Dr Ali Kafash Hoshiar

a.kafashhoshiar@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872060
1NW.3.15, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesdays 12:00-14:00 am
Dr. Ali Hoshiar is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Robotics at the University of Essex where he leads the Robotics for Under Millimeter Interventions (RUMI) lab. He was awarded the EPSRC-funded 'In-Target' project as the Principal Investigator (PI) and is the recipient of the 'Best Interdisciplinary Research Award' at the University of Essex. Since joining the University of Essex in 2019, Dr Hoshiar has been advancing the field of small-scale robotics and soft robotics, focusing on actuation, sensing, and control, particularly in medical and agri-tech applications. His interest extends to the modelling, simulation, and development of mechatronic systems. Prior to his current role, Dr. Hoshiar was engaged in research on the development of soft continuum magnetic robots for surgical interventions. He was involved in the development of soft continuum microrobots for angioplasty applications at the DGIST-ETH Joint Microrobotics Research Centre, a collaboration between Switzerland and South Korea. In South Korea, he also collaborated with the GIST Intelligence Medical Robotics Laboratory to advance magnetic-based robotics systems. His research interests include micro/nanotechnology, robotics, data-driven predictive modelling for healthcare, and agricultural robotics and he published over 30 journal papers in this area. At Essex, Dr. Hoshiar supervises the Robotics for Under Millimetre Intervention Lab where the EPSRC for the 'In-Target' project is hosted. His work is focused on contributing to the fields of healthcare and agriculture, emphasizing the practical application of advanced soft robotics.
University of Essex
Senior lecturer, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Lecturer, University of Essex (11/9/2019 - 1/9/2023)
Other academic
Research Fellow, University of Leeds (STORM Lab) (1/2/2019 - 1/9/2019)
Research Fellow, DGIST-ETH Microrobotics Research Center (DEMRC) (1/9/2017 - 31/1/2019)
Research Fellow, Gyeongsang National University (GNU) (1/12/2015 - 31/8/2017)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Soft Robotics
Swarm micro/nanorobotics
Mechatronics Systems for Small Scale Robotics
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Mechatronic Design (CE325)
Journal articles (35)
Mousavi, A., Ahmed, A., Khaksar, H., Choi, H. and Hoshiar, AK., (2024). An Input Saturation-Tolerant Position Control Method for Magnetic Microrobots Using Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Method. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 1-0
Jarvis, BW., Abolfathi, K., Poli, R. and Kafash Hoshiar, A., (2024). Haptic-Based Real-Time Platform for Microswarm Steering in a Multi-Bifurcation Vascular Network. Nanomaterials. 14 (23), 1917-1917
Moghanizadeh, A., Khaksar, H. and Kafash Hoshiar, A., (2023). A novel non-invasive intervention for removing occlusions from shunts using an abrading magnetic microswarm.. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 70 (2), 413-422
Gundersen, RA., Chu, T., Abolfathi, K., Gokcen Dogan, S., Blair, PE., Nago, N., Hamblin, M., Brooke, GN., Zwacka, RM., Kafash Hoshiar, A. and Mohr, A., (2023). Generation of magnetic biohybrid microrobots based on MSC.sTRAIL for targeted stem cell delivery and treatment of cancer. Cancer Nanotechnology. 14 (1), 54-
Abolfathi, K., Rosales-Medina, JA., Khaksar, H., Chandler, JH., McDonald-Maier, KD., Ashkan, K., Valdastri, P. and Hoshiar, AK., (2023). Independent and Hybrid Magnetic Manipulation for Full Body Controlled Soft Continuum Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 8 (7), 4235-4242
Kafash Hoshiar, A., Dadras Javan, S., Le, T-A., Hairi Yazdi, MR. and Yoon, J., (2021). Studies on Aggregated Nanoparticles Steering during Deep Brain Membrane Crossing. Nanomaterials. 11 (10), 2754-2754
Kafash Hoshiar, A., Le, T-A., Valdastri, P. and Yoon, J., (2020). Swarm of magnetic nanoparticles steering in multi-bifurcation vessels under fluid flow. Journal of Micro-bio Robotics. 16 (2), 137-145
