadband access network employing arrayed-waveguide grating routers. IEE Colloquium (Digest) (257)
Farjady, F., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1998). Non-linear phase apodisation techniques for arrayed-waveguide grating passband control. IEE Colloquium (Digest) (257)
Lidzey, DG., Bradley, DDC., Skolnick, MS., Virgili, T., Walker, S. and Whittaker, DM., (1998). Strong exciton–photon coupling in an organic semiconductor microcavity. Nature. 395 (6697), 53-55
Zhou, J., O'Mahony, MJ. and Walker, SD., (1994). Analysis of optical crosstalk effects in multi-wavelength switched networks. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 6 (2), 302-305
Bates, RJS., Walker, SD. and Yaseen, M., (1993). The limits of plastic optical fiber for short distance high-speed computer data links. Fiber and Integrated Optics. 12 (2), 199-208
Bates, RJS. and Walker, SD., (1992). Optical networking and signal-processing applications of 790 nm self-pulsating laser diodes. IEE Proceedings J Optoelectronics. 139 (4), 263-263
Bates, RJS. and Walker, SD., (1992). Evaluation of all-plastic optical fibre computer data link dispersion limits. Electronics Letters. 28 (11), 996-998
Hunter, CA., Calton, RL., Sadd, PR. and Walker, SD., (1991). Optical feedback receiver with sensitivity of −55.2 dBm at 8 Mbit/s. Electronics Letters. 27 (10), 886-887
Bates, RJS. and Walker, SD., (1991). 450 Mbit/s BPSK and 1 Gbit/s QPSK throughput subcarrier multiple-access networks using 790 nm selfpulsating laser transmitter network for computer applications. Electronics Letters. 27 (12), 1014-1016
Walker, SD., Li, M., Boucouvalas, AC., Cunningham, DG. and Coles, AN., (1990). Design techniques for subcarrier multiplexed broadcast optical networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 8 (7), 1276-1284
Walker, SD., Coles, A., Cunningham, D. and Boucouvalas, AC., (1989). Maximum loss budget criteria for subcarrier multiplex broadcast passive optical networks. Electronics Letters. 25 (16), 1023-1025
Walker, SD. and Yaseen, M., (1989). Sampling And Downconverting Avalanche Photodiode Receivers For Future High-Speed Optical Network Applications. SPIE Proceedings. 1120, 56-56
Walker, SD., Blank, LC., Garnham, RA. and Boggis, JM., (1989). High electron mobility transistor lightwave receiver for broad-band optical transmission system applications. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 7 (3), 454-458
McNally, BI., Carter, SF. and Walker, SD., (1988). Jitter accumulation in a simulated 591.2 Mbit/s, 6000 km optical transmission system. Electronics Letters. 24 (11), 676-678
Walker, SD. and Garnham, RA., (1987). MID-INFRARED OPTICAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS.. British Telecom technology journal. 5 (3), 5-8
Walker, S., Blank, L., Bickers, L. and Garnham, R., (1986). Transmission and signal processing techniques for gigabit lightwave systems. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 4 (7), 759-766
Walker, SD. and Garnham, RA., (1986). Fluoride Optical Fibre Transmission Experiments Using Non-Cryogenic Sources And Detectors. SPIE Proceedings. 0618, 192-192
Blank, LC., Garnham, RA. and Walker, SD., (1986). 2 Gbit/s and 2.4 Gbit/s optical transmission field trial over a 32 km installed route. Electronics Letters. 22 (1), 33-35
Blank, LC., Bickers, L. and Walker, S., (1986). LONG SPAN OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EXPERIMENTS.. Wire Industry. 53 (630), 446-452
Walker, SD. and Blank, LC., (1986). Progress In Long-Span, High-Capacity Optical Transmission System Research. SPIE Proceedings. 0630, 9-9
Walker, SD., Blank, LC. and Garnham, RA., (1986). 2. 4 Gbit/s LIGHTWAVE SYSTEM EXPERIMENT.. Wire Industry. 53 (628), 332-333
Blank, L., Bickers, L. and Walker, S., (1985). Long span optical transmission experiments at 34 and 140 Mbit/s. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 3 (5), 1017-1026
Bickers, L., Blank, LC. and Walker, SD., (1985). Long-span optical transmission experiment over 222.8 km of commercial monomode fibre at 140 Mbit/s and 1.525 μm. Electronics Letters. 21 (7), 267-268
Blank, LC., Bickers, L. and Walker, SD., (1985). LONG SPAN OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EXPERIMENTS AT 34 AND 140 MBIT/S.. Journal of Lightwave Technology. LT-3 (5)
Walker, S., Blank, LC., Bickers, L. and Garnham, R., (1985). TRANSMISSION AND SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES FOR GIGABIT LIGHTWAVE SYSTEMS.. Journal of Lightwave Technology. LT-4 (7)
Frisch, DA., Bickers, L., Blank, LC., Walker, SD., Fiddyment, PJ., Nelson, AW. and Westbrook, LD., (1984). 565 Mbaud 100 km optical system trial using a ridge waveguide DFB laser at 1.478 μm. Electronics Letters. 20 (7), 300-301
Walker, SD. and Blank, LC., (1984). Long-wavelength transimpedance optical receiver performance enhancement using cooled germanium avalanche photodiodes. Electronics Letters. 20 (1), 16-18
Frisch, DA., Bickers, L., Blank, LC., Walker, SD., Garnham, RA. and Boggis, JM., (1984). High-capacity 1.3 μm unrepeatered optical fibre transmission system trials for submarine applications. Electronics Letters. 20 (4), 154-155
Walker, SD., Blank, LC. and Bickers, L., (1984). 1.8 Gbit/s 65 km optical transmission experiment using a 1.478 μm DFB laser and Ge APD receiver. Electronics Letters. 20 (18), 717-719
Walker, SD. and Blank, LC., (1984). Ge APD/GaAs FET/op-amp transimpedance optical receiver design having minimum noise and intersymbol interference characteristics. Electronics Letters. 20 (20), 808-809
Book chapters (7)
Adeyemi-Ejeye, AOT., Koczian, G., Alreshoodi, MA., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2021). Ultra-High-Definition Video Transmission for Mission-Critical Communication Systems Applications. In: Research Anthology on Recent Trends, Tools, and Implications of Computer Programming. IGI Global. 899- 915
