
Essex Startups: Understanding your customers and your competition

A four hour mini bootcamp focussed on the importance of market research and how to gain insight into your competitors and customers.

  • Wed 28 Oct 20

    13:00 - 17:00

  • Online


  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

  • Event organiser

    Essex Startups

  • Contact details

    Essex Startups

You have a great business idea, so what now? You need to see if this idea has legs! And that’s where our Market Research mini bootcamp comes in.

Over the four hour session we will explore what market research is and why it’s so important to new businesses. Understanding your market and whether there is a market for your idea, is the first step to start-up success. We’ll delve into your competitors and customers with our useful research techniques and provide a brief insight into practical applications that can be used in your start-up journey and beyond. 

Sign up through CareerHub to take your first step into business.