
Essex Startups: The Start-up Visa process

A four hour mini bootcamp focussed on the Business Model Canvas and how it works as well as brief insight into the Start-up Visa application process.

  • Wed 11 Nov 20

    13:00 - 17:00

  • Online

    Online via Zoom

  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

  • Event organiser

    Essex Startups

  • Contact details

    Essex Startups

Starting a business from scratch can be quite daunting, with all the ideas buzzing around in your mind and no immediate way to make sense of them all.

Our mini bootcamp will introduce you to the Business Model Canvas and how it’s a great way to get all those ideas down on paper, in a clear and concise way.  We’ll look at how to make the BMC work for you and how to further explore your core business idea with our Value Proposition Canvas. This bootcamp will also look at the Start-Up Visa scheme from the Home Office and what is required to receive potential endorsement from the University of Essex.

Sign up through CareerHub to take your first step into business.