Canales-Valenzuela, C., Baltatu, M., Costa, L., Habel, K., Jungnickel, V., Koczian, G., Ngobigha, F., Parker, M., Siddiqui, MS., Trouva, E. and Walker, S., (2018). Security. In: 5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research. Editors: Marsch, P., Bulakci, A., Queseth, O. and Boldi, M., . John Wiley & Sons. 207- 225. 978-1-119-42512-0
Adeyemi-Ejeye, A., Koczian, G., Alreshoodi, MA., Parker, M. and Walker, S., (2017). Ultra-High-Definition Video Transmission for Mission-Critical Communication Systems Applications: Challenges and Solutions. Editors: Al-Begain, K. and Ashraf, A., . IGI Global. 115- 115. 9781522521136
Musa, IK. and Walker, S., (2014). Multi Objective Optimization Strategy Suitable for Virtual Cells as a Service. In: Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications. Editors: Abraham, A., Kr�mer, P. and Sn�?el, V., . Springer. 49- 59. 9783319017808
(2012). Voice Transmission Stuart D. Walker and Rouzbeh Razavi. In: The Cable and Telecommunications Professionals' Reference. Routledge. 21- 46
(2012). Data Transmission Stuart D. Walker, Emilio Hugues-Salas,. In: The Cable and Telecommunications Professionals' Reference. Routledge. 47- 72
André, P., Arellano, C., Bock, C., Bonada, F., Chanclou, P., Fàbrega, JM., Genay, N., Koonen, T., Lazaro, JA., Lepley, J., López, ET., Omella, M., Polo, V., Prat, J., Teixeira, A., Di Bartolo, S., Beleffi, GT. and Walker, SD., (2008). Enhanced Transmission Techniques. In: Next-Generation FTTH Passive Optical Networks. Springer Netherlands. 65- 109. 9781402084690
Conferences (235)
Townend, D., Husbands, R., Walker, SD. and Sharples, A., (2023). Toward Wireless Fronthaul for Cloud RAN Architectures
Townend, D., Walker, SD., Sharples, A. and Sutton, A., (2022). Line-of-Sight Probability for Urban Microcell Network Deployments
Townend, D., Walker, SD., Sharples, A. and Sutton, A., (2022). Urban Wireless Multi-hop x-Haul for Future Mobile Network Architectures
Townend, D., Walker, SD., Sharples, A. and Sutton, A., (2021). Urban Line-of-Sight Probability for mmWave Mobile Access and Fronthaul Transmission Hubs
Obekpa, AJ., Ngobigha, F., Walker, SD. and Ogbodo, EA., (2021). Non-Line-of-Sight 5G Fixed Wireless Access Performance Testing and Monitoring using COTS Antennas
Townend, D. and Walker, SD., (2020). A 3D Statistical Framework for the UK’s Mobile Network
Binh, LN., Mikroulis, S., Hillerkuss, D., Cano, IN., Walker, SD. and Thakur, MP., (2019). 5G optical transport networking: from photonic devices to processors
Adebomehin, A. and Walker, S., (2019). Enhanced satellite positioning methods using ultrawideband D2D-based localization for ultra-dense 5G wireless setting
Ngobigha, F., Walker, S., Koczian, G., Howell, G. and Prentice, J., (2019). Demonstration of 40 Gbit/s conducting media data capacity on international rolling stock
Dabor, O., Longford, E. and Walker, S., (2019). Design Guidelines for Augmented Reality User Interface: A Case Study of Simultaneous Interpretation
Alarefi, SAS. and Walker, SD., (2018). Empirical investigation and Simulink-simulation modelling of hydropower generator characteristic impedance
Adebomehin, AA. and Walker, SD., (2017). Impulse radio Ultrawideband D2D-based localization for ultra-dense 5G networks
Habib, U., Aighobahi, AE., Nair, M., Zhu, H., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD. and Gomes, NJ., (2017). Performance improvement for OFDM-RoF transported 60 GHz system using spatial diversity and multiplexing
Alarefi, SAS. and Walker, S., (2017). Innovative shunt measurement for residential water micro-leakage detection
Loukriz, A., Dudley, S., Brown, R., Quinlan, T. and Walker, S., (2017). Experimental validation of a thirteen level H-bridge photovoltaic inverter configuration
Parker, MC., Koczian, G., Walker, SD., Habel, K., Jungnickel, V., Rokkas, T., Neokosmidis, I., Siddiqui, MS., Escalona, E., Canales-Valenzuela, C., Foglar, A., Ulbricht, M., Liu, Y., Point, JC., Kritharidis, D., Katsaros, KV., Trouva, E., Angelopoulos, Y., Filis, K., Lyberopoulos, G., Zetserov, E., Levi, D., Kralj, P. and Jenko, P., (2017). Ultra-low latency 5G CHARISMA architecture for secure intelligent transportation verticals
Habib, U., Aighobahi, AE., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD. and Gomes, NJ., (2017). Demonstration of radio-over-fiber-supported 60 GHz MIMO using separate antenna-pair processing
Alharbi, Y. and Walker, S., (2017). Virtual machine placement using pre-fetching data transfer
Parker, MC., Koczian, G., Adeyemi-Ejeye, F., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD., Legarrea, A., Siddiqui, MS., Escalona, E., Spirou, S., Kritharidis, D., Habel, K., Jungnickel, V., Trouva, E., Kourtis, A., Liu, Y., Frigau, MS., Point, JC., Lyberopoulos, G., Theodoropoulou, E., Filis, K., Rokkas, T., Neokosmidis, I., Levi, D., Zetserov, E., Foglar, A., Ulbricht, M., Peternel, B. and Gustincic, D., (2016). CHARISMA: Converged heterogeneous advanced 5G cloud-RAN architecture for intelligent and secure media access
Jungnickel, V., Parker, MC., Riera, JF., Bock, C., Marques, V., Levi, D., Schulz, D., Hilt, J., Habel, K., del Rosal, LF., Freund, R. and Walker, SD., (2016). Software-defined Open Access for flexible and service-oriented 5G deployment
M. Alreshoodi, A. O. Adeyemi-Ejeye, J. Woods, S. D. Walker and J. Pokhrel, (2016). Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Quality prediction model for wireless 4kUHD H.265-coded video streaming
Loukriz, AH., Dudley, S., Quinlan, T. and Walker, SD., (2016). Experimental realization of a single-phase five level inverter for PV applications
Abe, A. and Walker, SD., (2016). Enhancement of 60GHz transmission over 802.11ad using specular reflection
Adebomehin, AA. and Walker, SD., (2016). Enhanced Ultrawideband LOS sufficiency positioning and mitigation for cognitive 5G wireless setting
Abe, A. and Walker, SD., (2016). Multi-hop 802.11ad wireless H.264 video streaming
Adebomehin, AA. and Walker, SD., (2016). Enhanced Ultrawideband methods for 5G LOS sufficient positioning and mitigation
Adebomehin, AA. and Walker, SD., (2016). Ultra-wideband signals for high-resolution cognitive positioning techniques in 5G wireless
