Professor Wayne Martin

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873405
5B.115, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
PY114: Please consult the tutorial schedule (for weekly tutorials), or by appointment (for additional consultation). PY418: Thusdays 1-2pm, or by appointment. Personal Tutor or Other: Mondays 4-5pm or by appointment.
Wayne Martin studied philosophy both in the UK and in the USA and taught for twelve years at the University of California, San Diego, before coming to Essex in 2005. He is the Director of The Essex Autonomy Project, a research and public policy initiative which aims to clarify the ideal of self-determination, with particular attention to the care professions. Martin's philosophical interests are diverse. He has worked extensively on philosophical issues from the post-Kantian idealist tradition and phenomenology; he has published one book of Fichte and another on the phenomenology of judgement, and has published articles on the history of symbolic logic, Dutch Still Life painting, Stoicism, deontic logic and the paintings of Lucas Cranach the Elder. He was the founding Head of the School of Philosophy and Art History (2010-2013), is a past General Editor of Inquiry and past Series Editor of Modern European Philosophy, the monograph series published by Cambridge University Press. Recent papers include a co-authored clinical paper on deliberative temporality in manic episodes, a paper on the ex-voto retablo tradition in Mexican Folk Art, and a long-simmering book project on the history of self-consciousness.
BA Cambridge
PhD Berkeley
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Philosophy of Psychiatry
Phenomenology (esp Hume, Husserl, Heidegger, Th Lipps, Løgstrup)
Kant and post-Kantian idealism (esp Fichte)
The history and philosophy of logic
Philosophy and painting
Autonomy and the Regulation of Care
Political Philosophy
Will, Agency and Contract
Current research
The Essex Autonomy Project
Mental Health and Justice
Conferences and presentations
Court of Protection Practititioners Association
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 2019 Annual Conference, 3/9/2019
2017York University: Fichtes Creuzer Review and the Transformation of the Problem of Free Will
Toronto, Canada, 2017
2017Warwick University: Objectivity, Mental Health and Human Rights
Coventry, United Kingdom, 2017
2017Aarhus University (Denmark): Luthers Will
Aarhus, Denmark, 2017
Self-Consciousness: An Alternate History (Three Public Lectures)
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 2017 University of Essex Minicourse:, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2017
2017Wake Forest University (USA): Fake News?: Why is Dan Dennett Telling the Media that he Refuted Bert Dreyfus on AI? (co-authored with Dylan Williams).
Winston-Salem, United States, 2017
2017Sogang University (South Korea): Fichtes Creuzer Review and the Transformation of the Problem of Free Will
Seoul, South Korea, 2017
2017Knowledge For Use Project (Durham/London School of Economics): Heterogeneous Evidence and the Exercise of Judgment
London, United Kingdom, 2017
2017Society for Phenomenology and Analytic Philosophy (Seattle): Transcendental Phenomenology, Human Rights, and the Sharp End of the Law
Seattle, United States, 2017
2017American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division): Four Questions about Fichtes Deductive Strategy: A Reply to Anthony Bruno
United States, 2017
Manic Temporality
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 2017 Kings College London Colloquium in Philosophy and Medicine:, London, United Kingdom, 2017
2017American Society for Existential Philosophy (University of California at Berkeley): Manic Temporality
Berkeley, United States, 2017
2016Leiden University Workshop on The Faces of Judgement: The Antinomy of Judgement, Delusion, and Twelve Angry Men
Leiden, Netherlands, 2016
2016Leiden University Practical Philosophy Colloquium: Fichtes Creuzer Review and the Transformation of the Problem of Free Will
Leiden, Netherlands, 2016
2016Sabanci University (Istanbul): These Ridiculous Recent Controversies Concerning Freedom: Fichtes Transformation of the Problem of Free Will (cancelled).
Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
2016University of Tübingen Summer School: Fichtes Creuzer Review and the Transformation of the Problem of Free Will
Tubingen, Germany, 2016
2016Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The Antinomy of Judgement, Delusion, and Twelve Angry Men
Jerusalem, Israel, 2016
2016The Open Society Foundation Conference on Legal Capacity: Three Concepts of Will.
