
MA Public Opinion and Political Behaviour
BSc Artificial Intelligence options

Year 2, Component 07

Option(s) from list
Databases and Information Retrieval

The aim of this module is to build on the foundations of data and information systems laid down in the first year, learn how to design and manage fully structured data repositories and explore the rather different principles and techniques involved in representing, organising and displaying unstructured information.

Web Application Programming

The aim of this module is to provide an understanding of the principles that underlie the design of web applications, and to provide practical experience of the technologies used in their construction.


The robots are fast becoming part of our daily lives, autonomous cars will drive themselves, drones will deliver packages, and underwater vehicles will explore the oceans. This module covers fundamental knowledge on sensing, navigation, localisation, motion control, and decision making involved in most robotic platforms. You will be able to program simulated or real robots to perform a range of tasks.

Computer Game Design

Most players think that designing computer games must be easy. How hard can it be? Well, writing books and painting pictures is also “easy”, but would you want to read those books, hang those pictures on the wall – or play those games? This module can’t teach you how to design games, any more than a creative writing module can teach you to write novels or an oil painting module can teach you to paint portraits. What it can do is help people who want – who need – to design games to hit the ground running. Where you run after that is up to you!

Computer Game Programming

This module adds game-specific techniques and material to the general-purpose programming abilities acquired previously. Topics include fundamental game classes and loops; working with 2D graphics, images and sound; collision detection, Game AI, particle effects, procedural content generation, physics engines and more. Students showcase their programming skills and creative flair by designing and implementing a 2D video game.

Operating Systems

A bare computer is just a complex pile of electronics. What a programmer needs is much higher-level: a human-usable interface; a file system; communication with other computers. The system should be able to share itself between many users, but stop them from interfering with each other's work. It should be secure. In short, what a bare computer needs is an operating system. This module studies the functionality an operating system must provide, and the principles of how that is done.

Computer and Data Networks

Want to configure Internet routing protocols for interconnecting networks? Or configure Ethernet switches and associated protocols? Build on your understanding of Internet routing protocols, Ethernet and other IP networking. Gain practical experience of configuration. Design addressing structures and interconnecting strategies for campus scale networks.

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