
Professor Marie Juanchich

Department of Psychology
Professor Marie Juanchich



I am a behavioural scientist with a PhD in socio-cognitive psychology. Over the past ten years, my work has been aimed at empowering people to make better decisions in a range of contexts (e.g., climate change, business hiring, daily sexism). This covers globally two lines of investigation: My first line of research focuses on empowering people by helping them understand uncertainty and probabilities. For example, I found that framing climate change probabilities negatively (e.g., it is unlikely vs., there is a chance that the sea level will rise) leads to more risk taking and reduces trust. My second line of research focuses on reducing discrimination and increasing diversity. For example, we test how decision-making hiring processes facilitate the inclusion of diverse candidate and how sexist attitudes relate to the acceptance of rape myths (e.g., false beliefs about rape victims). In my work I strive to follow the best scientific standards for reliable evidence (e.g., pre-registered research protocols, multi-lab replication studies, data sharing). I am always keen to collaborate with external partners and I currently have a number of collaborations with government services, local councils, and businesses, focusing for example on increasing green behaviours at work or increasing diversity in hiring decisions.


  • PhD in Psychology

  • Master's in Psychology University of Toulouse II - Le Mirail,


University of Essex

  • Director of impact, Psychology, University of Essex (1/2/2016 - 30/7/2021)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Risk communication

Few of us can say for sure what will happen tomorrow, next week or next months, less alone predict what will happen in ten years (as for climate change). Whether events will happen or not is therefore uncertain or *risky* and is often quantified to be communicated (e.g., probabilities in weather forecasts, odds in horse races, intervals in sea rise predictions). I am researching ways to improve the communication of uncertainty and risk to help people to make better-informed decisions. Some of my projects are fairly theoretical (e.g., which vocal cues are used to mark the uncertainty of the speaker?) and some are more applied (e.g., is it better to describe the risk of drugs' adverse side effects in words or numbers?).

Key words: risk communication
Open to supervise

Gender equality

I am interested in testing evidence-based strategies to encourage people to stand up to sexism and reduce misogynist discourse (e.g., online, in magazines).

Key words: equality
Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Understanding Our Place in the World (PS101)

  • Growing in the World (PS102)

  • Experiencing Emotion (PS103)

  • Thinking and the Mind (PS104)

  • The Social World (PS105)

  • The Social Brain (PS106)

  • Psychology of Global Challenges (PS424)

  • Decision making science in theory and practice (PS512)

Previous supervision

Amy Alexandra Churm
Amy Alexandra Churm
Thesis title: Assessing the Link Between Individual Differences in Distress Tolerance and the Use of Exposure-Based Therapies in UK Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapists.
Degree subject: Clinical Psychology (D Clin Psych)
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 1/11/2023
Daniel Henry Jolles
Daniel Henry Jolles
Thesis title: Too Old for the Job? Investigating Tools for Increasing Older Adult Participation in the Workforce.
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/10/2023
Daniel Henry Jolles
Daniel Henry Jolles
Thesis title: Who Will I be When I Retire? An Investigation of Anticipation and Experience of Self-Concept Change in Retirement
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 6/2/2020
Dawn Holford
Dawn Holford
Thesis title: Integrating Dual-Process and Pragmatic Theories for the Processing of Verbal and Numerical Food Quantifiers
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/1/2020
Alistair Thorpe
Alistair Thorpe
Thesis title: The Role of Information in the Reduction of Clinically Inappropriate Expectations of Antibiotics
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/10/2019


Journal articles (79)

Juanchich, M., Whiley, LA. and Sirota, M., (2024). Self-serving perception of charitable donation request: An effective cognitive strategy to boost benefits and reduce drawbacks. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 37 (1)

Sirota, M., Navarrete, G. and Juanchich, M., (2024). When intuitive Bayesians need to be good readers: The problem-wording effect on Bayesian reasoning. Cognition. 245, 105722-105722

Cole, GG., Millett, AC. and Juanchich, M., (2024). The social learning account of trypophobia. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 77 (10), 2076-2083

