Dr Philippe Laissue

plaissue@essex.ac.uk -
3SW.4.38, Colchester Campus
I am senior lecturer (associate professor) and principal investigator in bioimaging at the University of Essex. My main expertise is microscopy and quantified image analysis, with a focus on non-invasive live fluorescence imaging. Within our highly collaborative School of Life Sciences, I get to apply this to model systems across phyla (plants, mammalian cells, fungi, corals, marine and freshwater microbiomes) and across scales (nm to cm) for biomedical and environmental applications. Key interests are: - ROS signalling in plants and mammalian cells - biofilm structure and development - phototoxicity I am chair of an international working group on phototoxicity and regularly collaborate with industrial partners. As Director of Bioimaging at the University of Essex, I have designed, taught and examined imaging-related teaching modules and practicals for students. For research staff, I provide internal and external training, supervision and advice on bioimaging, and have been in charge of funding, procuring, commissioning, safe-guarding, trouble-shooting and maintaining bioimaging equipment since 2009, including managing infrastructure and research technicians.
2010 Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education
2004 PhD (Hons) Biozentrum (University of Basel), CH
1999 MSc in Zoology (Hons), Université de Fribourg, CH
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Imaging specialist (across phyla)
Imaging specialist with a focus on developing methods for quantitative microscopy: Main expertise is low-light, in vivo fluorescence microscopy and quantified image analysis, using different imaging modalities, multi-scale approaches and fluorescent proteins. For biomedical and environmental applications.
Development of genetic probes based on GFP for non-invasive detection and quantification of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in subcellular compartments
Fluorescent protein biosensors are showing great promise in allowing the real time, spatial and quantitative detection of specific small molecules in living cells. We are using these biosensors to communicate with cancer cells to investigate signalling events in different sub-cellular compartments. We aim to use this knowledge to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer cells and use this for therapeutic gain.
ROS signalling in plants and mammalian cells
Biofilm development at multiple scales
Methods to assess and minimise phototoxicity in live fluorescence microscopy
Developing tools for quantified image analysis
Current research
Live microscopy of marine organisms
Advanced, label-free, low-phototoxicity microscopy of marine organisms and communities.
Reef-building corals
Investigating the breakdown of symbiosis and recovery in coral bleaching.
Quantified phenotype analysis (research student: Mrs Rana Alghamdi)
Metabolic inhibitors of prostate cancer (with Dr Greg Brooke and research student Mrs Amna Allafi)
Location and signalling mechanisms of hydrogen peroxide in plants (with Prof P Mullineaux)
Funding: Royal Society, NERC, BBSRC, British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society.
Nikon reference site for low-phototoxicity fluorescence microscopy
I am working with Nikon Instruments UK to establish our bioimaging facility as a reference site for live imaging that is optimised to be as non-invasive as possible.
CoolLED reference site for low-phototoxicity fluorescence microscopy
I am working with CoolLED UK to establish our bioimaging facility as a reference site for live imaging that is optimised to be as non-invasive as possible.
Conferences and presentations
Conference workshop on detection system performance
European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) 2024, Liverpool, 6/6/2024
P Laissue, C Brown. Phototoxicity in live imaging.