Quinlan, T. and Walker, S., (2016). A monopole fed omnidirectional 13dBi gain Bi-conical horn antenna for IEEE802.11ad applications
Loukriz, A., Dudley, S., Messalti, S., Quinlan, T., Loukriz, A. and Walker, S., (2016). A novel single-phase thirteen level inverter for photovoltaic application
Alharbi, Y. and Walker, S., (2016). Data intensive, computing and network aware (DCN) cloud VMs scheduling algorithm
Parker, MC., Koczian, G., Quinlan, T. and Walker, SD., (2015). High capacity communications at 24 GHz and 60 GHz for converged 5G networking
Alarefi, SAS. and Walker, SD., (2015). Intelligent low-cost micro-hydro power emulator for domestic applications
Domoney, WF., Ramli, N., Alarefi, S. and Walker, SD., (2015). Smart city solutions to water management using self-powered, low-cost, water sensors and apache spark data aggregation
Ramli, NM., Alarefi, SAS. and Walker, SD., (2015). Renewable power and microgeneration in Libya: Photovoltaic system sizing, wind, rainfall potentials and public response
Ramli, N. and Walker, S., (2015). Power maximization using multiple step, load-side, current-mode sensing
Ramli, N. and Walker, S., (2015). Pan-global, annualized determination of solar collector optimum tilt angle
Corsatea, B-M. and Walker, S., (2015). Opportunities for Moodle data and learning intelligence in Virtual Environments
Alshahrani, AM. and Walker, S., (2015). An encryption algorithm (T-key) based on a 4D tesseract
Alshahranil, AM. and Walker, S., (2015). Tesseract: A 4D symmetric key container for multimedia security
Alshahrani, AMS. and Walker, S., (2015). Inventive Cubic symmetric encryption system for multimedia
Alshahrani, AMS. and Walker, S., (2015). An encryption algorithm (T-key) based on a 4D tesseract
Koczian, G., Walker, S., Howell, G. and Simpkin, B., (2015). A 10 Gbit/s Ethernet infrastructure for future-proofed railway communications
Riera, JF., Bock, C., Escalona, E., Jungnickel, V., Habel, K., Parker, MC., Walker, S., Quinlan, T., Marques, V. and Levi, D., (2014). Software-defined wired-wireless access network convergence: The SODALES approach
Bock, C., Ferrer, J., Parker, MC., Walker, SD., Mendes, T., Marques, V., Jungnickel, V., Habel, K. and Levi, D., (2014). Techno-economics and performance of convergent radio and fibre architectures
Jungnickel, V., Habel, K., Parker, M., Walker, S., Bock, C., Riera, JF., Marques, V. and Levi, D., (2014). Software-defined open architecture for front- and backhaul in 5G mobile networks
Alshahrani, AM. and Walker, S., (2014). A novel encryption solution for real time applications
Quinlan, T. and Walker, S., (2014). A 16.8dBi quasi-discoidal radiation pattern antenna array for 60GHz non-line-of-sight applications
Parker, MC., Jungnickel, V. and Walker, S., (2014). 5G mm-wave and optical wireless links for converged multi-Gb/s access and beyond
Clift, L., Kockzian, G., Adeyemi-Ejeye, AO., Walker, S. and Clark, AF., (2014). Delivering Live 4K Broadcasting Using Today?s Technology
Ferrer, J., Bock, C., Mendes, T., Parker, MC., Jungnickel, V., Levi, D., Marques, V., Rodrigues, C., Escalona, E., Garcia-Espin, JA. and Walker, S., (2014). Techno Economics and Cost Analysis of Convergent Access Networks
Adeyemi-Ejeye, AO. and Walker, SD., (2013). Ultra-high definition Wireless Video transmission using H.264 over 802.11n WLAN: Challenges and performance evaluation
Musa, IK. and Walker, SD., (2013). Adaptive market place for converged cloud computing model
Bock, C., Figuerola, S., Parker, MC., Walker, SD., Mendes, T., Marques, V., Jungnickel, V., Habel, K. and Levi, D., (2013). Convergent radio and fibre architectures for high-speed access
Ramli, NM. and Walker, SD., (2013). First realisation of a Golomb ruler staircase inverter for photovoltaic applications
Alshahrani, AM. and Walker, S., (2013). NFC performance in mobile payment service compared with a SMS -based solution
Quinlan, T. and Walker, S., (2013). A 60GHz, linearly polarised, 16dBi coaxial slot array antenna
Llorente, R., Cluzeaud, P., Sambaraju, R., Rodrigues, C., Morant, M., Alves, T., Pellicer, E., Correcher, J., Nagy, Z., Piesiewicz, R., Walker, S., Schmidt, A., Herrera, J., Quinlan, T., Herman, M. and Cartaxo, A., (2013). On-the-Field Demonstration of Quintuple-Play Service Provision in Long-Reach OFDM-based WDM-PON Access Networks
Llorente, R., Morant, M., Pellicer, E., Herman, M., Nagy, Z., Herrera, J., Correcher, J., Alves, T., Cartaxo, A., Quinlan, T., Walker, S., Rodrigues, C., Cluzeaud, P., Schmidt, A., Sambaraju, R., Piesiewicz, R. and Rico, E., (2013). Radio-over-fiber quintuple-play service provision for deep fiber-to-the-home passive networks
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2012). Energy-efficiency optimised upgrade paths for cascaded, stochastically-based, master-slave IP router configurations
Parker, MC., Martin, R., Walker, SD., Van Heddeghem, W. and Lannoo, B., (2012). Energy-efficient master-slave edge-router upgrade paths in active remote nodes of next-generation optical access
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2012). Energy-Efficiency Optimised Upgrade Paths for Cascaded, Stochastically-Based, Master-Slave IP Router Configurations
Bock, C., Figuerola, S., Parker, MC., Quinlan, T. and Walker, SD., (2012). Convergent radio and fibre access architectures using low-energy systems
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2012). Stochastic energy-efficiency optimization in photonic networking by use of master-slave equipment configurations
Ejeye, AO. and Walker, SD., (2012). Uncompressed quad-1080p wireless video streaming
Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Morant, M., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2012). First Demonstration of cooler-Less, Bi-Directional, format-Agnostic, wireless and gigabit ethernet network provision using Off-The-Shelf VCSELs
Hugues-Salas, E., Giddings, RP., Jin, XQ., Quinlan, T., Hong, Y., Walker, S. and Tang, JM., (2012). REAM Intensity Modulator–Enabled Colorless Transmission of Real-Time Optical OFDM Signals for WDM-PONs
