
Dr Atika Kemal

EBS - Management and Marketing
Dr Atika Kemal
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872935

  • Location

    EBS.3.127I, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Autumn Term (2024-25) By appointment only - please email to book a slot. Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 am Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 am



Dr. Atika Kemal is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Management and Marketing at Essex Business School (EBS), UK. Prior to joining EBS, she taught and gained her PhD in Digital Innovation and Management (2016) from Anglia Ruskin University, UK. She also holds a MSc in Management and Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and BSc in Economics from the University of London. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK. As an interdisciplinary research scholar, Atika’s research embraces the study of digital technology innovation across the intersecting domains of organisations and management, development studies and the digital economy with specific interest in developing economies. Atika has expertise on digital payment innovation, especially mobile banking for financial and social inclusion in the Global South. Her research focusses on the socio-organisational, technological and political aspects of the ICT artefact; delineating into areas of institutional change, e-governance and the inclusive development of marginalised communities. Atika’s current research revolves around the emerging issues of data justice and governance for social and economic inclusion. In particular, using critical perspectives to explore the socio-political and ethical implications of digital identities arising from the datafication of citizens for development initiatives. She is also interested in other research areas, relating to digital and data economies, mobile finance for entrepreneurship, and mobile health applications for social inclusion. Her research has been instrumental to influence public policy and practice in the largest government social cash programme in Pakistan. Atika’s research has been published in international ranking peer-reviewed journals, including Information Technology and People, Information Technology for Development and Association of Information Systems electronic Library (AISeL). She is a reviewer for high ranking international journals: Information Systems Journal, Information Technology and People, Information Technology for Development Journal, and Gender, Technology and Development Journal, besides serving on the Editorial Board of several journals in Pakistan. She has presented her scholarly work at highly acclaimed national and international conferences; including European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), UK, Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS) and Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference. In addition, her work has received attention from the international media, including BBC World International, BBC Urdu and the New Humanitarian.


  • PhD - Digital Innovation & Management Anglia Ruskin University,

  • MSc - Management & Information Systems London School of Economics and Political Science,

  • BSc - Economics University of London,

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Digital Innovation and Management; Mobile Banking for Financial Inclusion; ICTs and Socio-Organisational Change; Digital Technologies and Socio-economic Development; Digital Economies, Digital Payment Innovation in Social Cash Programmes; Digital Identities for Inclusion; Data Governance; e-Government; e-Health

Open to supervise

Current research

Digital identities and AI in adaptive social cash: reconceptualising datafication for inclusion

This study examines how digital identity data in social registeries intersects with data analytics to exclude/include citizens from social cash assistance in times of climate crisis. It focuses on the BISP programme in Pakistan. The study applies an AI embodied perspective to trace the path of data using a data-centred approach and how such approaches introduce algorithmic bias in targeting citizens.

Conferences and presentations

Exploring the nature of datafication in emergency social cash systems – is exclusion embedded in the design of the system?

Current Issues in the Digital Society. Pre-ECIS Workshop. ECIS 2023, Kristiansand, Norway, 13 June, 2023, 13/7/2023

How datafication transforms power in social cash programmes –examining dataveillance through the lens of surveillance assemblages

Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference. In DSA: Crisis in the Anthropocene: rethinking connection and agency for development, University of Reading, UK, 29/6/2023

Digital Identity Platforms in Reconfiguration of State-Citizen Relationships in Social Cash Programmes

Development Studies Association Conference, In DSA: Researching the Post-Pandemic City Through Digital Ethnography, London, United Kingdom, 6/7/2022

Data Injustice and the Digital Welfare State – Visibility for Whom During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Data Justice Conference 2021, Civic Partcipation in the Datafied Society, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 20/5/2021

Has the digital welfare state led to greater exclusion of poor citizens in accessing social cash during the COVID-19 pandemic? Insights from Pakistan through the social justice lens

TILTing Perspectives Conference 2021, Regulating In Times of Crisis, Tilburg, Netherlands, 19/5/2021

Who are the Real Leaders in the Data Driven Digital Welfare State?

Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference 2020: New Leadership for Global Challenges, 19/6/2020

Dataveillance and Technology Usage during the Covid-19 Crisis: The Case from Pakistan

Essex Business School Seminar, Colchester, United Kingdom, 22/4/2020

The Platform Economy: Is Digital Innovation Really Disruptive to Transform Business Models?

Invited presentation, Invited Speaker, London, United Kingdom, 27/6/2019

Is data justice really 'just'? Reconceptualising datafication for socio-economic development

Invited presentation, Opening Up Development- Development Studies Association Conference (DSA), Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 20/6/2019

ICTs and Entrepreneurial Development: A Critical Review Through the Livelihoods Lens

UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference, St. Catherines College, Oxford, United Kingdom, 9/4/2019

Building on Financial Inclusion Success from G2P Partnerships

DSA Business and Development Study Group, Bath, United Kingdom, 12/12/2018

Datafication and Political Power

Global Inequalities - Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 28/6/2018

The Impact of Digital Welfare Payments on Institutional Practices in the Public Sector

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Plenary Speaker at: 2nd International Conference on Buisness and Management Perspectives in the South Asian Context, Lahore, Pakistan, 21/10/2017

Political Power and Digital Payments in a Government Social Cash Programme

Power in Development. Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference:, Oxford, United Kingdom, 13/9/2016

Mobile Banking Adoption and Diffusion: Enabling and Constraining Social or Financial Inclusion among Poor Women in Pakistan

European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), ECIS 2015 Completed Research Papers. Paper 96. ISBN 978-3-00-050284-2, Munster, Germany, 17/6/2015

A Methodological Perspective on Mobile Banking for G2P Payments in Pakistan

Sharing of Research Methods Across a Variety of Countries and Cultures International Conference on Research Methods, ISEOR, Lyon, France, 11/6/2015

Mobile Banking as Enabling and Constraining Financial Inclusion in Pakistan - A Theoretical Perspective.

Knowledge Practices in the Contemporary World, London, United Kingdom, 26/9/2014

Mobile Banking: A Revolution or Storm?

International Conference on Sustainable Human Development (ISHUD), Uxbridge, United Kingdom, 3/7/2013

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Practice/Problem-Oriented Business Report (BE972)

  • Dissertation in Management (BE988)


Journal articles (6)

Kemal, A. and Shah, MH., (2023). Digital Innovation in Social Cash Organizations – the Effects of the Institutional Interactions for Transforming Organizational Practices. Information Technology and People. 37 (5), 2092-2126

Shah, SS., Memon, FA., Qureshi, F., Soomro, AB., Kemal, AA. and Shah, AA., (2022). Mental well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: the role of fear, social isolation and psychological resilience. Cogent Psychology. 9 (1)

Shah, SS., Shah, AA., Memon, F., Kemal, AA. and Soomro, A., (2021). Online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Applying the self-determination theory in the ‘new normal'. Revista de Psicodidáctica (English ed.). 26 (2), 168-177

Shah, SS., Shah, AA., Memon, F., Kemal, AA. and Soomro, A., (2021). Aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia de COVID-19: aplicación de la teoría de la autodeterminación en la ‘nueva normalidad’. Revista de Psicodidáctica. 26 (2), 169-178

Biswas, M., Tania, MH., Kaiser, MS., Kabir, R., Mahmud, M. and Kemal, A., (2021). ACCU³RATE: A mobile health application rating scale based on user reviews. PLoS One. 16 (12), e0258050-e0258050

Kemal, AA., (2019). Mobile banking in the government-to-person payment sector for financial inclusion in Pakistan. Information Technology for Development. 25 (3), 475-502

Conferences (4)

Kemal, A. and Yan, L., Mobile Banking Adoption and Diffusion: Enabling and Constraining Social or Financial Inclusion among Poor Women in Pakistan?

Kemal, A., (2019). ICTs and Entrepreneurial Development: A Critical Review Through the Livelihood Lens

Kemal, AA., (2018). Mobile technologies and entrepreneurial development – Identifying the missing link

Kemal, AA. and Yan, L., (2015). Mobile banking adoption and diffusion: Enabling and constraining social or financial inclusion among poor women in Pakistan?

+44 (0) 1206 872935


EBS.3.127I, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Autumn Term (2024-25) By appointment only - please email to book a slot. Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 am Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 am

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