Invited presentation, EuroBioimaging Virtual Pub, 9/6/2023
Phototoxicity in live imaging
Invited presentation, Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences course. MBL Woods Hole, USA, 24/8/2022
Phototoxicity (Community workshop)
Invited presentation, SPAOM2021, 24/11/2021
Phototoxicity in living cells
Invited presentation, Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences course. MBL Woods Hole, USA, 28/8/2021
Phototoxicity workshop
Invited presentation, Microscience Microscopy Congress (UK) 2021, 9/7/2021
LSFM2021 (8th int. Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy conference), MBL Woods Hole, USA
Invited presentation, Light-sheets for tricky samples: Imaging living corals, MBL Woods Hole, USA, 11/5/2021
9th Aquatic Models of Human Disease Conference. MBL Woods Hole, USA
Invited presentation, Simple and flexible light-sheet illumination for live microscopy of large, photosensitive samples, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA, 1/10/2019
Assessing, minimising and reporting Phototoxicity
Invited presentation, Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences course. MBL Woods Hole, USA, 21/8/2019
Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences course. MBL Woods Hole, USA
Live coral imaging - demonstration, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA, 20/8/2019
MBL Physiology Course (Lunch & Learn). MBL Woods Hole, USA
Invited presentation, Light-sheets for corals, 2/8/2019
LSFM 2018 (5th international conference on light-sheet fluorescence microscopy). MPI-CBG, Dresden, DE
Invited presentation, Imaging photosensitive reef-building corals, MPI-CBG ( Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics), Dresden, DE, 15/8/2018
EMBO practical course on light-sheet fluorescence microscopy
Invited presentation, Light-sheet imaging of large marine samples, MPI-CBG, Dresden, DE, 2/8/2018
ELMI 2018 (European Light Microscopy Initiative) conference. UCD Dublin, IE
Talk: Symbiont expulsion & polyp contraction: Light-induced stress reactions in reef-building corals, UCD, Dublin, IE, 7/6/2018
ECRF (European Coral Reef Symposium) workshop organiser
Workshop on low-light imaging of living marine samples, Oxford University, UK, 14/12/2017
Society for Electron Microscopy, invited talk. NHM London UK.
Invited presentation, Correlating light and electron microscopy for coral research, Natural History Museum, London, UK, 6/12/2017
Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences course. MBL Woods Hole, USA
Invited presentation, Phototoxicity (invited talk), Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA, 1/9/2017
Establishing & Providing Light Microscopy Core Facility Services. Invited speaker. Royal Microscopical Society course, London UK
Invited presentation, "Technology development within an imaging facility.", London, UK, 19/10/2016
LSFM2016 (3rd int. conference on light-sheet fluorescence microscopy): Core organiser, plenary speaker, chair & workshop leader. Sheffield, UK.
3rd international conference on light-sheet fluorescence microscopy, Sheffield University, UK, 31/8/2016
EMBO course on light-sheet fluorescence microscopy. MPI-CBG, DE.
Invited presentation, Phototoxicity - assessment & quantification, MPI-CBG, Dresden, DE, 15/8/2016
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Molecular Cell Biology (BS101)
Marine Ecology (BS112)
Marine Biology Field Skills (BS114)
Employability Skills for the Biosciences (BS211)
Biomedical Science: Practice and Employability (BS214)
Cell Biology (BS225)
Professional skills for Ecological and Marine Scientists (BS257)
Marine Science Work Placement (BS719)
Research Project in Biomedical Science (BS831)
Placement Report (BS834)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/2/2023

Degree subject: Microbiology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 23/1/2023

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/11/2018

Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/6/2017

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2014
Publications (2)
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Reeder, B., Brooke, GN., Hough, MA., Laissue, PP. and Mullineaux, PM., (2024). A novel glutathione peroxidase-based biosensor disentangles differential subcellular accumulation of H2O2 and lipid hydroperoxides
Cronin, R., Azadova, A., Marco, A., Laissue, PP., Brooke, GN. and Prischi, F., (2024). The p90 Ribosomal S6 Kinases 2 and 4 promote Prostate Cancer cell proliferation in androgen-dependent and independent ways
Journal articles (28)
