
High performance and improved mindset series

Hosted by Neil Griffin and Mindspan Global

  • Tue 7 - Tue 21 Nov 23


  • Colchester Campus

    Innovation Centre

  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

  • Event organiser

    Essex Startups

This three-session series will provide you with an understanding of the skills and attributes needed to become a proactive, high performing individual. By adopting a positive mindset, you have the ability to maximise your potential and achieve your life goals.

Mindspan Global has spent over 20 years researching what it is that enables people to perform at high levels and have greater awareness of your own emotional intelligence. They have found that whatever your surroundings or circumstances, it is what is going on in your head that is most important.

This type of performance development is founded on the Mindspan principles that focuses on the development of self-leadership and high performance, to enable you to experience fulfilment in all aspects of your life.

These sessions aim to equip you with the tools to adjust your personal and professional outlook, enabling you to reflect on your desired experiences and the action you can take to realise your ambitions.

These workshops are open to all students who can commit to attending all three sessions.

Session 1: Foundations of thinking

Tuesday 7 November, 10am-11.30am

In this session, we will explore how your thinking influences your outcomes in life. What causes negative thinking spirals and, more importantly, how to recognise the signs and get yourself out of them quickly.

Neil will demonstrate the importance of developing positive attitudes and asking you to focus on what you want to achieve in life.

The session will include:

  • Mindspan Thinking Cycle
  • The Subconscious Mind and its impact
  • What you want out of life
  • Why some people are more successful and are happier than others
  • Techniques to limit stress and maximise performance
  • Start positive Habit Creation

You will also be introduced to the Mindspan Competency framework.

Session 2: The link between your focus and self-belief

Tuesday 14 November, 10am-11.30am

This session will explore:

  • Understanding the limitations of your beliefs (personal truths)
  • Why your focus is so crucial to your performance
  • Why you will never know fulfilment until you make yourself more responsible and accountable
  • How to blast through your performance limits with high quality psycholinguistics
  • Choice theory
  • Life Audit

Session 3: Gaining clarity and purpose in everything you do

Tuesday 21 November, 10am-11.30am

This session will explore:

  • How you can raise the quality of what you are doing and enhance your ROE (return on energy)
  • Why valuing time and developing gratitude are your foundations for performance and happiness
  • Understanding why clarity is so important for your brain and how this impacts your performance
  • How to achieve balanced focus on creating the career and life you really want
  • How to structure and live your goals the Mindspan way
  • How you can use visualisation to impact your performance positively

Book your place via CareerHub

This event is open to current students and alumni who have graduated within the last five years who can commit to attending all three sessions.

Please note that spaces are limited and events can become fully booked. Please cancel your booking if you can't attend the event to ensure that other students can attend.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch via startups@essex.ac.uk