
Res Life Activity: Stand Up Comedy Night

  • Fri 5 Feb 21

    17:00 - 19:00

  • Online

    Zoom Meeting ID – 936 0795 8561

  • Event type

    Networking or social

  • Event organiser

    Residence Life

Each week we'll be posting a selection of online programmes hosted by our fantastic Residents' Assistant (RA) team. Take part in any events or activities which you're interested in. This is a great opportunity to make new friends, stay connected, and be part of our online community.

Laughing has a positive effect on a person's mind, which is much needed in times such as these. To battle loneliness and improve our mental wellbeing, we will watch a comedy show of the your choosing! Feel free to stay part of the Zoom meeting afterwards to recommend more stand-up performances which are available to stream and have a chat about what makes you laugh! 

We'll be syncing a screening of our chosen stand-up comedy performance to watch. Hosted by Colchester RA Oluwatomi and SRA Evi (North). 

Join us from 5pm on Friday 5 February using Zoom ID: 936 0795 8561

Remember, all Residence Life programmes are open to both on and off campus students from any location – no booking needed, just log on to Zoom and join the event at the start time. Find out more about using Zoom. If you have any suggestions for upcoming programmes, please email us.