
How bad are bananas?

What's the carbon footprint of a banana?

  • Wed 3 Nov 21

    11:00 - 14:00

  • Colchester Campus

    Square 4

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How bad are bananas for the planet? Are they worse than meat?

And what about drying your hands: is it greener to use a paper towel or an electric dryer?

Play our carbon footprints game and pledge one action to fight the climate crisis. If we all make one change during COP26, it will make a huge difference.

Green Speakers' Corner

Catch Extinction Rebellion, researchers, councillors and the Sustainability team at our Green Speakers' Corner on Square 2 every day during COP26. 

What's COP26?

COP26 is the 26th annual UN climate change conference, running from 31 October to 12 November. Delegates from every country will meet in Glasgow with these goals:

  1. Receive ambitious 2030 emissions targets from all nations to keep net zero emissions by 2050 within reach and to limit global heating to 1.5C.
  2. Get plans and funds from every country for climate defences, including building natural defences through habitat protection and restoration.
  3. Transfer $100 billion a year from rich nations to help poorer ones fight the climate crisis. Plus, make banks, business and finance consider their climate impacts when investing.
  4. Finalise the rules from the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement, including on carbon credit markets and transparent progress reporting.

Come to our COP26 events and get the facts you need to hold politicians and businesses to account.