Laissue, P., Exposito-Rodriguez M, Reeder B, Mullineaux PM, Hough MA and Brooke GN, A novel glutathione peroxidase‐based biosensor disentangles differential subcellular accumulation of H2O2 and lipid hydroperoxides.. Journal of Experimental Botany (IF 5.6)
Laissue, P., Fan, M., Moss K, Jindal P, Kaczinsky P, Davy P and Lawson, T., Large-scale stomatal quantification in wild-type and mutant barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves.. Nature Methods (IF 48)
Laissue, P. and Li K, Green EF, Tam AKY, Pentland DR, Baumann H, Bell S, Gourlay CW & Binder BJ., Multiscale analysis of developing yeast biofilms: From single hyphae to colonies.. Biofilm (IF 7.2)
Laissue, P., Jordan G, Whitby, C., McKew, B., Clark, D. and Trimmer, M., Frontiers in microbiology (IF 6.06), Nov 2025: Microscopic analysis of the spatial distribution of anammox, comammox, and ammonia oxidizing microorganisms in oxic river sediments.. Frontiers in microbiology (IF 6.06)
Laissue, P. and QuaRep-LiMi WG13, Community-developed guidelines for the assessment, reduction and reporting of phototoxicity in live fluorescence microscopy.. Nature Methods (IF 48)
Laissue, P., Barros, M., Li K, Bell S and Gourlay, C., Quantifying mitochondrial fragmentation as a robust indicator of phototoxicity in live cell fluorescence imaging.. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (IF 9.7)
Laissue, P., Barros, M., Neaves, L., Moss, K-A. and Mullineaux, P., Advanced fluorescence microscopy and AI-based image restoration for non-invasively imaging ROS biosensors and plant cell dynamics.. tbd
McGenity, TJ. and Laissue, PP., (2023). Bacteria stretch and bend oil to feed their appetite. Science. 381 (6659), 728-729
Laissue, JA., Barré, S., Bartzsch, S., Blattmann, H., Bouchet, AM., Djonov, VG., Haberthür, D., Hlushchuk, R., Kaser-Hotz, B., Laissue, PP., LeDuc, G., Reding, SO. and Serduc, R., (2021). Tolerance of Normal Rabbit Facial Bones and Teeth to Synchrotron X-Ray Microbeam Irradiation. Radiation Research. 197 (3), 233-241
Alghamdi, RA., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Mullineaux, PM., Brooke, GN. and Laissue, PP., (2021). Assessing Phototoxicity in a Mammalian Cell Line: How Low Levels of Blue Light Affect Motility in PC3 Cells.. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 9, 738786-
Mullineaux, P., Exposito Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., Smirnoff, N. and Park, E., (2020). Spatial chloroplast-to-nucleus signalling involving plastid-nuclear complexes and stromules. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 375 (1801), 20190405-20190405
Laissue, PP., Roberson, L., Gu, Y., Qian, C. and Smith, DJ., (2020). Long-term imaging of the photosensitive, reef-building coral Acropora muricata using light-sheet illumination. Scientific Reports. 10 (1), 10369-
Neder, M., Laissue, PP., Akiva, A., Akkaynak, D., Albéric, M., Spaeker, O., Politi, Y., Pinkas, I. and Mass, T., (2019). Mineral formation in the primary polyps of pocilloporoid corals. Acta Biomaterialia. 96, 631-645
Mullineaux, PM., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP. and Smirnoff, N., (2018). ROS-dependent signaling pathways in plants and algae exposed to high light: Comparisons with other eukaryotes. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 122, 52-64
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., Yvon-Durocher, G., Smirnoff, N. and Mullineaux, PM., (2017). Photosynthesis-dependent H₂O₂ transfer from chloroplasts to nuclei provides a high-light signalling mechanism. Nature Communications. 8 (1), 49-
Laissue, PP., Alghamdi, RA., Tomancak, P., Reynaud, EG. and Shroff, H., (2017). Assessing phototoxicity in live fluorescence imaging. Nature Methods. 14 (7), 657-661
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., López-Calcagno, PE., Mullineaux, PM., Raines, CA. and Simkin, AJ., (2017). Development of pGEMINI, a Plant Gateway Destination Vector Allowing the Simultaneous Integration of Two cDNA via a Single LR-Clonase Reaction. Plants. 6 (4), 55-55
Nelson, CJ., Duckney, P., Hawkins, TJ., Deeks, MJ., Laissue, PP., Hussey, PJ. and Obara, B., (2015). Blobs and curves: object-based colocalisation for plant cells. Functional Plant Biology. 42 (5), creators-Laissue=3APhilippe_P=3A=3A
Nelson, CJ., Duckney, P., Hawkins, TJ., Deeks, MJ., Laissue, PP., Hussey, PJ. and Obara, B., (2014). Blobs and curves: object-based colocalisation for plant cells. Functional Plant Biology. 42 (5), 471-485