Mahmouli, FE. and Walker, S., (2012). Orbital angular momentum generation in a 60GHz wireless radio channel
Quinlan, T., Warren, N. and Walker, S., (2012). A 1.5 GHz bandwidth, linear polarisation switchable, 5 GHz crossed rectangular patch antenna
Llorente, R., Morant, M., Martínez, F., Alves, T., Cartaxo, A., Quinlan, T., Walker, S., Rodrigues, C., Herrera, J., Cluzeaud, P., Schmidt, A., Sambaraju, R., Rico, E., Piesiewicz, R. and Herman, M., (2012). Impairment compensation in long-reach integrated optical-wireless PON
Hugues-Salas, E., Giddings, RP., Jin, XQ., Quinlan, T., Hong, Y., Walker, S. and Tang, JM., (2012). REAM intensity modulator-enabled colorless transmission of real-time optical OFDM signals for WDM-PONs
Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Morant, M., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2012). First Demonstration of Cooler-less, Bi-Directional, Format- Agnostic, Wireless and Gigabit Ethernet Network Provision using Off-The-Shelf VCSELs
Parker, MC., Martin, R., Guild, K. and Walker, SD., (2011). Hierarchical wireless and optical access networking: Convergence and energy efficiency
Mitchell, JE., Thakur, MP., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2011). Radio-over-fibre networks: Developments from the BONE Virtual Centre of Excellence in Access
Kaka, A., Toycan, M., Bashiry, V., Ademgil, H. and Walker, SD., (2011). A fractal geometry, multi-band, miniaturized monopole antenna design for UWB wireless applications
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). "Real world" FTTH optical-to-radio interface performance for bi-directional multi-format OFDM wireless signal transmission
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Ng'oma, A., Dudley, S., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). Specialty fiber evaluation for in-building distribution of multiple-format OFDM radio signals
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). Complete mitigation of brillouin scattering effects in reflective passive optical networks using triple-format OFDM radio signals
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2011). Full standard triple-play bi-directional and full-duplex CWDM transmission in passive optical networks
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Ng'oma, A., Dudley, S., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). Specialty fiber evaluation for in-building distribution of multiple-format OFDM radio signals
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). Complete mitigation of brillouin scattering effects in reflective passive optical networks using triple-format OFDM radio signals
Llorente, R., Morant, M., Hauden, J., Quinlan, T., Mottet, A. and Walker, S., (2011). Linear regime extension technique in parallel LiNbO
Quinlan, T., Morant, M., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2011). Ultra-low cost and power VCSEL-based 480Mbit/s UWB radio over a bi-directional CWDM PON
Llorente, R., Morant, M., Hauden, J., Quinlan, T., Mottet, A. and Walker, S., (2011). Linear Regime Extension Technique in Parallel LiNbO_3 Interferometric Architectures for UWB Applications
Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Jordan, T. and Walker, S., (2011). Remote, non-contact, radio frequency phase contrast detection using CWDM and directly modulated VCSELs
Quinlan, T., Morant, M., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2011). Ultra-low cost and power VCSEL-based 480Mbit/s UWB radio over a bi-directional CWDM PON
Llorente, R., Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Medina, N. and Walker, S., (2011). Optical architectures evaluation for triple-play distribution in FIVER project
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2011). Full Standard Triple-Play Bi-Directional and Full-Duplex CWDM Transmission in Passive Optical Networks
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). “Real World” FTTH Optical-to-Radio Interface Performance for Bi-directional Multi-Format OFDM Wireless Signal Transmission
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). Complete Mitigation of Brillouin Scattering Effects in Reflective Passive Optical Networks using Triple-Format OFDM Radio Signals
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Ng'oma, A., Dudley, S., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). Specialty fiber evaluation for in-building distribution of multiple-format OFDM radio signals
Moreb, SA. and Walker, SO., (2011). Server farms' power consumption minimized via best allocation of servers and ancillary equipments
Llorente, R., Walker, S., Monroy, IT., Beltrán, M., Morant, M., Quinlan, T. and Jensen, JB., (2011). Triple-play and 60-GHz radio-over-fiber techniques for next-generation optical access networks
Morant, M., Quinlan, T., Ng’oma, A., Dudley, S., Walker, S. and Llorente, R., (2011). Specialty Fiber Evaluation for In-building Distribution of Multiple-Format OFDM Radio Signals
Quinlan, T., Morant, M., Llorente, R. and Walker, S., (2011). Ultra-Low Cost and Power VCSEL-Based 480Mbit/s UWB Radio over a Bi-Directional CWDM PON
Quinlan, TJ., Dudley, SEM. and Walker, SD., (2010). Radio-over-fibre phase contrast imaging using a reflective electro-absorption transducer and 1550/1310nm VCSELs
Thakur, MP., Mitchell, JE., Quinlan, TJ., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2010). First demonstration of secure, AWG performance interrogation using OFDM edge-tones on WDM access networks
Quinlan, TJ., Dudley, SEM. and Walker, SD., (2010). Radio-over-fibre phase contrast imaging using a reflective electro-absorption transducer and 1550/1310nm VCSELs
Quinlan, TJ., Dudley, SEM. and Walker, SD., (2010). Radio-over-Fibre Phase Contrast Imaging using a Reflective Electro-Absorption Transducer and 1550/1310nm VCSELs
Parker, MC., Nagraj, S. and Walker, SD., (2009). Absolute energy efficiency metric for carbon footprint resource management and network optimisation