Juanchich, M., Oakley, CM., Sayer, H., Holford, DL., Bruine de Bruin, W., Booker, C., Chadborn, T., Vallee-Tourangeau, G., Wood, R. and Sirota, M., (2024). Vaccination invitations sent by warm and competent medical professionals disclosing risks and benefits increase trust and booking intention and reduce inequalities between ethnic groups.. Health Psychology. 43 (10), 718-729

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2024). Seeing an apocalyptic post-antibiotic future lowers antibiotics expectations and requests. Communications Medicine. 4 (1), 141-

Halvor Teigen, K. and Juanchich, M., (2024). Do claims about certainty make estimates less certain?. Cognition. 252, 105911-105911

Jolles, D., Lamarche, VM., Rolison, JJ. and Juanchich, M., (2023). Who will I be when I retire? The role of organizational commitment, group memberships and retirement transition framing on older worker’s anticipated identity change in retirement. Current Psychology. 42 (18), 15727-15741

Teigen, KH., Juanchich, M. and Løhre, E., (2023). Combining verbal forecasts: The role of directionality and the reinforcement effect. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 36 (2)

Whiley, LA., Walasek, L. and Juanchich, M., (2023). Contributions to reducing online gender harassment: Social re-norming and appealing to empathy as tried-and-failed techniques. Feminism and Psychology. 33 (1), 83-104

Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Holford, DL., (2023). Rationally irrational: When people do not correct their reasoning errors even if they could. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 152 (7), 2052-2073

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Halvor Teigen, K., (2023). People prefer to predict middle, most likely quantitative outcomes (not extreme ones), but they still over-estimate their likelihood.. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 76 (11), 2629-2649

Wood, RM., Juanchich, M., Ramirez, M. and Zhang, S., (2023). Promoting COVID-19 vaccine confidence through public responses to misinformation: The joint influence of message source and message content. Social Science and Medicine. 324, 115863-115863

Huber, C., Dreber, A., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Weitzel, U., Abellán, M., Adayeva, X., Ay, FC., Barron, K., Berry, Z., Bönte, W., Brütt, K., Bulutay, M., Campos-Mercade, P., Cardella, E., Claassen, MA., Cornelissen, G., Dawson, IGJ., Delnoij, J., Demiral, EE., Dimant, E., Doerflinger, JT., Dold, M., Emery, C., Fiala, L., Fiedler, S., Freddi, E., Fries, T., Gasiorowska, A., Glogowsky, U., M. Gorny, P., Gretton, JD., Grohmann, A., Hafenbrädl, S., Handgraaf, M., Hanoch, Y., Hart, E., Hennig, M., Hudja, S., Hütter, M., Hyndman, K., Ioannidis, K., Isler, O., Jeworrek, S., Jolles, D., Juanchich, M., Pratap KC, R., Khadjavi, M., Kugler, T., Li, S., Lucas, B., Mak, V., Mechtel, M., Merkle, C., Meyers, EA., Mollerstrom, J., Nesterov, A., Neyse, L., Nieken, P., Nussberger, A., Palumbo, H., Peters, K., Pirrone, A., Qin, X., Rahal, RM., Rau, H., Rincke, J., Ronzani, P., Roth, Y., Saral, AS., Schmitz, J., Schneider, F., Schram, A., Schudy, S., Schweitzer, ME., Schwieren, C., Scopelliti, I., Sirota, M., Sonnemans, J., Soraperra, I., Spantig, L., Steimanis, I., Steinmetz, J., Suetens, S., Theodoropoulou, A., Urbig, D., Vorlaufer, T., Waibel, J., Woods, D., Yakobi, O., Yilmaz, O., Zaleskiewicz, T., Zeisberger, S. and Holzmeister, F., (2023). Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (23), e2215572120-

Jolles, D., Juanchich, M. and Piccoli, B., (2023). Too Old to Be a Diversity Hire. Choice Bundling Shown to Increase Gender-Diverse Hiring Decisions Fails to Increase Age Diversity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Holford, DL., (2023). How Should Doctors Frame the Risk of a Vaccine's Adverse Side Effects? It Depends on How Trustworthy They Are.. Medical Decision Making. 43 (7-8), 835-849

