
Welcome Lecture: Why Are You Here?

Studying at university in 2018

  • Fri 5 Oct 18

    11:00 - 12:00

  • Colchester Campus

    LTB 5

  • Event speaker

    Dr Dave Rush

  • Event type

    Optional Events Programme

  • Contact details

Studying at university is one of the most important things you will do in your life - and hopefully, one of the most enjoyable. But why are you here?

University study means different things to different people, and often a multitude of different things to each individual.  You could be motivated by a passion for a particular subject, the first taste of independence, the desire to pursue a particular career, or even just the chance to explore a little and find out what you want from the world.  

By digging a little deeper into the history of the university, and the particular issues and challenges facing students and institutions in the current moment, this lecture will help you to think about what it means to study at university in 2018, and what exactly you want to get out of it.  

Here are just a few of the questions that you might want to think about: Why does it cost so much to study in the UK?  Who should, and shouldn't be allowed to speak on a university campus? Why do we privilege a university education so much anyway? Who holds the power on campus and who should? Are universities a force for good in society or are they morally neutral? Who owns the knowledge that is produced by university research? Just what will your qualification be worth when you graduate?

Whether you are an undergraduate, a postgraduate, full time or part time, young or old, the first in your family to attend university or the latest in a long line - these are questions that you should be thinking about, and that we will explore here.   


Welcome Lecture: Why Are You Here?

Talent Development Centre

The Talent Development Centre is here to help you succeed in your studies and achieve your potential.  We offer support and resources to help improve your writing, maths, research, study skills and English language, no matter what your discipline or level of study.

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