
The Expected (Signaling) Value of Higher Education

Applied Economics Research Seminar Series, Autumn Term 2020

  • Thu 19 Nov 20

    13:00 - 14:30

  • Colchester Campus


  • Event speaker

    Professor Pia Pinger

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars
    Applied Economics Research Seminar Series

  • Event organiser

    Economics, Department of

Join Professor Pia Pinger as they present a research seminar entitled 'The Expected (Signaling) Value of Higher Education'.

The Expected (Signaling) Value of Higher Education

Join us for the first event in the Applied Economics Research Seminar Series, Autumn Term 2020.

Professor Pia Pinger from the University of Cologne will present a research seminar entitled The Expected (Signaling) Value of Higher Education.


This research explores students’ expectations about the returns to completing higher education and provides first evidence on perceived signaling and human capital effects.

We elicit counterfactual labor market expectations for the hypothetical scenarios of leaving university with or without a degree certificate among a large and diverse sample of students at different stages of higher education. Our findings indicate substantial perceived returns to higher education. Moreover, by exploiting within-individual variation, we document sizeable expected labor market returns from signaling, whereas perceived productivity enhancing (human capital) returns seem to be less pronounced. Over the expected course of career, we find lasting education premia as well as evidence consistent with employer learning.

The seminar will begin with a presentation and will end with a Q and A session.

It will be held via Zoom at 1pm on Thursday 19 November. This event is open to all levels of study and is also open to the public. To register your place and gain access to the webinar, please contact the seminar organisers.