Lee, S., Kim, J-Y., Kim, J., Kafash Hoshiar, A., Park, J., Lee, S., Kim, J., Pané, S., Nelson, BJ. and Choi, H., (2020). A Needle-Type Microrobot for Targeted Drug Delivery by Affixing to a Microtissue.. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 9 (7), e1901697-
Lloyd, P., Hoshiar, AK., da Veiga, T., Attanasio, A., Marahrens, N., Chandler, JH. and Valdastri, P., (2020). A Learnt Approach for the Design of Magnetically Actuated Shape Forming Soft Tentacle Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 5 (3), 3937-3944
Abolfathi, K., Yazdi, MRH. and Hoshiar, AK., (2020). Studies of Different Swarm Modes for the MNPs Under the Rotating Magnetic Field. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 19, 849-855
da Veiga, T., Chandler, JH., Lloyd, P., Pittiglio, G., Wilkinson, NJ., Hoshiar, AK., Harris, RA. and Valdastri, P., (2020). Challenges of continuum robots in clinical context: a review. Progress in Biomedical Engineering. 2 (3), 032003-032003
Jeon, S., Kafash Hoshiar, A., Kim, K., Lee, S., Kim, E., Lee, S., Kim, J-Y., Nelson, BJ., Cha, H-J., Yi, B-J. and Choi, H., (2019). A Magnetically Controlled Soft Microrobot Steering a Guidewire in a Three-Dimensional Phantom Vascular Network. Soft Robotics. 6 (1), 54-68
Kafash Hoshiar, A., Jeon, S., Kim, K., Lee, S., Kim, J-Y. and Choi, H., (2018). Steering Algorithm for a Flexible Microrobot to Enhance Guidewire Control in a Coronary Angioplasty Application. Micromachines. 9 (12), 617-617
Kafash Hoshiar, A., Le, T-A., Ul Amin, F., Kim, M. and Yoon, J., (2018). A Novel Magnetic Actuation Scheme to Disaggregate Nanoparticles and Enhance Passage across the Blood–Brain Barrier. Nanomaterials. 8 (1), 3-3
Zhang, X., Le, T-A., Kafash Hoshiar, A. and Yoon, J., (2018). A Soft Magnetic Core can Enhance Navigation Performance of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Targeted Drug Delivery. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 23 (4), 1573-1584
Jeon, S., Hoshiar, AK., Kim, S., Lee, S., Kim, E., Lee, S., Kim, K., Lee, J., Kim, J-Y. and Choi, H., (2018). Improving guidewire-mediated steerability of a magnetically actuated flexible microrobot. Micro and Nano Systems Letters. 6 (1)
Doostie, S., Hoshiar, AK., Nazarahari, M., Lee, S. and Choi, H., (2018). Optimal path planning of multiple nanoparticles in continuous environment using a novel Adaptive Genetic Algorithm. Precision Engineering. 53, 65-78
Korayem, MH., Nosoudi, S., Khazaei Far, S. and Hoshiar, AK., (2018). Hybrid IPSO-automata algorithm for path planning of micro-nanoparticles through random environmental obstacles, based on AFM. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 32 (2), 805-810
Amin, FU., Kafash Hoshiar, A., Do, TD., Noh, Y., Shah, SA., Khan, MS., Yoon, J. and Kim, MO., (2017). Osmotin-loaded magnetic nanoparticles with electromagnetic guidance for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Nanoscale. 9 (30), 10619-10632
Kafash Hoshiar, A., Le, T-A., Amin, FU., Kim, MO. and Yoon, J., (2017). Studies of aggregated nanoparticles steering during magnetic-guided drug delivery in the blood vessels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 427, 181-187
Hoshiar, AK., Le, T-A., Amin, FU., Kim, MO. and Yoon, J., (2017). Functionalized electromagnetic actuation method for aggregated nanoparticles steering. 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2017, 885-888
Le, TA., Zhang, X., Hoshiar, AK. and Yoon, J., (2017). Real-time two-dimensional magnetic particle imaging for electromagnetic navigation in targeted drug delivery. Sensors (Switzerland). 17 (9), E2050-2050
Korayem, MH., Hoshiar, AK., Kim, MO. and Yoon, J., (2017). Sensitivity Analysis in 3D Manipulation of Biological Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 17 (8), 5205-5208
Korayem, MH., Hoshiar, AK. and Ghofrani, M., (2017). Comprehensive modelling and simulation of cylindrical nanoparticles manipulation by using a virtual reality environment. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 75, 266-276
Hoshiar, AK. and RaeisiFard, H., (2017). A Simulation Algorithm for Path Planning of Biological Nanoparticles Displacement on a Rough Path. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 17 (8), 5578-5581
