Dr Jessica Claridge

jessica.claridge@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874730
STEM 5.36, Colchester Campus
PhD in Mathematics Royal Holloway University of London, (2017)
MSci in Mathematics Queen Mary University of London, (2012)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex (8/8/2019 - present)
Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics, Essex Pathways Department, University of Essex (1/8/2017 - 7/8/2019)
FMSP Area Coordinator, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex (1/4/2017 - 30/9/2017)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Network Coding
Information Theory
Coding Theory
Mathematics Education
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Cryptography and Codes (MA315)
Publications (1)
Blackburn, SR. and Claridge, J., (2022). The capacity of a finite field matrix channel
Journal articles (4)
Blackburn, SR. and Claridge, J., (2025). The Capacity of a Finite Field Matrix Channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1-1
Bailey, JD., Claridge, J. and Partner, A., (2024). Investigating students’ perception of the importance of calculus: a cross-discipline comparison to inform module development. MSOR Connections. 22 (1), 5-27
Blackburn, SR. and Claridge, J., (2019). Finite-Field Matrix Channels for Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 65 (3), 1614-1625
Claridge, J. and Chatzigeorgiou, I., (2017). Probability of Partially Decoding Network-Coded Messages. IEEE Communications Letters. 21 (9), 1945-1948
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