Bock, C., Quinlan, T., Thakur, MP. and Walker, SD., (2009). Integrated Optical Wireless Access: Advanced topologies for future access networks
Thakur, MP., Quinlan, T., Ahmad Anas, SB., Hunter, DK., Walker, SD., Smith, DW., Borghesani, A. and Moodie, D., (2009). Triple-Format, UWB-WiFi-WiMax, Radio-Over-Fiber Co-Existence Demonstration Featuring Low-Cost 1308/1564 nm VCSELs and a Reflective Electro-Absorption Transceiver
Thakur, MP., Quinlan, T., Ahmad Anas, SB., Hunter, DK., Walker, SD., Smith, DW., Borghesani, A. and Moodie, D., (2009). Multi-wavelength, 4.32 Gbps UWB radio-over-fiber demonstration featuring a reflective electro-absorption transceiver and low-Cost DWDM grid VCSELs
Walker, S., Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Jordan, T. and Parker, M., (2009). Wireless broadband service delivery via optical in-home converged networks
Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Jordan, T. and Walker, S., (2009). Improved radio frequency imaging resolution using phase contrast interferometry
Llorente, R., Morant, M., Tokle, T., Quinlan, T., Thakur, M. and Walker, S., (2009). UWB radio-over-fiber and photonic sensing for cognitive optical access networks
Bock, C., Thakur, MP., Quinlan, T., Dudley, SEM. and Walker, SD., (2008). Integration of wireless and optics, future trends on access networks
Thakur, MP., Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Toycan, M., Bock, C., Walker, SD., Smith, DW., Borghesani, A., Moodie, D., Llorente, R., Ran, M. and Ben-Ezra, Y., (2008). Bi-directional, 480Mbps, ultra-wideband, radio-over-fibre transmission using a 1310/1564nm reflective electro-absorption transducer and commercially-available components
Ajmal, T. and Walker, SD., (2008). 1.562 Gb/s phase-encrypted secure communication
Ajmal, T., Quinlan, T., Razavi, R., Hugues Salas, E. and Walker, SD., (2008). Design of a 10Gbps optical burst mode DPSK receiver for data and clock recovery
Quinlan, TJ., Dudley, SEM. and Walker, SD., (2008). Time-resolved bragg effects in an ultra wideband leaky feeder antenna array based on semi-rigid coaxial cable
Smith, DW., Borghesani, A., Moodie, D., Thakur, MP., Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Toycan, M., Bock, C., Walker, SD., Ran, M. and Ben-Ezra, Y., (2008). 480Mbps ultra-wideband radio-over-fibre transmission using a 1310/1550nm reflective electro-absorption transducer and off-the-shelf components
Llorente, R., Thakur, MP., Morant, M., Walker, SD. and Marti, J., (2008). Performance comparison of radio-over-fibre UWB distribution in SSMF and MMF optical media
Ben-Ezra, Y., Ran, M., Borohovich, E., Leibovich, A., Thakur, MP., Llorente, R. and Walker, SD., (2008). Wimedia-Defined, Ultra-Wideband Radio Transmission over Optical Fibre
Nezami, KG., Stephens, PW. and Walker, SD., (2008). Handel-C Implementation of Early-Access Partial-Reconfiguration for Software Defined Radio
Nezami, KG., Stephens, PW. and Walker, SD., (2008). Computationally-Efficient, Low-Order Filtering Technique for TETRA Release 2 Synchronization
Mokhtar, M., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD., Abas, AF. and Abdulllah, MK., (2008). A New RZ/NRZ Bipolar Code
Quinlan, TJ., Dudley, SEM. and Walker, SD., (2007). A High Data Rate Wireless Leaky Feeder System for Vehicular Tunnel Applications
Ajmal, T., Hugues-Salas, E., Razavi, R., Quinlan, T., Zervas, G., Simeonidou, D. and Walker, SD., (2007). Phase-Encrypted Secure Communication technique for GPONs
Bock, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2007). Optical Next-Generation Access Networks Featuring Combined WDM and TDM
Kourtessis, P. and Walker, SD., (2007). A Complete 8-GHz QPSK-MODEM Featuring Novel Subcarrier and Data Synchronization for Optical Communications
Walker, SD., Toycan, M., Tsalamanis, I. and Parker, MC., (2007). A FSR-interleaved, self-wrapping, multiple-cascaded AWG-based WDM access network
Walker, SD., Toycan, M., Tsalamanis, I. and Parker, MC., (2007). A FSR-interleaved, self-wrapping, multiple-cascaded AWG-based WDM access network
Walker, SD., Toycan, M., Tsalamanis, I. and Parker, MC., (2007). A FSR-Interleaved, Self-Wrapping, Multiple-Cascaded AWG-based WDM Access Network
Hugues-Salas, E., Razavi, R., Quinlan, TJ., Thakur, MP. and Walker, SD., (2007). A 2.5 Gb/s edge-detecting burst-mode receiver for GPON access networks
Hugues-Salas, E., Razavi, R., Quinlan, TJ., Thakur, MP. and Walker, SD., (2007). A 2.5 Gb/s Edge-Detecting Burst-Mode Receiver for GPON Access Networks
Dudley, SEM., Quinlan, TJ. and Walker, SD., (2007). 1.6Gb/s Data Throughput Optically-Remoted Leaky Feeders for Underground Transport Environments
Toycan, M., Thakur, MP. and Walker, SD., (2007). Optical network architecture for UWB range extension beyond a single complex of cells
Bock, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2007). Flexible and scalable high-density quad-play packet-switched access infrastructure based on WDM routing and dynamic TDM access
Nezami, KG., Stephens, PW. and Walker, SD., (2007). Enhanced communications firmware platform for co-verification of complex algorithms
Dudley, SEM., Quinlan, TJ., Henning, ID., Walker, SD., Davey, RP., Wallace, AD., Boyd, I. and Payne, DB., (2006). Low-power optical feeder for VDSL over twisted pair for last mile access networks
Ajmal, T., Lepley, J. and Walker, S., (2006). Experimental Demonstration of a Macroscopic Cryptography Technique
Tsalamanis, I., Toycan, M. and Walker, SD., (2006). Study of Hybrid Cascaded AWG-based Access Network Topology
Mokhtar, M., Abdullah, MK. and Walker, SD., (2006). Towards Ternary Optical Communication by Soft Decoding
Dudley, SEM., Quinlan, T., Henning, ID., Walker, SD., Davey, RP., Payne, DB. and Boyd, I., (2006). Ultra low power optical feeder for VDSL
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2006). Waveguiding of orbital angular momentum light using chiral-selectivity azimuthally graded index fibre
Parker, MC., Hisatomi, M. and Walker, SD., (2006). Hollow-core radially-chirped Bragg fiber for quasi-metallic photonic bandgap light confinement