2016American Society for Existential Philosophy (Franklin and Marshall College): The Work of Confession and the Work of Art (with reference to a stolen ex-voto retablo)
2016University of Essex: The Work of Confession and the Work of Art (with reference to a stolen ex-voto retablo)
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2016
2015 Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Self-Positing and Gambit Normativity
Jerusalem, Israel, 2015
2015 International Congress on Bioethics (Barcelona); Philosophy and Mental Health
Barcelona, Spain, 2015
2015 University of Sussex Graduate Conference: The Work of Confession and the Work of Art (with reference to a stolen ex-voto retablo)
Brighton, United Kingdom, 2015
2015 University of Essex International Graduate Conference: The Antinomy of Judgement, Delusion, and Twelve Angry Men
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2015
2015 Lyon University (France): The CRPD in France
Lyon, France, 2015
2015 Court of Protection Practitioners Association (Leeds): Reforming the Best-Interest Framework: Lessons from Three UK Jurisdictions.
Leeds, United Kingdom, 2015
2015 British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers: Managing Brain Injury in Compliance with the CRPD.
United Kingdom, 2015
2015 Public Guardianship Four Jurisdictions Conference (Edinburgh): Compliance with the CRPD: Challenges and Opportunities
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2015
2014 Court of Protection Practitioners Association (Manchester): Is the MCA Compliant with the CRPD (and if not, what next?)
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2014
2014 University of Frankfurt, The Antinomy of Judgement, Delusion, and Twelve Angry Men
Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2014
2014 Oxford University, Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar: Fichtes Transcendental Deduction of Private Property
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2014
2014 New York German Idealism Workshop: Fichtes Transcendental Deduction of Private Property
New York, United States, 2014
2014 School of Health and Human Sciences, University of Essex: Shared Decision-Making and Distributed Mental Capacity
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2014
2014 Sabanci University (Turkey), The Phenomenology of Decision-Making under Conditions of Psychiatric Disorder.
Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
2014 University of New Mexico, The Phenomenology of Decision-Making under Conditions of Psychiatric Disorder
Los Alamos, United States, 2014
2013 Essex Human Rights Centre: E & L and Wilgefortis: Autonomy and Mental Capacity at the End of Life
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2013
2013 Oxford University, Symposium on A.W. Moores Making Sense of Things: Fichtes Wild Metaphysical Yarn
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2013
2013 The University of Amsterdam: Phenomenology and the Experience of Refusal in Anorexia Nervosa
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013
2013 British Society for the History of Philosophy (York): The Semantics of Dasein and the Modality of Being and Time
York, United Kingdom, 2013
2013 Society for Existential Philosophy (Berkeley): Hyperautonomy 1: Assessing Autonomy and Capacity in Anorexia Nervosa
New York, United States, 2013
2013 University College London (Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Research Centre): Autonomy, Distributed Capacity and Consent
London, United Kingdom, 2013
2013 Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e la Storia delle Idee (Rome): Pragmatic Space
Rome, Italy, 2013
2012 Oxford University, Moral Philosophy Seminar: Antinomies of Autonomy
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2012
2012 Peking University (Beijing University), Beijing, China: Antinomies of Autonomy
Beijing, China, 2012
2012 Jilin University, Changchun, China: Fichtes Jena Project (ten lectures)
Changchun, China, 2012
2012 Avalon Ward (NHS): Mental Capacity, Value Neutrality and the Challenge of Hyperautonomy
United Kingdom, 2012
2012 Centre for Excellence in Philosophy (Bucharest): Ubi inletabilitas ibi virtus
Bucharest, Romania, 2012
2012 University of Hertfordshire: Antinomies of Autonomy, Ubi inletabilitas ibi virtus (two lectures)
Hatfield, United Kingdom, 2012
2012 Forum for European Philosophy (Oxford): Ubi inletabilitas ibi virtus
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2012
2012 UCD/Trinity College Postgraduate Conference, keynote speaker: Antinomies of Autonomy