Korayem, MH., Hoshiar, AK. and Nazarahari, M., (2016). A hybrid co-evolutionary genetic algorithm for multiple nanoparticle assembly task path planning. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 87 (9-12), 3527-3543
Korayem, MH., Hoshiar, AK., Badrlou, S. and Yoon, J., (2016). Modeling and simulation of critical force and time in 3D manipulations using rectangular, V-shaped and dagger-shaped cantilevers. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids. 59, 333-343
Korayem, AH., Hoshiar, AK. and Korayem, MH., (2016). Algorithm for determining the cantilever load carrying capacity in the 3D manipulation of nanoparticles with geometrical constraints based on FEM simulations. Robotica. 34 (9), 2087-2104
Korayem, AH., Hoshiar, AK. and Korayem, MH., (2015). Modeling and simulation of critical forces in the manipulation of cylindrical nanoparticles. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 79 (9-12), 1505-1517
Hoshiar, AK. and Raeisifard, H., (2015). A study of the nonlinear primary resonances of a micro-system under electrostatic and piezoelectric excitations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 229 (10), 1904-1917
Korayem, MH. and Hoshiar, AK., (2014). Dynamic 3D modeling and simulation of nanoparticles manipulation using an AFM nanorobot. Robotica. 32 (4), 625-641
Korayem, MH. and Hoshiar, AK., (2014). 3D kinematics of cylindrical nanoparticle manipulation by an atomic force microscope based nanorobot. SCIENTIA IRANICA. 21 (6), 1907-1919
Korayem, MH., Hoshiar, AK. and Kordi, F., (2014). Dynamic modeling and simulation of cylindrical nanoparticles in liquid medium. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 75 (1-4), 197-208
Korayem, MH. and Hoshiar, AK., (2013). Modelling and simulation of dynamic modes in manipulation of nanorods. Micro & Nano Letters. 8 (6), 284-287
Korayem, MH., Hoshiar, AK. and Ebrahimi, N., (2009). Maximum allowable load of atomic force microscope (AFM) nanorobot. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 43 (7-8), 690-700
Book chapters (1)
Kafash Hoshiar, A., Abolfathi, K., Khaksar, H. and Mousavi, A., (2025). Magnetic microrobots from individual to collective steering. In: Recent Progress in Medical Miniature Robots. Elsevier. 211- 238. 9780443133855
Conferences (8)
Jarvis, BW., Poli, R. and Hoshiar, AK., (2022). Online real-time platform for microrobot steering in a multi-bifurcation
Mousavi, A., Khaksar, H., Ahmed, A., Choi, H. and Hoshiar, AK., (2022). Magnetic microrobot control using an adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode method
Limpabandhu, C. and Hoshiar, AK., (2021). A Novel Haptic Based Guidance Scheme for Swarm of Magnetic Nanoparticles Steering
Hoshiar, AK., Le, T-A. and Yoon, J., (2019). Electromagnetic Actuation Scheme for Swarm of Magnetic Nanoparticles Steering in Multi-bifurcation
Le, T-A., Zhang, X., Hoshiar, AK. and Yoon, J., (2017). An electromagnetic navigation system with real-time 2D magnetic particle imaging for targeted drug delivery
Le, T-A., Zhang, X., Hoshiar, AK., Kim, MO. and Yoon, J., (2017). Simulation studies of a novel electromagnetic actuation scheme for focusing magnetic micro/nano-carriers into a deep target region
Le, T-A., Hoshiar, AK., Do, TD. and Yoon, J., (2016). A modified functionalized magnetic Field for nanoparticle guidance in magnetic drug targeting
Hoshiar, AK., Kianpour, M., Nazarahari, M. and Korayem, MH., (2016). Path planning in the AFM nanomanipulation of multiple spherical nanoparticles by using a coevolutionary Genetic Algorithm
Grants and funding
Adaptive bespoke grippers for the complex high-load lettuce container manipulation
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
InTarget: An intelligent signature for magnetic control
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Soft Growing Robots Arm for Agri-Tech
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
Multi-sensing tool for Minimally Invasive Surgery
European Commission
On Air Suspension KTP Application
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Academic support hours:
Wednesdays 12:00-14:00 am