Pownall, M., Pennington, CR., Norris, E., Juanchich, M., Smailes, D., Russell, S., Gooch, D., Evans, TR., Persson, S., Mak, MHC., Tzavella, L., Monk, R., Gough, T., Benwell, CSY., Elsherif, M., Farran, E., Gallagher-Mitchell, T., Kendrick, LT., Bahnmueller, J., Nordmann, E., Zaneva, M., Gilligan-Lee, K., Bazhydai, M., Jones, A., Sedgmond, J., Holzleitner, I., Reynolds, J., Moss, J., Farrelly, D., Parker, AJ. and Clark, K., (2023). Evaluating the Pedagogical Effectiveness of Study Preregistration in the Undergraduate Dissertation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 6 (4)

Holford, DL., Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2022). Ambiguity and unintended inferences about risk messages for COVID-19. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 28 (3), 486-508

Morey, RD., Kaschak, MP., Díez-Álamo, AM., Glenberg, AM., Zwaan, RA., Lakens, D., Ibáñez, A., García, A., Gianelli, C., Jones, JL., Madden, J., Alifano, F., Bergen, B., Bloxsom, NG., Bub, DN., Cai, ZG., Chartier, CR., Chatterjee, A., Conwell, E., Cook, SW., Davis, JD., Evers, ERK., Girard, S., Harter, D., Hartung, F., Herrera, E., Huettig, F., Humphries, S., Juanchich, M., Kühne, K., Lu, S., Lynes, T., Masson, MEJ., Ostarek, M., Pessers, S., Reglin, R., Steegen, S., Thiessen, ED., Thomas, LE., Trott, S., Vandekerckhove, J., Vanpaemel, W., Vlachou, M., Williams, K. and Ziv-Crispel, N., (2022). A pre-registered, multi-lab non-replication of the action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE). Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 29 (2), 613-626

Holford, DL., Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2022). Characteristics of quantifiers moderate the framing effect. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 35 (1)

Sirota, M., Thorpe, A. and Juanchich, M., (2022). Explaining and reducing the public’s expectations of antibiotics: A utility-based signal detection theory approach. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 11 (4), 587-597

Teigen, KH., Juanchich, M. and Løhre, E., (2022). What is a “likely” amount? Representative (modal) values are considered likely even when their probabilities are low. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 171, 104166-104166

Jolles, D., Holford, D., Juanchich, M., Buchannan, K. and Piccoli, B., (2022). Frontline employees are ready to accept smart energy-saving technologies, especially when they are engaged at work and concerned about climate change. Occupational Psychology Outlook. 1 (1), 33-39

Sirota, M., Theodoropoulou, A. and Juanchich, M., (2021). Disfluent fonts do not help people to solve math and non-math problems regardless of their numeracy. Thinking and Reasoning. 27 (1), 142-159

Sirota, M., Dewberry, C., Juanchich, M., Valuš, L. and Marshall, A., (2021). Measuring Cognitive Reflection without Maths: Development and Validation fo the Verbal Cognitive Reflection Test. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 34 (3), 322-343

Thorpe, A., Sirota, M., Orbell, S. and Juanchich, M., (2021). Effect of information on reducing inappropriate expectations and requests for antibiotics. British Journal of Psychology. 112 (3), 804-827

Holford, DL., Juanchich, M., Foulsham, T., Sirota, M. and Clarke, ADF., (2021). Eye-tracking evidence for fixation asymmetries in verbal and numerical quantifier processing. Judgment and Decision Making. 16 (4), 969-1009

Liu, D., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Orbell, S., (2021). Differences between decisions made using verbal or numerical quantifiers. Thinking and Reasoning. 27 (1), 69-96

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M., Jolles, D. and Whiley, LA., (2021). Are COVID‐19 conspiracies a threat to public health? Psychological characteristics and health protective behaviours of believers. European Journal of Social Psychology. 51 (6), 969-989

Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2020). Do people really prefer verbal probabilities?. Psychological Research. 84 (8), 2325-2338

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Bonnefon, J-F., (2020). Anxiety-induced miscalculations, more than differential inhibition of intuition, explain the gender gap in cognitive reflection. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 33 (4), 427-443

Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2020). Most family physicians report communicating the risks of adverse drug reactions in words (vs. numbers). Applied Cognitive Psychology. 34 (2), 526-534

Thorpe, A., Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Orbell, S., (2020). Action bias in the public’s clinically inappropriate expectations for antibiotics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 26 (3), 422-431

Thorpe, A., Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Orbell, S., (2020). ‘Always take your doctor’s advice’: Does trust moderate the effect of information on inappropriate antibiotic prescribing expectations?. British Journal of Health Psychology. 25 (2), 358-376

Liu, D., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Orbell, S., (2020). The Intuitive Use of Contextual Information in Decisions made with Verbal and Numerical Quantifiers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 73 (4), 481-494

Juanchich, M., Shepherd, TG. and Sirota, M., (2020). Negations in uncertainty lexicon affect attention, decision-making and trust. Climatic Change. 162 (3), 1677-1698

Liu Xiaodan, D., Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2020). Focus to an attribute with verbal or numerical quantifiers affects the attribute framing effect. Acta Psychologica. 208, 103088-103088

Wheeler, M., Cooper, NR., Andrews, L., Hacker Hughes, J., Juanchich, M., Rakow, T. and Orbell, S., (2020). Outdoor recreational activity experiences improve psychological wellbeing of military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: Positive findings from a pilot study and a randomised controlled trial. PLoS One. 15 (11), e0241763-e0241763

Whiley, LA., Sayer, H. and Juanchich, M., (2020). Motherhood and guilt in a pandemic: Negotiating the “new” normal with a feminist identity. Gender, Work & Organization. 28 (S2), 612-619

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M., Jolles, D. and whiley, L., (2020). Are COVID-19 conspiracies a threat to public health? Psychological characteristics and health protective behaviours of believers

Liu, DX., Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2020). Focus to an attribute with verbal or numerical quantifiers affects the attribute framing effect.

Holford, DL., Juanchich, M., Foulsham, T., Sirota, M. and Clarke, ADF., (2020). Eye Tracking of Quantifier Formats

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Bonnefon, J-F., (2019). The polite wiggle-room effect in charity donation decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 32 (2), 179-193

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2019). Ratio format shapes health decisions: The practical significance of the "1-in-X" effect. Medical Decision Making. 39 (1), 32-40

Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2019). Not as gloomy as we thought Reassessing how the public understands probability of precipitation forecasts. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 31 (1), 116-129

Walasek, L., Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2019). Adaptive cooperation in the face of social exclusion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 82, 35-46

Løhre, E., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M., Teigen, KH. and Shepherd, TG., (2019). Climate scientists’ wide prediction intervals are more likely but perceived to be less certain. Weather, Climate and Society. 11 (3), 565-575

Liu, D., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Orbell, S., (2019). People Overestimate Verbal Quantities of Nutrients on Nutrition Labels. Food Quality and Preference. 78, 103739-103739

Sirota, M., Theodoropoulou, A. and Juanchich, M., (2019). A disfluent font does not help people to solve math and non-math problems regardless of their numeracy [Preprint]

Juanchich, M., Walasek, L. and Sirota, M., (2018). Decision-makers are resilient in the face of social exclusion. British Journal of Psychology. 109 (3), 604-630

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2018). Effect of response format on cognitive reflection: Validating a two- and four-option multiple choice question version of the Cognitive Reflection Test. Behavior Research Methods. 50 (6), 2511-2522

Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Bonnefon, J-F., (2018). 1-in-X" bias: "1-in-X" format causes overestimation of health-related risks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 24 (4), 431-439

Sirota, M., Juanchich, M., Petrova, D., Garcia-Retamero, R., Walasek, L. and Bhatia, S., (2018). Health professionals prefer to communicate risk-related numerical information using "1-in-X" ratios. Medical Decision Making. 38 (3), 366-376

Liu, D. and Juanchich, M., (2018). Conceptual understanding and quantity inferences: A new framework for examining consumer understanding of food energy.. Public Health Nutrition. 21 (17), 3168-3177

Sirota, M., Dewberry, C., Juanchich, M., Kostovičová, L. and Marshall, AC., (2018). Measuring Cognitive Reflection without Maths: Development and Validation of the Verbal Cognitive Reflection Test

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2018). Ratio format shapes health decisions: The practical significance of the “1-in-X” effect.

Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2017). How Much Will the Sea Level Rise? Outcome Selection and Subjective Probability in Climate Change Predictions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 23 (4), 386-402

Navarrete, G., Correia, R., Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Huepe, D., (2017). Doctor, what does my positive test mean? From Bayesian textbook tasks to personalized risk communication. Frontiers in Psychology. 6, 1327-

Juanchich, M., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A. and Sirota, M., (2017). “I am uncertain” vs “It is uncertain”. How linguistic markers of the uncertainty source affect uncertainty communication. Judgment and Decision Making. 12 (5), 445-465

Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2016). How to improve people's interpretation of probabilities of precipitation. Journal of Risk Research. 19 (3), 388-404

Juanchich, M., Dewberry, C., Sirota, M. and Narendran, S., (2016). Cognitive Reflection Predicts Real-Life Decision Outcomes, but Not Over and Above Personality and Decision-Making Styles. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 29 (1), 52-59

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2015). A direct and comprehensive test of two postulates of politeness theory applied to uncertainty communication. Judgment and Decision Making. 10 (3), 232-240

Vallée-Tourangeau, G., Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Vallée-Tourangeau, F., (2015). Beyond getting the numbers right: what does it mean to be a "successful" Bayesian reasoner?. Frontiers in Psychology. 6 (JUN), 712-

Sirota, M., Vallée-Tourangeau, G., Vallée-Tourangeau, F. and Juanchich, M., (2015). On Bayesian problem-solving: helping Bayesians solve simple Bayesian word problems. Frontiers in Psychology. 6 (1141), 1141-

Sirota, M., Kostovičová, L. and Juanchich, M., (2014). The effect of iconicity of visual displays on statistical reasoning: evidence in favor of the null hypothesis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21 (4), 961-968

Sirota, M., Juanchich, M., Kostopoulou, O. and Hanak, R., (2014). Decisive Evidence on a Smaller-Than-You-Think Phenomenon. Medical Decision Making. 34 (4), 419-429

Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Hagmayer, Y., (2014). Ecological rationality or nested sets? Individual differences in cognitive processing predict Bayesian reasoning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21 (1), 198-204

Teigen, KH., Juanchich, M. and Filkuková, P., (2014). Verbal Probabilities: An Alternative Approach. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 67 (1), 124-146


Dewberry, C., Juanchich, M. and Narendran, S., (2013). Decision-making competence in everyday life: The roles of general cognitive styles, decision-making styles and personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 55 (7), 783-788

Juanchich, M. and Sirota, M., (2013). Do people really say it is “likely” when they believe it is only “possible”? Effect of politeness on risk communication. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 66 (7), 1268-1275

Juanchich, M., Halvor Teigen, K. and Gourdon, A., (2013). Top scores are possible, bottom scores are certain (and middle scores are not worth mentioning): A pragmatic view of verbal probabilities. Judgment and Decision Making. 8 (3), 345-364

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M., Karelitz, TM. and Villejoubert, G., (2013). Can membership-functions capture the directionality of verbal probabilities?. Thinking & Reasoning. 19 (2), 231-247

Teigen, KH., Juanchich, M. and Riege, AH., (2013). Improbable outcomes: Infrequent or extraordinary?. Cognition. 127 (1), 119-139

Dewberry, C., Juanchich, M. and Narendran, S., (2013). The latent structure of decision styles. Personality and Individual Differences. 54 (5), 566-571

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2012). Risk Communication on Shaky Ground. Science. 338 (6112), 1286-1287

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2012). To what extent do politeness expectations shape risk perception? Even numerical probabilities are under their spell!. Acta Psychologica. 141 (3), 391-399

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Butler, CL., (2012). The perceived functions of linguistic risk quantifiers and their effect on risk, negativity perception and decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 118 (1), 72-81