Dublin, Ireland, 2012
2012 University College, Dublin, Infinite Moral Demands and the Problem of Moral Despair
Dublin, Ireland, 2012
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Gender, Race, Identity and Human Rights (HU931)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/10/2022

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2022

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/6/2021

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Master of Arts (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/1/2021

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/2/2020

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/7/2019

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/1/2018

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/11/2016
Journal articles (38)
Martin, W., Respeto a la Voluntad de la Persona
Shipsides, D., Martin, W. and Ruck Keene, A., Risk And Capacity: Does the Mental Capacity Act Incorporate a Sliding Scale of Capacity?. International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law
Martin, W., Recognitive Volitional Practices and the Ontology of the Will. European Journal of Philosophy
Fitton, E., Kuylen, M., Wyllie, A., Michalowski, S., Bhatt, V. and Martin, W., (2023). Managing DNACPR Recommendations in Residential Care: Towards Improved Training for Social Care and Capacity Professionals. The British Journal of Social Work. 53 (5), 2979-2999
Kuylen, M., Wyllie, A., Bhatt, V., Fitton, E., Michalowski, S. and Martin, W., (2022). COVID-19 and the Mental Capacity Act in care homes: Perspectives from capacity professionals. Health and Social Care in the Community. 30 (5), e3018-e3028
Michalowski, S. and Martin, W., (2022). DNACPR Decisions: Aligning Law, Guidance, and Practice. Medical Law Review. 30 (3), 434-456
Martin, W., (2022). 통합적법적능력제도를 위하여 [Towards an Inclusive Regime of Legal Capacity] (in Korean). The Korean Guardianship Journal. 116, 9-17
Bhatt, V., Michalowski, S., Wyllie, A., Kuylen, M. and Martin, W., (2021). Human Rights and COVID Triage: A Comment on the Bath Protocol. Journal of Medical Ethics. 47 (7), 464-466
Martin, W., Brown, M., Hartvigsson, T., Lyons, D., MacLeod, C., Morgan, G., Schölin, L., Taylor, K. and Chopra, A., (2021). SIDMA as a Criterion for Psychiatric Compulsion: An Analysis of Compulsory Treatment Orders in Scotland. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 78, 101736-101736
Gurbai, S., Fitton, E. and Martin, W., (2020). Insight under Scrutiny in the Court of Protection: A Case Law Survey. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 11, 560329-
Martin, W., Gergel, T. and Owen, GS., (2019). Manic Temporality. Philosophical Psychology. 32 (1), 72-97
Owen, GS., Martin, W. and Gergel, T., (2019). Misevaluating the Future: Affective Disorder and Decision-Making Capacity for Treatment-A Temporal Understanding. Psychopathology. 51 (6), 371-379
Martin, W. and Gurbai, S., (2019). Surveying the Geneva impasse: Coercive care and human rights. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 64, 117-128
Martin, WM., (2018). Fichte's Creuzer Review and the Transformation of the of Free Will Problem. European Journal of Philosophy. 26 (2), 717-729
Owen, G., Freyenhagen, F. and Martin, WM., (2018). Assessing Decision-Making Capacity after Brain Injury: A Phenomenological Approach. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology. 25 (1), 1-19
Owen, G., Freyenhagen, F. and Martin, WM., (2018). Authenticity, Insight and Impaired Decision-Making Capacity in Acquired Brain Injury. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology. 25 (1), 29-32
Owen, GS., Freyenhagen, F., Martin, W. and David, AS., (2017). Clinical assessment of decision-making capacity in acquired brain injury with personality change. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 27 (1), 133-148
Martin, WM., (2017). Human Rights and Human Experience in Eating Disorders. Journal of Psychosocial Studies. 10 (2), 111-121
Martin, W., (2017). Obstacles in the assessment of intuitive decision-making capacity. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology. 24 (4), 329-331
Owen, GS., Freyenhagen, F., Hotopf, M. and Martin, W., (2015). Temporal inabilities and decision-making capacity in depression. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 14 (1), 163-182
Martin, W., (2015). The MCA Under Scrutiny: Meeting the Challenges of CRPD Compliance. Elder Law Journal. 5 (1)
Martin, W., (2015). Fichte’s Wild Metaphysical Yarn. Philosophical Topics. 43 (1), 87-96
