
Julie Macleod

Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Social Care
 Julie Macleod



Julie joined the School of Health and Social Care in May 2023, and is currently Deputy Dean for the School and Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing. In the role of Deputy Dean, Julie supports the overall management and leadership of the School, in close collaboration with the Dean and the School Executive Team. As part of this, she leads on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) working across the School Divisions to promote CPD in all the professional disciplines. Julie has a wealth of experience within higher education, in various roles, and worked at the University of Suffolk for 20 years. During this time, she led the Allied Health and Community teams, line managing staff and supported the development of a range of programmes from foundation degrees to post graduate level study. She was responsible for the quality assurance of programmes and meeting professional and statutory body requirements, Julie is a Registered Adult Nurse and has a background in long-term conditions care, including diabetes management. She is passionate about the development of education to support health and care services and is keen to continue to collaborate with stakeholder partners to explore innovative ways to achieve this.

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Quality Improvement in Practice (HS909)



2S2.4.17, Colchester Campus