Jabeen, A., Miranda-Sayago, JM., Obara, B., Spencer, PS., Dealtry, GB., Hayrabedyan, S., Shaikly, V., Laissue, PP. and Fernandez, N., (2013). Quantified Colocalization Reveals Heterotypic Histocompatibility Class I Antigen Associations on Trophoblast Cell Membranes: Relevance for Human Pregnancy1. Biology of Reproduction. 89 (4), 94-
Obara, B., Jabeen, A., Fernandez, N. and Laissue, PP., (2013). A novel method for quantified, superresolved, three-dimensional colocalisation of isotropic, fluorescent particles. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 139 (3), 391-402
Avanaki, MRN., Laissue, PP., Eom, TJ., Podoleanu, AG. and Hojjatoleslami, A., (2013). Speckle reduction using an artificial neural network algorithm. Applied Optics. 52 (21), 5050-5057
Laissue, JA., Bartzsch, S., Blattmann, H., Bräuer-Krisch, E., Bravin, A., Dalléry, D., Djonov, V., Hanson, AL., Hopewell, JW., Kaser-Hotz, B., Keyriläinen, J., Laissue, PP., Miura, M., Serduc, R., Siegbahn, AE. and Slatkin, DN., (2013). Response of the rat spinal cord to X-ray microbeams. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 106 (1), 106-111
Spencer, PS., Hakam, SM., Laissue, PP., Jabeen, A., Jain, P., Hayrabedyan, S., Todorova, K., Blanch, A., McElhinney, JMWR., Muhandiram, N., Alkhatib, S., Dealtry, GB., Miranda‐Sayago, JM. and Fernández, N., (2012). Key Cellular Components and Interactive Histocompatibility Molecules Regulating Tolerance to the Fetal Allograft. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 68 (2), 95-99
Rosen, RB., Hathaway, M., Rogers, J., Pedro, J., Garcia, P., Laissue, PP., Dobre, GM. and Podoleanu, AG., (2009). Multidimensional en-face OCT imaging of the retina.. Optics Express. 17 (5), 4112-4133
Antonie, S., Sinescu, C., Negrutiu, M., Sticlaru, C., Negru, R., Laissue, PL., Rominu, M. and Podoleanu, AG., (2009). Investigation of Implant Bone Interface with Non-Invasive Methods: Numerical Simulation, Strain Gauges and Optical Coherence Tomography. Key Engineering Materials. 399, 193-198
Schmitz, H-P., Kaufmann, A., Köhli, M., Laissue, PP. and Philippsen, P., (2005). From Function to Shape: A Novel Role of a Formin in Morphogenesis of the Fungus Ashbya gossypii. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 17 (1), 130-145
Laissue, PP., Reiter, C., Hiesinger, PR., Halter, S., Fischbach, KF. and Stocker, RF., (1999). Three-dimensional reconstruction of the antennal lobe in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 405 (4), 543-552
Book chapters (5)
Laissue, PP., Parrado, T. and Graham, J., (2024). The Large Selective Plane Illuminator (L-SPI): A Versatile Illumination Module for Large Photosensitive Samples.. In: Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy. Editors: Reynaud, EG. and Tomancak, P., . Wiley-VCH. 165- 175. 978-3-527-34135-1
Chansawang, N., Obara, B., Geider, RJ. and Laissue, PP., (2016). Three-Dimensional Visualisation and Quantification of Lipids in Microalgae Using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. In: Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols. Editors: Mcgenity, T., Timmis, K. and Nogales, B., . Springer Verlag. 145- 161. 978-3-662-49134-8
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Laissue, PP., Littlejohn, GR., Smirnoff, N. and Mullineaux, PM., (2013). The Use of HyPer to Examine Spatial and Temporal Changes in H₂O₂ in High Light-Exposed Plants. In: Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 527). Editors: Cadenas, E. and Packer, L., . Elsevier. 185- 201. 9780124058828
Goncalves, J., Eilers, M., South, K., Opefi, CA., Laissue, PP., Reeves, PJ. and Smith, SO., (2013). Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of G protein-coupled receptors. In: G Protein Coupled Receptors Modeling, Activation, Interactions and Virtual Screening. Editors: Conn, PM., . Elsevier. 365- 389. 9780124078659
Vosshall, LB. and Laissue, PP., (2008). The olfactory sensory map in drosophila. In: Brain Development in Drosophila melanogaster. Editors: Technau, GM., . Springer. 102- 114. 9780387782607
Conferences (10)
Jabeen, A., Obara, B., Hayrabedyan, S., Hakam, SM., Pallavi, J., Spencer, PS., Laissue, PP. and Fernandez, N., (2014). Effect of infection on heterotypic associations of immune receptors expressed on trophoblast-derived cells
Jabeen, A., Laissue, PP., Obara, B., Jain, P. and Fernandez, N., (2012). Immunological receptors' expression and communication on extravillous trophoblast cell surface
Jabeen, A., Laissue, PP., Jain, P., Shakhawat, A., Shaikly, V. and Fernandez, N., (2011). Study of MHC class I molecules associations: Is receptor interaction at the cell-surface important at the feto-maternal interface?
