
Res Life Activity: What Will We Do With Tomorrow?

Take your pick out of a range of virtual events and activities hosted by Residence Life. All students welcome to be part of our online community.

  • Fri 26 Mar 21

    19:30 - 20:30

  • Online

    Zoom ID: 979 3005 8190

  • Event type

    Networking or social

  • Event organiser

    Residence Life

  • Contact details

Groups and individuals have the ability to impact our tomorrow, through the words we speak, our actions, how we continue to live in the wake of moments that shook us and the world.

Experience has a profound effect on who we are in the future, especially how we interpret and deal with those experiences.

Join us at an upcoming virtual Residence Life event where RA Donna is providing a student space for people to come to talk, to laugh, to cry together, and ultimately to change our opinions, our actions, our attitudes.

What has happened in the past year has already been a mechanism of growth for many, and RA Donna wants to help you utilise all the emotions, and time we've had to reflect on them to help us see a way into our futures.

Join us on Friday 26 March at 7.30pm with Zoom ID: 979 3005 8190 

Remember, all Residence Life programmes are open to both on and off campus students from any location – no booking needed, just log on to Zoom and join the event at the start time. Find out more about using Zoom. If you have any suggestions for upcoming programmes, please email us