Parker, MC., Hunter, DK. and Walker, SD., (2006). Tunable Optical Delays, Buffering and WDM:TDM Conversion via Active Latin-Routing AWG's featuring Unit-Length Re-Circulating Waveguides
Thakur, MP., Tsalamanis, I., Lepley, JJ. and Walker, SD., (2006). VDSL transmission over latin routed DWDM optical access networks
Lepley, JJ., Thakur, MP., Tsalamanis, I., Walker, SD., Habel, K., Langer, K-D., Rijckenberg, G-J., Ng'oma, A., Koonen, AMJ. and Wellen, JS., (2006). Interoperability of Last Mile Access Technologies over a Passive Optical Ring Network: Results of the MUSE Demonstration
Nezami, KG., Walker, SD., Stephens, PW. and Fleury, M., (2006). An FPGA implementation of a memory efficient, low complexity turbo decoder architecture for TETRA release 2 application
Mokhtar, M., Abdullah, MK. and Walker, SD., (2006). Towards Ternary Optical Communication by Soft Decoding
Ajmal, T., Lepley, JJ. and Walker, SD., (2006). Stokes Encrypted Secure Communication over Optically Amplified Links
Bock, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2006). High-density optical burst switched access network combining WDM and TDM over a passive optical infrastructure
Bock, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2006). High-density Ring-Tree Advanced Access Topology delivering Bandwidth on Demand over a Resilient Infrastructure
Wellen, J., Smets, R., Hellenthal, W., Lepley, J., Tsalamanis, I., Walker, S., Ng'oma, A., Rijckenberg, G-J., Koonen, T., Habel, K. and Langer, K-D., (2006). Toward high-speed access technologies: results from MUSE
Prat, J., Chanclou, P., Davey, R., Finochietto, JM., Franzl, G., Koonen, AMJ. and Walker, S., (2006). Long-term evolution of passive optical networks
Parker, MC., Walker, SD. and Hunter, DK., (2006). Optical delay selection in WDM PON's using a multi-path tunable AWG maze
Thakur, MP., Bock, C., Lepley, JJ., Arellano, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2005). VDSL over fibre access network with reflective optical network unit
Thakur, MP., Bock, C., Prat, J. and Walker, SD., (2005). Upgrade paths from VDSL-based FTTC to ethernet-based FTTH: an experimental comparison
Dudley, SEM., Quinlan, T., Henning, ID., Walker, SD., Davey, RP., Payne, DB. and Boyd, I., (2005). Ultra low power optical feeder for VDSL
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2005). Waveguiding of orbital angular momentum light using chiral-selectivity azimuthally graded index fibre
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2005). Singular optical fibre featuring refractive index dislocation for chiral waveguiding of high orbital angular momentum light
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2005). Waveguiding of orbital angular momentum light using chiral-selectivity azimuthally graded index fibre
Thakur, MP., (2005). Passive VDSL transmission over single fibre using reflective technique at customer premises
Bock, C., (2005). Wavelength independent RSOA-based ONU for FTTH PON implementation of switched Ethernet services
Thakur, MP., Tsalamanis, I., Lepley, JJ. and Walker, SD., (2005). VDSL transmission over latin routed DWDM optical access networks
Thakur, MP., Tsalamanis, I., Lepley, JJ. and Walker, SD., (2005). VDSL transmission over latin routed DWDM optical access networks
Thakur, MP., Tsalamanis, I., Lepley, JJ. and Walker, SD., (2005). VDSL transmission over latin routed DWDM optical access networks
Hunter, DK., (2005). Delay-line storage in optical communications switching
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2005). Singular optical fibre featuring refractive index dislocation for chiral waveguiding of high orbital angular momentum light
Tsalamanis, I., Rochat, E., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2004). Polarization orthogonality preservation in DWDM cascaded arrayed-waveguide grating networks
Tsalamanis, I., Rochat, E., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2004). Polarization orthogonality preservation in DWDM cascaded arrayed-waveguide grating networks
Lin, F-C., Lalithambika, VA., Holburn, DM., Mears, RJ., Hum, CH. and Walker, SD., (2004). Fully integrated CMOS VCSEL driver with nonlinearity suppression for RF optical fiber links
Lin, FC., Holburn, DM., Lalithambika, VA., Mears, RJ., Hum, CH. and Walker, SD., (2004). A CMOS analogue predistortion circuit for wideband optical fibre links
Lalithambika, VA., Lin, F-C., Holburn, DM., Mears, RJ., Hum, CH. and Walker, SD., (2004). Simulation study of BER and signal-to-noise ratio of multichannel optical subcarrier modulated QAM-VDSL signals
Parker, MC., Hisatomi, M. and Walker, SD., (2004). Binary radially-chirped Bragg and graded-index Fresnel fibre lenses for singlemode fibre to photonic crystal coupling
Parker, M., (2003). An isomorphic Fourier transform approach to light propagation in AWGs, FBGs, and photonic crystals
Hisatomi, M., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2003). Low refractive-index-contrast Fresnel-microstructure fibre for coupling between SMF and photonic crystals
Parker, MC., Rochat, E. and Walker, SD., (2003). Polarisation mode dispersion as anderson photon localisation: a new interpretation based on the first born approximation
Rochat, E., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2003). Investigation of combined wavelength and polarisation division multiplexing in C-band over 50 μm multimode fibre links up to 3 km
Dudley, SEM., Guzman, JM., Quinlan, TJ., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2003). Tunable Optoelectronic Bandpass Filter using a Simple Self-Pulsating Two-Section Laser
Dudley, SEM., Guzman, JM., Quinlan, TJ., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2003). Tunable Optoelectronic Bandpass Filter using a Simple Self-Pulsating Two-Section Laser
Rochat, E., Kourtessis, P., Webster, M., Quinlan, T., Dudley, S., Walker, SD., Penty, RV., Parker, MC. and White, IH., (2002). Ultra-high capacity transmission over 3km of legacy 50μm-multimode-fibre using C-band HDWDM and quadrature-subcarrier multiplexing
