
Your Departmental Induction

An essential start to your academic life at the University of Essex
Event time: All week

  • Thu 5 Oct 17


  • Colchester Campus


  • Event type

    Compulsory event

  • Event organiser

    Student Life

  • Contact details

    Student Services Hub
    01206 873333

Induction to your new academic department is an essential part of welcome week.

Why attend?

Each Department, School and Centre will be holding a welcome event for new undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research students during welcome week (1 - 6 October).

This welcome to your department is a unique chance to find out more about your degree, to talk with key members of staff like your personal tutor or supervisor, and to meet the friends you're going to be studying with at Essex.

Don't miss it!


When is your departmental induction event?

Details of all departmental inductions are on our Welcome webpages.

Undergraduate students - www.essex.ac.uk/welcome/ug

Postgraduate taught students (including masters courses) - www.essex.ac.uk/welcome/pgt

Postgraduate research students - www.essex.ac.uk/welcome/pgr Please ensure you attend your PGR Welcome and Induction Conference on Friday 6 October.

Your own departmental induction event will also appear in your new Essex email account calendar. Make sure you activate your Essex IT account today!


Not sure which is your department?

We have academic departments and schools across three faculties - Humanities, Social Sciences and Science and Health.  

Studying more than one subject?  All students studying joint degrees are allocated a 'home' department.  This is where you'll go to access key support such as your personal tutor and peer mentor.

During Welcome week, please attend your home department events.  Find out your home department at www.essex.ac.uk/welcome/myessex

Your Departmental Induction

Need some help?

Our Welcome webpages are full of information to help you get settled into University life.

If you can't find the answer there, please contact us at the Student Services Hub, your gateway to student information services at the University of Essex.

E askthehub@essex.ac.uk

W www.essex.ac.uk/welcome/help

T 01206 873333