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2011). Role of numeracy and cognitive reflection in bayesian reasoning with natural frequencies. Studia Psychologica. 53 (2), 151-161

Juanchich, M., Teigen, KH. and Villejoubert, G., (2010). Is guilt ‘likely’ or ‘not certain’?. Acta Psychologica. 135 (3), 267-277

Books (1)

Lewandowsky, S., Cook, J., Schmid, P., Holford, DL., Finn, A., Leask, J., Thomson, A., Lombardi, D., Al-Rawi, AK., Amazeen, MA., Anderson, EC., Armaos, KD., Betsch, C., Bruns, HHB., Ecker, UKH., Gavaruzzi, T., Hahn, U., Herzog, S., Juanchich, M., Kendeou, P., Newman, EJ., Pennycook, G., Rapp, DN., Sah, S., Sinatra, GM., Tapper, K. and Vraga, EK., (2021). The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook. A practical guide for improving vaccine communication and fighting misinformation. SciBeh

Book chapters (1)

Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Bonnefon, J-F., Verbal Uncertainty. In: The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford University Press. 354- 368

Conferences (1)

LIU, D. and Juanchich, M., (2017). Want to prime exercise? Calorie labels work better than activity ones!

Reports and Papers (4)

Sirota, M., Juanchich, M. and Holford, DL., (2023). Rationally irrational: When people do not correct their reasoning errors even if they could

Jolles, D., Juanchich, M. and Piccoli, B., (2022). Too old to be a diversity hire. Choice bundling shown to increase gender-diverse hiring decisions fails to increase age diversity

Holford, DL., Juanchich, M., Sirota, M. and Orbell, S., (2018). People Overestimate Verbal Quantities of Nutrients on Nutrition Labels

Sirota, M. and Juanchich, M., (2018). Effect of response format on cognitive reflection: Validating a two- and four-option multiple choice question version of the Cognitive Reflection Test

Grants and funding


To develop the capability to measure and enhance the impact of the Frogmore Mill visitor experience, enabling our visitors to engage with the Mill's sustainability heritage, which will encourage them to adopt long-lasting behaviour change with regards to the environment and climate change.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Evaluating the Influence of Exposure to Anti-vax Protests on Vaccine Hesitancy across Diverse Audiences

British Academy

On the Purpose of Cognitive Reflection

Leverhulme Trust

ECC Women's Safety Evaluation: Women's Charter

Essex County Council

Expert advice on DP Worlds Energy Saving Campaign

DP World London Gateway

Mind the Vaccination Gap: Understanding and Overcoming the Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Vaccination Acceptance

British Academy


Local Government Association Net Zero Innovation Programme - partnership with CBC to work with local schools to create a Climate Emergency Action Plan

Colchester Borough Council (CBC)

Local Government Association Net Zero Innovation Programme - partnership with CBC to work with local schools to create a Climate Emergency Action Plan

Colchester Borough Council (CBC)


Colchester Borough Council (CBC)

Evaluating the Influence of Exposure to Anti-vax Protests on Vaccine Hesitancy across Diverse Audiences

British Academy

Mind the Vaccination Gap: Understanding and Overcoming the Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Vaccination Acceptance

British Academy

Business Collaboration Fund - Promoting energy-saving behaviours at work with IoT

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

Study on plastic related attitudes and behaviour

DP World London Gateway


Encouraging Long Lasting Employee Energy Saving Behaviour Change through IoT

Enabling Innovation: Research to Application

Encouraging Long Lasting Employee Energy Saving Behaviour Change through IoT

Enabling Innovation: Research to Application

Encouraging Long Lasting Employee Energy Saving Behaviour Change through IoT

Enabling Innovation: Research to Application

Encouraging Long Lasting Employee Energy Saving Behaviour Change through IoT

Enabling Innovation: Research to Application


Rationally irrational: When people don�t correct errors in their reasoning

Leverhulme Trust

Framing with words and numbers: Investigating the effect of verbal or numerical quantifiers on the framing effect

Experimental Psychology Society


How Professional Supervision Can Best Influence the Quality of Social Work Decisions


+44 (0) 1206 873812


4.718, Colchester Campus

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