Rochat, E., Walker, SD. and Parker, MC., (2002). Ultra-wideband capacity enhancement of 50 μm multimode fibre links up to 3km using orthogonal polarisation transmission in C-band
Parker, MC., Rochat, E. and Walker, SD., (2002). All-order PMD compensation using filter theory interpretation of Poincaré Sphere trajectories
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2002). An Isomorphic Fourier Transform Approach to Light Propagation in AWGs, FBGs, and Photonic Crystals
Penty, Webster, White, Kourtessis, Walker and Tyler, (2002). The applications of SCM in optical data communications
Kourtessis, P., Dudley, S., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD., Tyler, EJ., Penty, RV. and White, IH., (2002). A complete 5 Gb/s throughput quadrature subcarrier system featuring zero-latency carrier and data synchronization
Lidzey, DG., Tartakovskii, AI., Emam-Ismail, M., Skolnick, MS. and Walker, S., (2002). Enhanced Raman scattering in a strongly coupled microcavity containing J-aggregates
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2002). Photonic Crystals, FBGs, and AWGs Modelled as Isomorphic Fourier Transform Light Propagators
Parker, MC., Rochat, E. and Walker, SD., (2002). All-Order PMD Compensation using Filter Theory Interpretation of Poincaré Sphere Trajectories
Kourtessis, P., Dudley, S., Quinlan, T., Walker, SD., Tyler, EJ., Penty, RV. and White, IH., (2002). A complete 5 Gb/s throughput quadrature subcarrier system featuring zero-latency carrier and data synchronization
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2001). Multiple-order adaptive dispersion compensation using polynomially-chirped grating devices
Siddiqui, AS., Edirisinghe, SG., Lepley, JJ., Ellison, JG. and Walker, SD., (2001). Dispersion tolerant transmission using a duobinary encoded polarization shift keying modulation format
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2001). Multiple-order PMD compensation using a single actively chirped AWG
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2001). Non-linearly chirped arrayed-waveguide grating configuration for third-order adaptive dispersion compensation
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2001). Optimisation of polyphase concatenated arrayed-waveguide grating designs for 40Gb/s adaptive dispersion compensation
Lidzey, DG., Bradley, DDC., Skolnick, MS. and Walker, S., (2001). Optical coupling of Frenkel excitons in organic semiconductor microcavities
Parker, MC., Mears, RJ. and Walker, SD., (2001). High Refractive Index Contrast Bragg Gratings: An Accurate Fourier Transform Theory
Parker, MC., Walker, SD. and Mears, RJ., (2001). Analogy between Chirped AWGs and FBGs for Second and Higher Order Dispersion Compensation
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2001). Optimisation of Polyphase Concatenated Arrayed-Waveguide Grating Designs for 40Gb/s Adaptive Dispersion Compensation
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2001). Non-Linearly Chirped Arrayed-Waveguide Grating Configuration for Third-Order Adaptive Dispersion Compensation
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2000). Virtually ripple-free, 20Gb/s DWDM, adaptive dispersion compensator based on a re-multiplexing concatenated AWG configuration
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2000). Adaptive chromatic dispersion controller based on an electro-optically chirped arrayed-waveguide grating
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2000). Adaptive chromatic dispersion controller based on an electro-optically chirped arrayed-waveguide grating
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1999). Recent advances in arrayed-waveguide gratings and their application in optical networks
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1999). Bandpass filter transfer characteristic of a complex-apodized arrayed-waveguide grating
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1999). Bandpass filter transfer characteristic of a complex-apodized arrayed-waveguide grating
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1999). Dynamic dispersion compensation using a parabolic phase a pertured active arrayed-waveguide grating
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Reduced wavelength-count multi-stage ATM access network featuring voltage-controlled phased-array optical routers
Farjady, F., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1998). Evolutionary multidimensional access architecture featuring cost-reduced components
Farjady, F., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1998). High usage optical access architecture featuring coarse space-wavelength routing
Farjady, F., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1998). An evolutionary access network upgrade path based on a multi-dimensional time-space-wavelength architecture
Farjady, F., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1998). Phase apodization techniques for active passband control of arrayed waveguide grating optical routers
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Passband-flattened arrayed-waveguide grating design using an aspheric output star coupler
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Passband-flattened arrayed-waveguide grating featuring a new aspheric output star coupler
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Arrayed-waveguide grating passband flattening by combined phase and amplitude apodisation
Farjady, F., Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (1998). Non-linear phase apodization techniques for arrayed-waveguide grating passband control
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Lightwave communications and networks
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Optimized wavelength-set multi-stage broadband access network employing arrayed-waveguide grating routers
Farjady, F., (1998). Novel two-stage wavelength-routed access architecture employing spectral-grooming and replicated arrayed waveguide gratings
