Dr Paul Dobbin

pdobbin@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874867
3SW.5.11, Colchester Campus
Career details 2001 - present Lecturer in Biochemistry, Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Essex 1993 - 2000 Senior Research Associate, School of Biological Sciences, UEA Norwich 1987 - 1992 Research Assistant, Dept. of Pharmacy, King's College London PhD (London) 1992 - Medicinal Chemistry. Thesis title Chelators Suitable for the Nutritional Supply of Metals BSc Hons (Leicester) 1986 - Chemistry teacher of bioinorganic and organic chemistry on undergraduate courses run by The Department of Biological Sciences member of The Biochemical Society and The Society for General Microbiology reviewer for various journals, including Microbiology, Archives of Microbiology and FEMS Microbiology Letters Contact details I am always happy to hear from prospective PhD students, Postdoctoral workers, and academic or industrial collaborators Contact address: School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ, UK
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
General and Organic Chemistry (BS132)
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (BS133)
Transferable Skills in Life Sciences (BS143)
Clinical Biochemistry (BS237)
Issues in Biomedical Science (BS306)
Narcotics (BS329)
Research Project in Biomedical Science (BS831)
Research Project in Life Sciences (BS832)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/3/2016
Journal articles (6)
Battah, S., Hider, RC., MacRobert, AJ., Dobbin, PS. and Zhou, T., (2017). Hydroxypyridinone and 5-Aminolaevulinic Acid Conjugates for Photodynamic Therapy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 60 (8), 3498-3510
Manole, A., Kekilli, D., Svistunenko, DA., Wilson, MT., Dobbin, PS. and Hough, MA., (2015). Conformational control of the binding of diatomic gases to cytochrome c′. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 20 (4), 675-686
Servid, AE., McKay, AL., Davis, CA., Garton, EM., Manole, A., Dobbin, PS., Hough, MA. and Andrew, CR., (2015). Resonance Raman Spectra of Five-Coordinate Heme-Nitrosyl Cytochromes c′: Effect of the Proximal Heme-NO Environment. Biochemistry. 54 (21), 3320-3327
Mason, MG., Shepherd, M., Nicholls, P., Dobbin, PS., Dodsworth, KS., Poole, RK. and Cooper, CE., (2009). Cytochrome bd confers nitric oxide resistance to Escherichia coli. Nature Chemical Biology. 5 (2), 94-96
Casas, A., Battah, S., Di Venosa, G., Dobbin, PS., Rodriguez, L., Fukuda, H., Batlle, A. and MacRobert, AJ., (2009). Sustained and efficient porphyrin generation in vivo using dendrimer conjugates of 5-ALA for photodynamic therapy. Journal Of Controlled Release. 135 (2), 136-143
Pitts, KE., Dobbin, PS., Reyes-Ramirez, F., Thomson, AJ., Richardson, DJ. and Seward, HE., (2003). Characterization of the Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Decaheme Cytochrome MtrA. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278 (30), 27758-27765
Grants and funding
Synthesis of Therapeutic Agents
Engineering & Physical Sciences Res.Council