
Council for Hospitality Management Education Conference (CHME) 2025

Transforming the Hospitality Sector through Innovation.

We are delighted to announce that the 33rd  CHME conference will be hosted by University of Essex, UK, from 20th  to 23rd May 2025.

Transforming the hospitality sector through innovation

The 33rd CHME Conference aims to offer a distinctive forum where participants from academia, industry, government, and other sectors can actively exchange, share, and challenge ideas through cutting-edge research on hospitality industry. The conference theme, ‘Transforming the hospitality sector through innovation’, is of great relevance for everyone in hospitality and tourism education.

At the heart of our conference lies the ambition to delve deeply into the modern challenges faced by the hospitality industry. We aim to encourage meaningful discussions and nurture fresh viewpoints in a field that is continuously adapting on a global scale. We're keen to receive a diverse range of submissions, from theoretical and empirical research papers to methodological studies and in-depth case studies that focus on particular nations.

Our expectation is that these contributions will touch upon and explore the theoretical underpinnings, practical considerations, and advanced methodologies inherent to the realms of hospitality management.

Registration is now open. The early bird registration deadline is 21 April 2025, while the final registration deadline is 6 May 2025.

Draft programme outline


Register now

Submission Guidelines:

All submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All abstracts, posters and full papers must be submitted via the EasyChair conference management system.

  • Full papers should be 1500 words long (excluding notes, references, author details, keywords and abstract). Article title, an abstract of 120 words, 6-8 keywords should be included in the main manuscript. Author details such as name(s), poster and email address should be supplied separately via the Easychair system. Revised full papers should not exceed 2500 words.
  • Posters should be in A1-size with a 500-word summary. Name, title, introduction, contribution to theory/practice, methodology/methods, results (if applicable) and conclusion (if applicable) should be included in the poster.


Further guidance on Easychair 

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Deadline for paper or poster submissions by:  11 February 2025.
  • Feedback on submissions (before/by): 17 February 2025.
  • Deadline for the final paper submission: 17 March 2025.

Note: Authors should amend the work in light of the reviewers' comments and then submit the final version to the system.

Tracks and track-chairs

Our five tracks are listed below.  Within each track, we have suggested some topics but we encourage authors to propose any related topics they are interested in. Authors are free to select a track and submit research on any relevant area within the context of Hospitality, Tourism, and Events.

If you have any enquiries, please contact Dr Jennifer Chang

Hospitality Management

Alisha Ali - Sheffield Hallam University 

  • Innovation in hospitality management
  • Building competitiveness in hospitality
  • Managing destinations for the long term

Critical and cultural studies of hospitality

Peter Lugosi - Oxford Brookes University 

  • Sustainability and responsible practices in hospitality and tourism
  • Crisis management in hospitality and tourism
  • Society and hospitality

Learning, teaching and assessment in hospitality management education

Lisa Wyld - Buckinghamshire New University 

  • Innovations in hospitality education

Innovation in customer experiences

Jennifer Chang - University of Essex 

  • Delivering meaningful customer experiences
  • Addressing customer incivility
  • Customer-technology interaction (e.g., artificial intelligence, virtual reality, metaverse, service robots, etc.)

Innovation in employee recruitment and retention

Marina Laškarin Ažić - University of Rijeka


Kristina Crnjar - University of Rijeka


  • Delivering value to employees
  • Employee well being

Travel and accommodation details

Take a look at the directions to the hotel, as well as various accommodation options for the conference.

If you are interested in staying at the Wivenhoe House Hotel, you can email them or call them on +441206 863 666


CHME logo
Get in touch
Dr Jennifer Chang For submission enquiries
Dr Linda Lee CHME 2025 conference chair