
Webinar: Social media and social isolation

Hosted by the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre

  • Mon 18 May 20

    13:00 - 14:00

  • Online


  • Event type

    Workshops, training and support

  • Event organiser

    Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, School of

  • Contact details

    Laura Brookes

Join us for a 'lunch and learn' discussion, as we explore the changing role of social media during COVID-19.

Research shows the detrimental impact that isolation and loneliness can have on mental health. Within the context of COVID19 lockdown, we ask the important questions on everyone's mind: 

  • Have the social isolation measures left us feeling less connected than ever, and what role has social media played?
  • Has social media added fuel to the panic over COVID-19, or acted as a tool to connect communities during the lockdown?
  • Will COVID19 leave a lasting negative ripple effect spanning both physical and mental health? Or has the pandemic brought people together over unexpected shared experiences?

We will discuss this and much more with social media researcher Shaaba Lotun, plus join the debate live, share your tips for using social media and taking care of your health.

This online discussion will be held on Monday 18 May at 1pm, register on Zoom or email BLGdataresearch@essex.ac.uk for more information.