
Referencing Focus Week

The Library is delighted to present our Referencing Focus Week, a week-long event designed to answer all your questions about referencing and provide you with essential referencing skills.

  • Mon 27 Nov - Fri 1 Dec 23


  • Online

    and Colchester Campus

  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

  • Event organiser


  • Contact details

Worried about referencing? Feeling overwhelmed by all the different types of sources you will need to reference? Unsure how to seamlessly integrate your references into your academic work?

From 27 November to 1 December, you can expect a week of engaging workshops led by experts from the Library, Skills for Success and IT services that take you through the art of how to reference, what to reference, and navigating departmental styles with confidence.

During the Focus Week we will also be promoting our online support: discover our online referencing style guides, access comprehensive support wherever you are, and explore quick tips, quizzes, and interactive discussions on our social channels.

Don't let referencing stress hold you back. Save the dates, tell your friends, and get ready to ace your references. We're here to support you.

See below for the full programme and book your space or check out our events calendar for more information about the workshops.

What's On

Session Date and Time Book your slot
Writing coherently Monday 27 November, 2-3pm Online event, book now
Intro to referencing Tuesday 28 November, 12-1pm Online event, book now
Using AI tools ethically Tuesday 28 November, 3-4pm Library Learning Room, Colchester Campus, book now
EndNote Wednesday 29 November, 9.30am-12pm Online event, book now
Writing well: academic style Wednesday 29 November, 2-3pm Online event, book now
Library Café: referencing drop-in Wednesday 29 November, 3-4pm Library Learning Room, Colchester Campus, more details
Referencing with footnote styles Thursday 30 November, 11am-12pm Library Learning Room, Colchester Campus, book now
Referencing with author-date style Thursday 30 November, 12-1pm Library Learning Room, Colchester Campus, book now
Inclusive citation Thursday 30 November, 2-3pm Library Learning Room, Colchester Campus, book now
Evaluating sources Thursday 30 November, 3-4pm Library Learning Room, Colchester Campus, book now
Evidencing critical thinking Friday 1 December, 11am-12pm Online event, book now