Jabeen, A., Jain, P., Laissue, PP., Suhling, K., Levitt, JA., Shaikly, V., Shakhawat, A. and Fernandez, N., (2010). Physical interactions of HLA-G with MHC class I partner molecules on the surface of two trophoblast cell lines, JEG-3 and ACH-3P, by Förster resonance energy transfer based on fluorescence lifetime measurements
Laissue, PP., Kenwright, C., Hojjat, SA. and Colchester, AC., (2008). Using curve-fitting of curvilinear features for assessing registration of clinical neuropathology with in vivo MRI.
Avanaki, MR-N., Laissue, PP., Podoleanu, AG. and Hojjat, A., (2008). Denoising based on noise parameter estimation in speckled OCT images using neural network
Romînu, RO., Sinescu, C., Romînu, M., Negrutiu, M., Laissue, P., Mihali, S., Cuc, L., Hughes, M., Bradu, A. and Podoleanu, A., (2008). An innovative approach for investigating the ceramic bracket-enamel interface - optical coherence tomography and confocal microscopy
Sinescu, C., Negrutiu, ML., Hughes, M., Bradu, A., Todea, C., Rominu, R., Dodenciu, D., Laissue, PL. and Podoleanu, AG., (2008). Investigation of bracket bonding for orthodontic treatments using en-face optical coherence tomography
Sinescu, C., Negrutiu, M., Hughes, M., Bradu, A., Todea, C., Rominu, M., Laissue, PL. and Podoleanu, AG., (2008). An optical coherence tomography investigation of materials defects in ceramic fixed partial dental prostheses
Sinescu, C., Hughes, M., Bradu, A., Negrutiu, M., Todea, C., Antonie, S., Laissue, PL., Rominu, M. and Podoleanu, AG., (2008). Implant bone interface investigated with a non-invasive method: optical coherence tomography
Reports and Papers (1)
Laissue, PP., Gu, Y., Qian, C. and Smith, DJ., (2019). Light-induced polyp retraction and tissue rupture in the photosensitive, reef-building coral Acropora muricata
Grants and funding
Photosynthesis enhancement in cucumber plants with sugar-dots
Glaia Ltd
Dynamic Plant Phenotyping for future proofing crop productivity
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Industry collaboration for optimising live imaging
University of Essex
ROS signaling in plants: Are we missing a fundamental pathway?
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
To quantify amount of Glaia sugar dots absorbed in living leaves of Arabidopsis
Glaia Ltd
Advanced live imaging for the Eastern ARC with dual inverted light-sheets and AI-led analysis
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
ECO-COATING � Engineering Control of Organic Coatings on Autonomous Navy Gliders
US Department of Defense: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Rebuilding Coral Reef Ecosystems with 3D Printing
University of Essex
Rebuilding Coral Reef Ecosystems with 3D Printing
University of Essex
Addressing the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Challenge in Vietnam by Bridging the Basic-Clinical Science Divide in Gastroenterology: A Vietnam-UK Collaborative Network
Academy of Medical Sciences
Rebuilding Coral Reef Ecosystems with 3D Printing
University of Essex
A new dynamic for Phosphorus in Riverbed Nitrogen Cycling - PRINCe
Natural Environment Research Council
Bioimaging of dehydroascorbate and (phospho)lipid hydroperoxides: The development of fluorescent protein biosensors
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Design specification and prototyping of low-cost lightsheet illumination module for low-phototoxicity fluorescence microscopy
Cairn Research Ltd
Lightsheet illumination modules for low-prototoxicity fluorescence microscopy
The Royal Society
Coral CSR Project Green Light
Nikon UK Ltd
Long-term live cell imaging of reef building corals
The Royal Society
Structural restoration of Rhodopsin ADRP mutants
Development of plant-based hydrogen peroxide YFP nanosensors
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council