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Reduced wavelength-count vector-addressed multi-stage access network based on phased-array optical routers
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Quasi-cycloidal phase profile synthetic aperture technique for passband-broadened arrayed-waveguide gratings
Parker, MC., Farjady, F. and Walker, SD., (1998). Application of synthetic aperture techniques to arrayed-waveguide grating passband control
Bebbington, DHO., Ellison, JG., Schuh, RE., Shan, X., Siddiqui, AS. and Walker, SD., (1997). Fully polarimetric optical time-domain reflectometer with 1-m spatial resolution
Walker, SD., (1995). Cost-effective customer laser transmitter for burst-mode ATM application
Li, M. and Walker, SD., (1994). Performance of a multichannel global queue cyclic reservation protocol for laser-switched subcarrier multiplexed passive star networks
Zhou, J. and Walker, SD., (1992). Application of The Edgeworth Series Expansion Method to Optically-Preamplified Receiver Bit-Error-Ratio Calculation
Yaseen, M. and Walker, SD., (1991). Optoelectronic sampling receiver for time-division multiplexed signal processing applications
Walker, SD., Boucouvalas, AC., Cunningham, DG. and Coles, A., (1990). New pseudorandom sequence measurement technique for subcarrier multiplexed distribution networks
Bates, RJS. and Walker, SD., (1990). 450Mb/s throughput subcarrier multiple-access network using 790NM self-pulsating laser transmitters
Walker, SD., (1989). Optoelectronic phase-locked-loop downconverter for subcarrier AM and FM transmission systems
Walker, SD., (1989). Reflective dispersion measurement technique for high-capacity optical networks
Mallett, CT., Walker, SD. and Fletcher, I., (1988). Synchronous electronic networking of undersea lightwave systems: the impact on repeater and multiplex design and performance.
Carter, SF., Fletcher, I., McNally, BI., Walker, SD. and Blank, LC., (1988). High-speed optical regenerator chain simulation by jitter synthesis.
Blank, LC. and Walker, SD., (1988). High-capacity lightwave transmission systems.
Blank, LC., Bickers, L. and Walker, SD., (1985). 120-Gbit multiplied by (times) km LIGHTWAVE SYSTEM EXPERIMENTS USING 1,478- mu m AND 1. 52- mu m DISTRIBUTED FEEDBACK LASERS.
Blank, LC., Bickers, L. and Walker, SD., (1985). 220 km AND 233 km TRANSMISSION EXPERIMENTS OVER LOW-LOSS DISPERSION-SHIFTED FIBRE AT 140 Mbit/s AND 34 Mbit/s
Walker, SD., Bickers, L. and Blank, LC., (1984). 1 Gbit/s OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EXPERIMENT OVER 83 km USING A 1. 478 mu m DFB LASER.
Frisch, DA., Bickers, L., Blank, LC. and Walker, SD., (1984). LONG-SPAN UNREPEATERED OPTICAL SYSTEMS.
Reports and Papers (2)
Parker, MC. and Walker, SD., (2002). Information Transfer Time: The Role of Holomorphism, Stationary Phase, and Noise
Parker, MC., Rochat, E. and Walker, SD., (2002). Fourier Transform Model for All-Order PMD Compensation based on a Coupled-Mode Equation Solution using the First Born Approximation
Grants and funding
Innovate to Elevate (I2E) project to To identify a way of connecting 2 machines together with a permanent and reliable remote connection, specifically trialling a LoRaWan network.
Babergh and Mid Suffolk (Innovate to Elevate Programme)
European Commission
Quantum element Interposition by Laser Transfer
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Sustainable and Adapative Ultra-High Capacity Micro Base Station
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Develop Ethernet-based software to control reference designs for networked microphones and active loudspeakers
Profusion PLC
BT Mini Project
British Telecommunications Plc
Atlantic Microwave KTP
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
To develop Ethernet based software control of reference designs for networked microphones.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
The development of a bi-directional transceiver .
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
67% - To design and develop embedded systems and peripherals for control and monitoring applications making best use of available communications and microprocessor technologies and to embed knowledge of communications and associated sofware technologies.
Technology STrategy Board
33% - To design and develop embedded systems and peripherals for control and monitoring applications making best use of available communications and microprocessor technologies and to embed knowledge of communications and associated sofware technologies.
Dicam Technologies
Mobile Phone Repeater System
LPA Connection System
67% To embed a novel wireless ethernet capability across the rail network, to support innovation in train to shore communication speed and establish LPA as a leading innovator in the sector. To increase the bandwidth of on-board copper Ethenet Backbones
Technology STrategy Board
33% To embed a novel wireless ethernet capability across the rail network, to support innovation in train to shore communication speed and establish LPA as a leading innovator in the sector. To increase the bandwidth of on-board copper Ethenet Backbones
European Commission (H2020)
Sending data over railway power lines
Network Rail
NIRVANA - iNtelligent, heteRogeneous VirtAlised Networking infrAstructure
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council
iCIRRUS - intelligent Converged network conoLIdating Radio and optical access aRound USER equipment
European Commission (H2020)
SODALES - Software-Defined Access using Low-Energy Subsystems
European Commission
To enable LPA to design rail connectors suitable for RF (67%)
Technology STrategy Board
To enable LPA to design rail connectors suitable for RF (33%)
LPA Industries Ltd
Technology STrategy Board
European Commission (FP7)
Roadmap Project
Technology STrategy Board
Photonics 21
Technology STrategy Board
OASE Project
European Commission
European Commission (FP7)
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