Owen, GS., Szmukler, G., Richardson, G., David, AS., Raymont, V., Freyenhagen, F., Martin, W. and Hotopf, M., (2013). Decision-making capacity for treatment in psychiatric and medical in-patients: Cross-sectional, comparative study. British Journal of Psychiatry. 203 (6), 461-467
Martin, W., (2013). Antinomies of Autonomy: German Idealism and English Mental Health Law. Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism. 9 (2011), 191-213
Martin, W. and Hickerson, R., (2013). Mental capacity and the applied phenomenology of judgement. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 12 (1), 195-214
Martin, W., Freyenhagen, F., Hall, E., O'Shea, T., Szerletics, A. and Ashley, V., (2012). An unblinkered view of best interests. BMJ. 345 (dec05), creators-Martin=3AWayne=3A=3A
Martin, W. and Bjørkdahl, K., (2011). Arne Dekke Eide Naess. Inquiry. 54 (1), 1-1
Martin, W., (2010). Hegel and the Philosophy of Food. Journal of Moral Philosophy. 7 (2), 279-290
Martin, W., (2009). Ought but Cannot. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 109 (1pt2), 103-128
Martin, W., (2009). Review of Frederick Neuhouser, 'Rousseau's Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition'. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Martin, WM., (2008). Transcendental Philosophy and Atheism. European Journal of Philosophy. 16 (1), 109-130
Martin, W., (2007). In Defense Of Bad Infinity: A Fichtean Response To Hegel's Differenzschrift. Hegel Bulletin. 28 (1-2), 168-187
Martin, WM., (2006). Tales of the Mighty Dead: Historical Essays in the Metaphysics of Intentionality. The Philosophical Review. 115 (3), 395-398
Martin, W., (2003). The Judgment Stroke and the Truth Predicate: Frege, Heidegger, and the Logical Representation of Judgment. New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. III, 27-52
Martin, W., (2003). Nothing More or Less than Logic: General Logic, Transcendental Philosophy, and Kant?s Denunciation of Fichte?s Wissenschaftslehre. Topoi. 22 (1), 29-39
Martin, WM., (2001). Claesz in the Window. Inquiry. 44 (4), 481-499
Martin, W., (1999). Husserl's Relapse? Concerning a Fregean Challenge to Phenomenology. Inquiry. 42 (3-4), 343-369
Martin, W., (1992). Fichte's Anti-Dogmatism. Ratio. 5 (2), 129-146
Books (2)
Martin, W., (2006). Theories of Judgment. Cambridge University Press. 9780521840439
Martin, W., (1997). Idealism and Objectivity: Understanding Fichte's Jena Project. Stanford University Press. 9780804730006
Book chapters (22)
Martin, W., Recognition of the Will. In: The Philosophy of Recognition: Expanded Perspectives on a Fundamental Concept. Editors: Khurana, T. and Congdon, M., . Routledge
Martin, W. and Williams, D., (2025). What ChatGPT still can’t do (but we might do with it): Hubert Dreyfus and extended-mind cyborgs. In: Generative AI in Higher Education. Edward Elgar Publishing. 16- 27. 9781035326013
Martin, W., (2023). Respect for the Will of the Person. In: Legal Capacity, Disability and Human Rights. Editors: Bach, M. and Espejo-Yacsic, N., . Larcier Intersentia. 31- 48. 9781839703348
Martin, W., (2022). Respeto a la Voluntad de la Persona. In: Capacidad Mental, Discapacidad y Derechos Humanos. Editors: Bach, M. and Yaksic, N., . Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación. 29- 56
Martin, WM., (2020). Fichte’s First Principle: Self-Positing and Gambit Normativity. In: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 319- 326. 9781350036611
Martin, W., (2019). Fichte on Freedom. In: The Palgrave Fichte Handbook. Editors: Hoeltzel, S., . Palgrave. 285- 306. 978-3-030-26507-6
Martin, WM., (2018). Violent States and Existential-Therapeutic Work in Mexican Ex-Voto Painting. In: Violent States and Creative States: From the Global to the Individual. Editors: Adlam, J., Kluttig, T. and Lee, B., . Jessica Kingsley. 978-1785920479
Martin, WM., (2017). Løgstrup's Unfulfillable Demand. In: What is Ethically Demanded: K.E. Løgstrup’s Philosophy of Moral Life. Editors: Stern, R. and Fink, H., . University of Notre Dame Press. 325- 347. 978-0-268-10185-5
Martin, W., (2016). Fichte's transcendental deduction of private property. In: Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right: A Critical Guide. Editors: Gottlieb, G., . Cambridge University Press. 978-1107078147
Martin, W., (2016). From Kant to Fichte. In: The Cambridge Companion to Fichte. Editors: James, D. and Zöller, G., . Cambridge University Press. 978-0521478052
Martin, WM., (2015). Stoic Transcendentalism and the Doctrine of Oikeiosis. In: The Transcendental Turn. Oxford University Press. 342- 368. 9780198724872
