
Quaker Meeting

Meetings for worship

Quakers are a faith group committed to working for equality and peace. Our meetings offer everyone a chance to explore spirituality in a caring community. We try to live in truth, peace, simplicity and equality, finding God in ourselves and those around us. We don't offer neat creeds or doctrine. Instead, we try to help each other work out how we should live. All people are welcome and accepted at a Quaker meeting.

Meeting for worship takes place in gathered silence on Mondays during term time, 12.30pm to 1pm in the Faith Centre, Space 1.

In the stillness we open our hearts and lives to new insights and guidance. Sometimes we are moved to share what we discover with those present. We call this 'ministry'. 
We listen to what everyone has to say to find its meaning for us. Anyone can give ministry, including visitors.

More information for first time visitors may be found on the Quaker.org.uk website.  

The Quaker Faith Representative at the University of Essex is Dr Elizabeth Bennett.

Lizzie would be more than happy to hear from you if you would like someone to talk to, or to make contact with others interested in Quaker beliefs, values or way of life.
Please contact Lizzie by email elizabeth.bennett@essex.ac.uk