
Bystander training

16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence

  • Fri 26 Nov 21

    10:00 - 11:00

  • Online

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  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

We want to train our staff and students to identify potentially risky situations, and to be equipped with the necessary skills to intervene. Our bystander intervention training instils participants with knowledge about consent and the continuum of sexual violence, and empowers our community with the skills to safely intervene and teaches you how to address these issues confidently, according to your own interpersonal skills, and what you feel comfortable in doing.

At Southend and Loughton we will be sharing a screening of the Bystander film produced by East 15 students.

16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence is aimed at organisations to support them to take action against domestic abuse and violence.

At the University of Essex, we really want our community to feel safe so as part of this campaign we have invited local organisations to join us. As part of a Future Leaders programme we have planned 16 days of activities across all campuses.