Martin, W., (2015). Fichtes transzendentale Phänomenologie der Tätigkeit : Kommentar zu Fichtes Einleitung in die Sittenlehre. In: Fichte: System der Sittenlehre: ein Kooperativer Kommentar. Editors: Merle, J. and Schmidt, A., . Klostermann. 21- 38. 9783465039129
Martin, W., (2014). Fichte?s Theory of Pragmatic Space. In: Locus-Spatium XIV Colloquio Internazionale (Roma, 3-5 Gennaio 2013). Editors: Veneziani, M. and Giovannozzi, D., . Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e la Storia delle Idee. 9788822263087
Martin, W., (2013). The Dialectic of Judgment and The Vocation of Man. In: Fichte's Vocation of Man - New Interpretive and Critical Essays. Editors: Breazeale, D. and Rockmore, T., . State University of New York Press. 127- 144. 978-1-4384-4765-0
Martin, W., (2013). Theodor Lipps and the Psycho-Logical Theory of Judgement. In: Judgement and Truth in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. Editors: Textor, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 9- 35. 978-1-349-44929-3
Martin, W., (2013). The semantics of dasein and the modality of Being and Time. In: The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger's 'Being and Time'. Editors: Wrathall, MA., . Cambridge University Press. 100- 128. 9780521895958
Martin, W., (2011). The Judgment of Adam: Self-Consciousness and Normative Orientation in Lucas Cranach?s Eden. In: Art and Phenomenology. Editors: Parry, J., . Routledge. 105- 137. 9780415774499
(2010). Fichte and the Phenomenological Tradition. In: Fichte and the Phenomenological Tradition. Editors: Waibel, VL., Breazeale, D. and Rockmore, T., . DE GRUYTER. 379- 405. 9783110245295
Martin, WM., (2010). Fichte’s Logical Legacy: Thetic Judgment from the Wissenschaftslehre to Brentano. In: Fichte and the Phenomenological Tradition. DE GRUYTER. 379- 406. 9783110245295
Martin, WM., (2007). Bubbles and Skulls: the Phenomenology of Self-Consciousness in Dutch Still-Life Painting. In: A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 559- 584. 9781405110778
Martin, WM., (2007). Descartes and the Phenomenological Tradition. In: A Companion to Descartes. Wiley. 496- 512. 9781405121545
Martin, WM., (2005). Husserl and the Logic of Consciousness. In: Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind. Oxford University Press. 203- 221. 9780199272457
Reports and Papers (5)
Michalowski, S., Han-Pile, B., Serôdio Mendes, F., Carniato, B. and Martin, W., (2020). Triage in the COVID-19 Pandemic Bioethical and Human Rights Considerations
Michalowski, S. and Martin, W., (2016). THREE JURISDICTIONS REPORT Towards Compliance with CRPD Art. 12 in Capacity/Incapacity Legislation across the UK
Martin, W., (2014). Consensus Emerges in Consultation Roundtable: The MCA is not Compliant with the CRPD
Martin, W. and Freyenhagen, F., (2014). Use or Weigh? or Use and Weigh? A Note on the Logic of MCA sec. 3(1)
Martin, W., Michalowski, S., Jütten, T. and Burch, M., (2014). Achieving CRPD Compliance: Is the Mental Capacity Act of England and Wales compatible with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability? If not, what next?
Grants and funding
Support for Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Report on CPR Decisions during Pandemic
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Human Rights in Care Settings: Dissemination, Training & Policy Engagement
University of Essex
Ensuring Respect for Human Rights in Locked-Down Care Homes
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Essex Autonomy Summer School
University of Essex (GCRF)
IAA - SPAH Research - Managed by REO
Economic & Social Research Council
Mental Health and Justice
Wellcome Trust
UK Preparation for the UN CRPD Engagement Process: A Three-Jurisdiction Approach
Arts And Humanities Research Council
UK Preparation for the UN CRPD Engagement Process: A Three-Jurisdiction Approach
Arts And Humanities Research Council
Achieving UNCRPD Compliance
Arts And Humanities Research Council
Fitness to Plead: A Conceptual and Empirical Study
Wellcome Trust
Time & decision-making: a study of fluctuating mental capacity and anticpatory decision-making
Kings College
Contested Autonomy
Arts And Humanities Research Council
Deciding for Oneself: Autonomous Judgement
Arts And Humanities Research Council
A phenmenological study of decision making
Wellcome Trust
Academic support hours:
PY114: Please consult the tutorial schedule (for weekly tutorials), or by appointment (for additional consultation). PY418: Thusdays 1-2pm, or by appointment. Personal Tutor or Other: Mondays 4-5pm or by appointment.